No Event ☫☫☫ There's Probably an Event for This ☫☫☫ Aphro to the moon!

Jul 18, 2011 18:24

It was quite the typical day in the hotel corridors. Red everywhere, tasteless pictures, people coming and going and getting caught up in one thing or another. But, in this particular corridor, it seemed the traveller was alone for once, no one around. Until ( Read more... )

pairing: m/f/m, pairing: m/f, series: soul eater

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If you don't mind one more... sceptic_psychic July 19 2011, 16:33:54 UTC
Ursula looked up, not sure which of the two men (twins?) to turn to. She had been in a hurry to get "home", not wanting the aphrodisiac to manage to affect her too much before reaching her room and she did not want to be held up.


She shifted her gaze from one man to the other, not liking the way they seemed to be closing in on her. She had a sinking feeling that she knew exactly what they were after, and when they spoke again she was left without a doubt. She swallowed nervously, very aware of that the old t-shirt she had thrown on this morning was rather tight and very thin. Well, she'd just have to make sure that nothing happen. Not that she had any idea of how she would be able to fight of not one but two men but hopefully she'd think of something.

"Yeah, sorry. Thank you for the invitation but I think I have to decline your offer." Now if only she could find a direction to back away in that didn't include getting nearer to one of them.

((Ooc: Threesome sounds fun. Non- and dub-con are fine, she's going to need some... ( ... )


I may just be able to handle it. strongestcoward July 19 2011, 19:25:37 UTC
"I do not make offers," the one in front of Ursula corrected her casually, lifting one long and pale hand up to rub the back of his neck casually. The two eyes in the usual place closed as his neck made a loud cracking noise, like he was warming up for some event or recovering from an uncomfortable position. The third eye though, it never closed, ever. It didn't blink, it just stared with crimson intensity.

The one behind her spoke next, the voice quite uncomfortably close. Almost exactly the length it took for the heat to leave a breath in distance. "I dictate what will occur."
He sounded so firm on that, but not forceful. Simply like he was stating a fact that could be disputed.


=) sceptic_psychic July 19 2011, 22:53:35 UTC
That third eye was beginning to creep her out. And the way he seemed so... detached and uncaring wasn't doing anything good for her nerves either. Her body tensed and she really wished that she had some kind of useful weapon but besides from a pair of nail scissors she had nothing. And she didn't know how much damage those were going to be able to do. Still she put her hand in her pocket, grabbing them just in case and they did make her feel a little bit better.

She swirled around, glaring at the man behind her, not liking how close he had managed to become without her noticing. "No you will not!" She hoped that she sounded more angry than nervous and scared. "Who are you anyway? What makes you think you have the right to tell me what to do. The only person who can do that is my brother and you sure as hell are not him. None of you!" Good, she was becoming angry now and beginning to forget some of her fears.


strongestcoward July 20 2011, 15:51:03 UTC
Turning around meant that the one that had been in front of her seconds ago was now behind her-and even closer than the other. In fact, he had his skinny hands wrapped around her wrists, tighter than human strength would allow.

The one she had turned to face continued to stare, but slowly his eyes picked up a hideous red glow, the hallways seeming to melt and twist behind him, scarves fluttering like in a wild wind, although there was of course none. "Shut your mouth. Now."

If Asura had been giving off a sensation of discomfort before, now he was a storm of terror. No weapon could make anyone feel at ease around him.


sceptic_psychic July 20 2011, 16:34:59 UTC
Whatever anger she had managed to work up was now gone and in it's place pure terror has slipped in. She struggles desperately against his hold, no longer able to think rationally the only thought in her mind is the need to escape. But no matter how hard she struggles nothing seems to be working. She twists the hand holding the scissors, aiming them at his hand hoping that, while they might not be able to do much damage, the pain would be enough of a shock to make him let her go.

"Or else what you piece of shit!?" She manages to spit out before inwardly cursing the action. She did not want them more mad at her than necessary and mouthing off was probably a very bad idea in that case.


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