Hawke didn't know what was bringing her down this hallway. She'd been grabbing a meal out in the gardens when suddenly an insistant tugging sensation started pulling at her, like she was iron pulled by a lodestone. She'd nearly walked through walls trying to get to wherever it was trying to get her, though fortunately it'd let up enough to allow her to find doorways and such. Whatever was at the end of the tugging had better be damned good. Though given the hotel's inclinations, she had a few ideas what she might expect.
That said, she was still surprised when she entered the room and found Anders waiting for her.
Well, not exactly waiting. More like on his knees on the floor, hands bound behind his back and a collar around his neck, with chains connecting the collar to manacles around his wrists and ankles. He was wearing breeches but nothing else, and looked faintly startled, as well he might.
Hawke took in that sight for a minute, then looked around the rest of the room. On the far side was a bed--the usual excessively luxurious hotel model, with satin sheets and more pillows than any sane person needed. Another corner held more and larger pillows, apparently in case the occupants found resting on them more comfortable than the bed. Alongside one wall was a long table with assorted items, including a raised display with a set of keys--presumably for Anders' chains--resting atop. Next to it was a series of covered dishes from which a variety of delicious smells eminated.
She smiled to herself. At least the hotel was making up for her being dragged away from her dinner.
Hawke walked in and shut the door behind her, locking it.