The hotel wasn’t always exactly the kindest of places, and Estelle knew that. But part of her always wondered if perhaps she was lucky enough to avoid some of the schemes that this place put on to people. Locked rooms were bad enough and things didn’t need to be made worse with other such variables involved
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But right now they had something more important to worry about. Chika needed to figure out a way to get the other girl out from being chained, and as such moved closer the pink haired girl, her orange digisoul flaring to life around her hands. "I'll get that chain off you, don't worry," she said as she moved to start pulling at the chain to break it off with the added strength of her digisoul.
But no matter how hard she pulled on it, that chain wasn't going to break. It wasn't going to stop her from trying after all. Not for a while, at least.
She then shook her head. "Please, don't apologize. I didn't think this restraint would be removed by any physical means, though I had hoped that perhaps they could have been." Part of her wanted to be stubborn and keep trying to break the chains, yet another part of her, thanks to being drugged, told her to just give in. However, she wouldn't force herself on this poor girl who found her.
She sighed, before smiling and looking over at the pink haired girl. "My name's Chika. What's yours?"
Though getting her name from her seemed like a positive sign. Looking at her, she bowed her head slightly and replied, "My name is Estellise. It is a pleasure to meet you, Chika."
She turned to her offering her a small smile once more, especially now that was her hand was lightly brushing up her side like that. She couldn't help but shiver a little at that touch and almost demanded more, but held her tongue. Though her hand did go to lightly place on Chika's hand, not wishing it to move away from her body. She wanted, needed, more of that touch.
It looked like both of them knew what needed to be done to get Estellise unchained from her bed. But now it looked like the only thing that was really left to do was figure out what the pink haired girl liked.
"Hey, are you feeling okay?" Well, asking about how the aphrodisiacs were affecting the other girl was a good start to figuring out how they were going to get her out of there.
"I'm not feeling so great, if you want an honest answer." She sighed. "I'm afraid that I need that if I want to be released from this feeling and the chain."
Not to mention that the hotel probably locked them in the room by now anyway. After all, if it went to the trouble of locking up the girl in her room, it pretty obviously wanted them to do it together.
Either way, now Chika had something to focus on, so she leaned in a bit to gently press her lips up again Estellise's, taking it slowly for now.
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