Hurt/Comfort // BYOA

Jul 06, 2011 17:50

Slipping in and out of unconsciousness, Sheena didn't know how long she had been left hanging where she was--minutes, hours, even days could have passed, and she wouldn't have known. She did know that the maniac who had bound and gagged her had finally managed to push her past her pain tolerance, but she had still refused to scream or whimper--in ( Read more... )

series: tales of symphonia, pairing: f/m, pairing: f/m/m, pairing: f/m/m/m

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Everything is okay bb, my typos are just getting on my nerves xd vessel July 18 2011, 06:06:21 UTC
Fear, or an emotion quite akin to it, was almost tangible in the vicinity and mounting by the minute. Either Sheena mistook him for her tormentor - which he hardly doubted - or it was all an act even if the curvaceous female seemed sincere. By this time his hands drifted from the restraints to her dry lips, tapping the gag that kept her from speaking. Slower and ever so slower, they went on their purposeful promenade then worked against the gag to have her mouth freed.

Each gesture was light, almost affectionate just to coax more interesting reactions out of Sheena. "Are you sincere? Because you deserve no better, Sheena."

His fake concern for her made public, Xemnas didn't need to play up the concerned master returning to take his pet with him. But still, the torture according to him hadn't taken a turn for the worst. To add to the psychological damages from it, a hand moved up to grab hold of her chin, cold gloved fingers more invasive that decency would allow. He lifted her chin up, making eye-contact, non-content to humiliate the beautiful ninja in the worst of ways. The nobody didn't come even close to getting off from the despair and running emotions inside those pain-stricken eyes.


*hugs* ninjainviolet July 18 2011, 06:23:03 UTC
As much as she hated to admit it, it was fear she was feeling, and she was near panic the longer he just looked at her, or spoke without saying her name. Goddess, what more could Envy do to her? She refused to think of the worst, the one act that made her freeze in the first place and got her in this position.

His removing her gag really wasn't a good thing, since it had been originally used to prevent her from summoning, and she now had no mana to do so anyway. Her fear, in a way was helping her, forcing adrenaline through her body to put aside some of the pain to be able to take in lungfuls of air.

Her eyes were wide when they met his, full of relief and and a hint of shame that he had found her like this. It was with relief, however, that she spoke hoarsely and slowly. " You're...the real...Xemnas." Then her eyes started closing again, the blood loss she already suffered starting to re-take its toll.


*hugs back* vessel July 18 2011, 07:12:38 UTC
Shame was one of the few emotions Xemnas had no trouble processing, making the nobody almost gloat over the predicament Sheena faced in the dark hallways, his pants obscenely billowing out right in between his legs at the swathes of tingling flesh. If there were any so sick as to prefer brutal activities in question of watching others get tortured or meting out this sort of punishment that spoke volumes about their mental health, the love hotel were theirs.

So was Sheena."You are to listen to my every word. Should you fail... a fate worse than death might await you at the hands of your original tormentor. Do you agree or not?"

The seductive tone of his voice was meant to offset the strong hold of her chin, making up for the cruelty in his sentence. Then, his erect body not so accidentally pressed her for a quick answer, letting the sinew of his hard muscles rub up against the living perfection, to wit Sheena, dotted with red weals or bruises that sent sharp stabs and twinges of pain throughout the entirety of her gorgeous body.


ninjainviolet July 18 2011, 07:31:45 UTC
And for those who enjoyed those activities, Sheena seemed to be a favorite and unwilling target. She tried to focus on what he was saying, squinting at him to try to read his lips and expression.

It took her a few moments to realize the truth of her situation at his hands, and the feel of his erection pressing against her only drove it home. The pain that shot through her body made her flinch, and her wrists jerked against the chains, sending another line of blood down her arms.

Her choices were clear: Refuse him and take her chances on someone else coming by within the short time she might have to live; or accept and take her chances with him. He was a somewhat known quantity, and she decided to take her chances with him.

"...Agree..." Although, in her current state, he might have to repeat some things for her confused mind to understand.


*A* Thank you for the gift! Time is hard, it's exactly what I need vessel July 18 2011, 08:20:40 UTC
Gentleness came -- a fake kindness -- but not at all devoid of evil intentions as Xemnas was clearly intent on breaking the ninja mentally. The hand caressing the chin proved soothing, but not enough for Sheena to think about anything else besides her survival. Where Envy had enjoyed the use of brutality upon others, Xemnas remained subtle in his means to inflict pain. His deeds concerned the heart mostly, how to break a heart, not to spare it or make it stronger, even if its power was vast and unobtainable.

"These are the terms of the contract you have undertaken. Now put your soul at rest and let me hold you." Just the thought of claiming Sheena back in his room kindled any sexual desires she wouldn't put up with. Fake as his delicacy was, a hug from Xemnas seemed real and the easiest in the world for him to snuggle closer to the form. Like Terra's.

Head buried in the crook of her neck and arms coming around a hourglass waist, black tendrils set her free from the magical chains in the blink of an eye. He hummed the vivid odor of triumph, keeping the ninja warm and alive for what might come later. It wouldn't take time for her to unravel this mystery. White tendrils wrapped themselves around the bleeding parts of her body, gushing in the smitten flesh to fix the broken bones if there were any.

"Embrace me now that your days are not numbered. It should sting more than a little while, but you are safe."


You're welcome. ^_^ ninjainviolet July 18 2011, 08:50:28 UTC
Despite the seeming gentleness of his touch, Sheena knew what Xemnas' motives were, and sad to say, Envy may have given him a head start in that direction--unless she could fight him, which right now seemed very unlikely.

"" Her tone wasn't defiant, merely confused--if he could understand it through the roughness of her voice. He offered no explanation other than wrapping his arms about her, then it finally became clear to her. Since she really couldn't do anything else, she remained still, offering no resistance, and collapsing into him as her bonds were released, her arms naturally falling about him as the circulation returned.

She stared in wonder at the healing form of the tendrils coming from him, hissing in pain as they started doing their work on her body. Despite the healing they were doing, her entire body was bruised and weakened, the stinging he mentioned magnified by the pain already running rampant through her. She was already clutching at him to remain upright, her fingers digging into his back for support.

She couldn't think of anything else to add to what already seemed to be the embrace he was looking for, so she lay her head on his chest, her eyes beginning to close again.


:3 vessel July 18 2011, 11:33:15 UTC
The warmth of another. Xemnas recalled how he had devoted all his powers to find it, be it Sheena's or Aqua's. Even himself was wondering how he bore its absence after all these years. With the passing of time, it seemed that he had forgotten what warmness was like - how it came to affect him so.

By now carrying the corpse between his arms, his tendrils letting go of the ninja, he summoned forth a dark portal and walked in just to find themselves into the doorways of what seemed to be his suite. A riot of white with strange emblems glowing across the length of it welcomed them. Only then Xemnas padded across the living room to get to his alcove, entering the vast interior, and laid Sheena down on the large bed.

"Consider yourself lucky. