No Event ☫☫☫ There's Probably an Event for This ☫☫☫ Aphro to the moon!

Jul 18, 2011 18:24

It was quite the typical day in the hotel corridors. Red everywhere, tasteless pictures, people coming and going and getting caught up in one thing or another. But, in this particular corridor, it seemed the traveller was alone for once, no one around. Until ( Read more... )

pairing: m/f/m, pairing: m/f, series: soul eater

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2long2lose July 18 2011, 20:04:55 UTC
She didn't really expect a drink, anyway, but she's a little disappointed by the no-name policy. On the other hand, names are power, and the less physical and more spiritual an entity is, the more power a name can have. So maybe she shouldn't be surprised.

Demon God of Madness sounds more like a title than a name, but it works. "I don't want to die," she says, looking back and forth between the two versions rapidly. "And I value my sanity, such as it is. Are we doing this the hard way, or the easy way?"

What she means is, 'are you looking to sleep with me or destroy me?' except she can't bring herself to phrase it that way. Sex doesn't frighten her, not even violent sex, not even with immortal beings. Maybe especially not with immortal beings, because she's faced some of the most dangerous her world has to offer and found them less monstrous in many ways than her own kind. Still, she's aware that while even a human might want to stab her and fuck the wound, they're a lot less likely to shatter her psyche or eat her soul.

Mainly she's trying to decide whether she should fight for her life, or if it might not be easier to just let him play and hope for the best. "I'm Courtney," she adds, a show of willingness to compromise, for whatever it's worth.

((Awesome! Thanks. :3))


strongestcoward July 18 2011, 20:44:11 UTC
Title or species, maybe both. Probably it didn't count as a species if you became one yourself, and were the only one in existence. Asura actually wondered about this point fairly often, just because he thought about everything until his head hurt. "Well Courtney, that's up to you..." The one behind her spoke that, now dangerously close. He was a head taller than her, but he had managed to breath his words into her ear with his silky voice. "All I want is to use your body."

The one ahead of her shrugged dramatically, palms up and lifted right up past his shoulders. A smirk had slipped onto his lips, once again confirming that she didn't have any real choice. If she played along, she'd not be hurt, more than his almost abusive sexual habits would involve anyway. With the shrug complete, he casually slipped his hands into his pockets, rocking back and forth on his heels like he was some sort of ancient cartoon character being nonchalant. "Give me trouble, and I'll have to punish you," now the one in front was talking, almost sleepily. Bored, completely contrary to his words. "Be a good girl, and you'll be rewarded."


2long2lose July 18 2011, 22:29:36 UTC
She shivers at the feel of breath and the sound of his voice. Their voices? It's disturbing, but weirdly alluring. She tilts her head to get a better look at the one looming close, and he is interesting. Attractive, even, in her albeit quirky judgment. Letting him 'use her body' could potentially be painful, but it doesn't sound like he's particularly interested in killing her. She's had pain before.

"I can work with that," she concludes aloud after a moment's thought. "But if you bite, I bite back."

Trying to look braver than she feels, she offers one hand to each. "If I get a choice of venue, I prefer not in the hall." If she gets no choice, she assumes he'll let her know pretty quick.


strongestcoward July 18 2011, 23:20:00 UTC
"If I bite..." one purred to her, taking her hand surprisingly softly. His hands were just as unusual as the rest of him. Cold, thin and patterned with three eye symbols across the back of the hand and a small criss cross pattern around the middle fingers. Everything about him seemed oddly intricate and themed on eyes. Up close, it would be easier to see that the two eyes in the usual places were the same, eyes on eyes

The other completed the thought as it took her other hand, much the same as the first. "You don't live to bite back." He wasn't joking either. Asura's favourite manner of murdering women was to eat them, and it rarely took more than a few bites from his demonic mouth. A mouth which pressed to the back of her hands, identical kisses to her knuckles.


2long2lose July 18 2011, 23:50:24 UTC
"I...meant figuratively, but thanks for the terrifying thought." She definitely looks jumpy now, but she's not pulling away, and something about all the eyes everywhere is sort of mesmerizing. It's powerful imagery, and it tells her he's more than capable of doing everything he says he is. Demon God, indeed.

He's being relatively gentle so far, despite his words, so she doesn't struggle. In fact, she relaxes deliberately into the contact. "Have you been stuck here long? Or are you here on purpose?"

