Old Event--The Yoshiwara Quarter

Aug 02, 2011 19:27

Akiko fiddled with the sleeve of her kimono, watching people walking along the street. It was early yet--the madame had not even set the lights on for the evening--so there weren't too many wandering around. An occasional artisan who had scraped together enough coins for some pleasure, or a blushing young official who had scraped together enough ( Read more... )

series: wolfencrest, pairing: f/m

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magic_whatmagic August 3 2011, 00:40:40 UTC
Battler was walking-- well more like being shoved and pushed by a group of friends-- along the red light district. He didn't want to be here. Well he did occasionally come by since he was a major pervert, but he never attempted anything. He didn't believe in "buying" women like this, and the idea of it generally repulsed him. Normally this would've been okay, but today just so happened to be his 18th birthday. And his friends decided to give him a little present since he was the only one out of them who had obviously not gotten laid yet (Likely because the only techniques he generally had for getting women was being extremely perverted.). They had gathered up enough money to give him a good hour or two alone with one of the women here.

"Oi oi oi, aren't you a man now?"

"Yeah, what the hell are you acting nervous for? Are you trying to insult all the time we spent saving that money for you, bastard!?"

"If you don't pick a girl in exactly 0.00001 seconds I'll use the money for myself asshole!"

And then one of them shoves him towards where the women were kept causing him to almost trip before he manages to regain his balance. Great. Now the women were probably laughing at him. He yells back at his friends. "Oi. Oi! I said I'd do it didn't I!? Since when does a man back down on his word!?" He straightens his clothes and then let's out a small sigh. Despite his boasting he wasn't planning to actually have sex with any of these women. He would just stay in a room with one of them for an hour or so to satisfy his friends and then let her go... well okay he might play with her breasts a little. His friends did spend all that money after all. It would be a spit in their face not to.

His eyes started to wander along the selection of women he had to choose from. Let's see... too skinny, too small too-- argh, he hates doing this. He should just choose one at random.

[ooc: In canon Battler is 18, but here, to make it interesting, I'm saying he just turned 18 if that's okay? Also hopefully I did that right. fff]


ms_nosy_teach August 3 2011, 00:48:40 UTC
Akiko's attention had been caught some time before by the raucous group of men...no, boys really. It seemed like they were forcing one of their friends to buy a woman. Typical boys. Just because he probably was a virgin, they were going to embarrass the hell out of him.

Still, money was money, and she had debts to pay. When the young man approached, she shifted subtly so her kimono slipped open just enough to reveal a bit of cleavage. She smiled at him, almost shyly.

((ooc: Considering she's slept with 15 year old boys before? It's fine~. And you did it right, no worries~))


magic_whatmagic August 3 2011, 01:09:41 UTC
When his eyes first met Akiko, she immediately stood out to him. Partly because she was well endowed which was actually the kind of women he usually preferred. He looks at her for a moment, maybe two before finally making his decision.

"Ahhh, think I'm gonna pick that one." He said, trying to sound casual as if the whole thing wasn't that big of a deal. Of course him finally picking earned some rough elbow bumps and hair ruffles from his friends.

"Oooh, into older women huh? Not bad at all, you bastard!"

But despite all of that, later when they're finally alone in a room together, he's going to close the door and let out a heavy sigh. "Haaah. That was a pretty bad situation out there, eh?" He said, stretching out a bit. Now that he was away from their sight he could relax. "Anyway. I know I paid for it-- but I'm not gonna have sex with you." And then there's a small pause. "Well, not fully anyway. It'd be kinda an insult if I didn't do something right?"

[Yeeeah, I know XD. But muns have their own pet peeves so just makin' sure. o/]


ms_nosy_teach August 3 2011, 01:30:17 UTC
Akiko knelt on a cushion in the middle of the room, giving him an understanding little smile.

"You may do whatever you wish, of course," she murmurs, tilting her head a bit as she watched him. "You decide what is worth your money. Or, should I say, your friends' money."


magic_whatmagic August 3 2011, 02:17:02 UTC
"Phew," he says as he sits down too. It felt like a weight was lifted off his shoulders.

"Thanks for not making this awkward. Those bastards out there are really pushy." And there's just silence for awhile.This was incredibly awkward. What the hell would they even talking about for all this time."Ah, I should probably get your name right? Is that how it usually goes before-- ..." he cuts himself off there. Damn, that probably sounded ruder thanhe wanted it too. "I'm Battler..."


ms_nosy_teach August 3 2011, 11:10:42 UTC
Akiko smiled, reaching out to pour him some tea. She nodded, not offended by what he thought might be rude.

