Break-Up Sex -- Room 80,178//Aphro like crazy 'cause she's mad.

Jul 21, 2011 18:47

That was it. It was the final straw. Aoshika Akiko did not have to put up with this nonsense if she didn't want to.

Walking into their bedroom was the nail in their relationship coffin. Sure, he had just left a few beer cans around in the living room, and a couple of dishes in the sink, but this. The bedroom looked as though it had been hit ( Read more... )

series: wolfencrest, pairing: f/m

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cids_cigs July 22 2011, 00:39:56 UTC
Cid blinks sleepily and stretches slowly, sitting up even slower. A few scratches to his lower back are given as the pilot tries to focus his sleep-ridden eyes. She actually had to backtrack to find him and see that he had been sleeping under a pile of clothes. There was a sock on his shoulder, and a pair of her panties resting on top of his head instead of his goggles.

"Th' fuck're you babblin about?"

Reply just killed me with that mental image. XD ms_nosy_teach July 22 2011, 00:45:07 UTC
Akiko stormed to the bedside, grabbing her panties and waving them in front of his sleep addled eyes.

So damn lazy he couldn't even take the clothes off the bed first!

"I'm not babbling, Cid Highwind! I just told you we're through. Done. You're moving out today."


Lol, excellent! cids_cigs July 22 2011, 00:56:14 UTC
Cid blinks and jumps back slightly, surprised and showing it. "Th' fuck for!?" He exclaims, plucking the sock off of him and pushing the clothes off of the bed to reveal that he was just in his boxers and nothing else.


ms_nosy_teach July 22 2011, 01:01:32 UTC
Akiko scowled when he pushed the clothing onto the already messy floor.

"Because you've made the place a complete mess! It was fine when I left this morning, and now...I'm tired of it, Cid, and I'm not gonna put up with it anymore."


Heh, I love that icon cids_cigs July 22 2011, 01:09:01 UTC
"Hey, this shit is new t'me too! All I did was go t'sleep." Cid holds up his hands and shakes his head. "Th' Hell you tired of anyway? I ain't yer goddamn maid!"


ms_nosy_teach July 22 2011, 01:33:03 UTC
"I'm not yours either!" Akiko shoots back, "You should be able to pick up after yourself at least. I'm tired of having to clean up your messes. We had ants last week because you left some old pizza out in the kitchen!"


cids_cigs July 22 2011, 01:36:49 UTC
"I thought I was gonna eat it!" He fires back; perhaps not the best of all comebacks in the world, but genuinely felt and meant by the pilot. "Listen bright eyes, if ya can put up with it before, ain't no reason y'can't keep dealin with it! We fuck all the goddamn time, y'think I'm gonna feel like cleanin after you ride me like a goddamn horny-ass cowgirl!?"


ms_nosy_teach July 22 2011, 01:48:12 UTC
"That's not the point at all! I was saying you can clean up after yourself and I'll clean up after myself, and why in the hell would you eat a pizza that's been sitting out for three days?" Akiko flushes at the referral to their sex life, which was, admittedly, rather active. But she was not a horny-ass cowgirl!

Most of the time.

"I thought I could put up with it before, but it's been driving me crazy, and this is it. Either clean it up or clean out, Cid."


cids_cigs July 22 2011, 01:54:04 UTC
Cid wasn't going to explain the pizza to her; he was a man, dammit! Sometimes three day old pizza tasted rather excellent. Sighing, Cid stands and scratches the back of his head some while his free hand reaches up to grab an unlit cigarette he had tucked behind his ear.

"Shit, can't we just go to a different room and start this shit over?" There was so much crap to clean up! Shifting somewhat as he lights up, the slit in his boxers open up, Cid's limp cock sliding out exposed. The pilot takes a good drag off of his cigarette before continuing.

"There's a lotta shit here y'know."


ms_nosy_teach July 22 2011, 02:02:54 UTC
"Yeah, I know there's a lot of shit here, that's why I'm mad!" Akiko snorted, "And if we're going to talk, you can at least get some pants on. I don't want to see that right now."


cids_cigs July 22 2011, 02:05:47 UTC
"Hm?" Cid looks down and snorts, tucking it in and sliding his boxers to the side slightly to keep it in place better. "Don't worry bout that toots, it don't wanna see you either, if ya couldn't tell." Cid looks around the room to see where his pants could be, trying not to be as annoyed at Akiko as he very much is. The cigarette is doing its' job rather excellently.

"So let's just find another room, dammit. Shit all looks th' same here."


ms_nosy_teach July 22 2011, 02:08:46 UTC
"Fine," Akiko rolls her eyes and storms out of the room without waiting for him, for some reason feeling stung by his comment. She flops onto the couch, arms folded over her chest as she glares at the beer cans on the coffee table and waits for him to emerge.


cids_cigs July 22 2011, 02:20:02 UTC
Cid takes the time to grumble under his breath as he fights with getting a pair of stupid pants on. Once they're on he heads out of the room, reaches the doorway of it--and then nails his foot right into something hard.

"Fuck!" He shouts, looking down to see a--"A fucking make-up kit!? Th' fuck y'need one of these for!?" Cid kicks it again, but that just gets another shout from him as he half-stomps, half-limps to stand in front of her, pants on and his pissed off face set.

"Why th' Hell do you get t'leave shit around but I can't!?"


ms_nosy_teach July 22 2011, 02:30:35 UTC
Akiko's own pissed off face was set as she stares back at him.

"I didn't leave anything on the floor. It probably got there when you were busy destroying the room."


cids_cigs July 22 2011, 02:33:29 UTC
"If I did it's cuz I got tired of seein fuckin hair in th' drain every time yer done shavin them hairy ass legs!" He inhales sharply, the rest of his cigarette down as he takes the smoke in like a champ and puts the cigarette in the ashtray, giving it a few good jabs into it as he turns and blows the great puff of smoke right at Akiko.


ms_nosy_teach July 22 2011, 11:08:53 UTC
"Fuck you," Akiko snaps back, the curse word feeling strange coming from her, but she is angry enough to just not care. She waves her hand to get the acrid smoke out of her face. "If it's that big a problem for you, they won't be wrapping around you anytime soon. If ever."


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