Perhaps he is not interested in conversation, but it makes her feel less like freaking out.


strongestcoward July 19 2011, 11:04:14 UTC
The first half of his unusual laugh from one.
The second from the other. He's doing it on purpose now, keeping her on edge. He likes it, enjoys that sensation of fear. It's one of the things that stops his own constant terror, being reminded he's scarier than anyone else. He's the thing creatures under the bed are hiding from.

They guide her to a door way, opening it and with their free hands, both give her a solid slap to the ass, an encouragement to get inside as they let go of her hands. "I don't like questions."


2long2lose July 19 2011, 16:45:59 UTC
Well, that's creepy. She's more than a little cowed, which is unusual for her, but she's making a show of being plucky as he leads her off. She's relieved they're going elsewhere, and is starting to go in willingly even before the double-slap. She yelps, because that hurt and she wasn't expecting it, but the only protest he gets is a mildly reproachful look, and secretly she's relieved his sense of erogenous zones is approximately equal to her own. Once inside, she kicks off her shoes and hesitantly moves to unbutton her shirt, her eyes asking permission from first one then the other. "Okay. What do--" wait, rephrase that. "If there's something in particular you do like, feel free to let me know."

Her outfit is pretty nondescript, at least on the surface; just a white blouse and a skirt that stops about halfway down her thighs. It might actually have been designed as a schoolgirl fetish outfit then discarded as too tame for the place. Maybe the lingerie underneath is more interesting.


strongestcoward July 19 2011, 19:37:29 UTC
"What I like, I'll take," one told her. He was well aware that she was giving in to intimidation, and that was one of the reasons he was so quickly getting into this. It was a wonderful feeling to be the one in charge, the one who controlled everything with his power. One slipped behind her in an elegant motion that was far faster than a human could match. Asura was ready to move onto the main event.

He moved his hands around to grope at her breasts from behind and through her shirt, latching his lips to her skin to suckle tightly, his tongue pressing to the molested flesh. Skinny yet strong fingers kneaded at her, and the other joined in without waiting, squatting down and putting his hands up her skirt to grab at her ass, well aware it would still be stinging as it was squeezed. This one used it's mouth too, the inhumanly large tongue set free to lick wetly onto her knee and around her thigh. They'd get the clothes off soon, he just wanted to show he was the boss now.


2long2lose July 19 2011, 21:44:37 UTC
She's about to answer, except she's not entirely sure what to say to that, and then the rapid grace of the movement startles her again. She jumps slightly, gasping as they both start touching at once. "Aaahh! O-okay," she manages, biting her lip. "That' Ooohh!"

There's too much going on to characterize in one word, and none of it's particularly gentle or considerate, and yet none of it's exactly unwelcome, either. She gives up on the shirt, placing her hands lightly over the wrists of the ones kneading her breasts. She's not overly endowed, but she's not flat, each breast a comfortable handful.

She wriggles slightly at the stinging grip on her rear and whimpers. From the feel of it, her panties are flimsy things of lace and silk. Relaxing, she tilts her head to the side to give him easier access to the bare skin of her neck and shoulder as the blouse slides off her. It actually takes a moment for the oversized tongue to register, and she cranes her neck to blink down at him in mild puzzlement, then blushes and gives a small squeak as he hits a sensitive spot on her thigh, turned on despite her uncertainty.


strongestcoward July 20 2011, 14:16:32 UTC
"Mmm," the one behind her purrs, sucking harder to pull her skin into his mouth, teeth gripping it and squeezing. The skin isn't breaking, he's too well practised in using his teeth to do that by accident, but it is a sharp pinch and it'll certainly leave a mark and a bruise when he lets go. Which won't be any time soon. His fingers opened her shirt up, hands moving closer to her skin. Despite their skinniness they're incredibly strong, and unrelenting as they squeeze and release, twist and turn.

The other laughs briefly as she squeaks, memorising that spot. Even as his fingers curl into those lacy garments, he tests to see if he'll get the same reaction from licking on the same spot on the opposite leg before pulling her panties down in a swift movement, leaving the skirt in place for now.


2long2lose July 20 2011, 23:20:15 UTC
She gasps, "Aaah...please!" and tenses at the bite. Normally she likes biting, but his earlier comment has her nervous, and losing large chunks of flesh is not a welcome thought. But just bruising is acceptable, not that she can do much to stop him either way, and trying to struggle actually could result in torn skin. Instead, she clings to his arms for support.

What's going on below her waist, by contrast, feels awfully good. She pants a little, toes curling. She's not as wet yet as she will be, but she's definitely getting there, and once her underwear's been removed, she spreads her legs a little further apart obligingly.


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