"It's nice to meet you, Battler," she said, offering a cup of tea to him. "My name is Akiko. Is it some sort of special occasion, or did they just decide to do this?"


magic_whatmagic August 3 2011, 16:12:29 UTC
He'll take the tea with a smile also. Was all the women here this polite? No wonder men liked to come here. He thanks her before taking a sip ofit.

"Ah. It is actually." He says, his eyes trailing off for a second or two towards her breasts. She was a pretty well endowed women. She must've earned good pay here. "Today is my birthday. 18th birthday."


ms_nosy_teach August 3 2011, 22:06:35 UTC
Akiko was still showing that bit of cleavage from earlier when she was trying to tempt him with her...wares. Seeing his eyes focusing there, she shifted again, letting the fabric slip away just a bit further. He seemed to like that part.

"Many happy returns, then," she said, voice earnest. "It seems we should do something special to celebrate."


magic_whatmagic August 4 2011, 00:27:05 UTC
The more and more fabric that slipped away from her chest, the harder it seemed for him to control himself. Doing this went against what he morally believed in, but the more his length stiffened at the sight of her the less he cared about logic and reasoning. A grin crept upon his face at the 'something special' part of her sentence. He knew what it was. He takes a final sip of his tea before setting it down gently beside him.

"Heh. You think so? I guess it'd be cliche to say 'what did you have in mind' at this point, eh?" He let's out a small sigh. But it's an amused one. After all this fuss he made about not wanting to take advantage of a woman like this, he's going to do exactly what he said he wouldn't. "Would you mind... undoing your top and coming over here then? Kinda hard to celebrate with you over there right?" He pat his lap a few times, gesturing for her to come over and sit in it. It was pretty obvious from the firm bulge in his pants that he was already hard from staring at her breasts during their talk.


ms_nosy_teach August 4 2011, 00:55:17 UTC
Akiko returned the smile with a little mischievous one of her own. At least his friends wouldn't be completely wasting the money now.

It took a simple shrug and a little wriggle and the kimono slipped off her shoulders, freeing her completely for his viewing pleasure. Then she was crawling towards him before she climbed into his lap, settling in as though she had always belonged there.

"This what you had in mind, Battler?"


magic_whatmagic August 4 2011, 01:26:14 UTC
"It's perfect..." he says with a smirk. He couldn't believe he was about to do this, but he figured there was no sense in turning back now right? He wraps an arm around her, placing his other hand along her thigh before he tilted his head downward, giving the nipple to one of her large breasts a soft testing lick. And then putting his entire mouth over it with a gentle suck.


ms_nosy_teach August 4 2011, 02:02:05 UTC
Akiko let out a little gasp at the lick, then one when he began sucking on the sensitive skin. She bit her lip, one hand raising to thread fingers through his hair, watching him enjoy himself.


magic_whatmagic August 4 2011, 03:26:42 UTC
His hand moves up to squeeze and pinch at her other breast while the one he was sucking was getting attention from his mouth. He sucked hard on her chest and pulled away so it would making a popping sound before he went back in again, opening his mouth so only his moist tongue was sliding around her sensitive nipple. Eventually he'll pull away from her chest though and his gzae will look back up at her. "And.. kissing is allowed too right?" He wasn't sure. Some people considered kissing to be more intimate than sex. And since this was a more of a business exchange he wasn't exactly sure if that was allowed.

Not that it really mattered because he doesn't give her much time to answer before his lips are pressed against hers, and his tongue is sliding into her mouth.


ms_nosy_teach August 4 2011, 11:00:06 UTC
Akiko's cheeks were flushed, her eyes darker from the stimulation of his mouth on her breasts. When he kissed her, her answer to the question was clear as her mouth softened under his, tongue meeting and tangling with his.

Well, it was his birthday after all.

She gave a teasing little wriggle against the hardness she could feel pressing against her.


magic_whatmagic August 4 2011, 16:50:15 UTC
The longer they kissed the more sloppier and passionate it became. He opened his mouth wider, and stuck his tongue in further. His hands going to undo her kimono, trying to slip it off of her little by little. When she wriggled he raised his hips to grind his hardening erection against her.

Before he completely undoes her kimono though, he'll stop and pull back from the kiss. "Akiko..." he says, slightly panting from the kiss they just had. "What's the kind of... things you like done to you?" It seemed kind of strange actually. Asking a whore what she wanted. But she couldn't completely hate being forced to have sex with all the men here in order to make money could she? There had to be something she enjoyed he figured.


ms_nosy_teach August 5 2011, 01:56:33 UTC
Akiko blinked in obvious surprise at him. She did enjoy sex, but it usually involved finding her own enjoyment in pleasuring her customer, not what he wanted to do for her.

Her hands tangled in the front of his shirt, pausing in their effort to get to bare skin as she considered his question.

"I..." What did she like? "...I like to be let to be on top, I suppose."


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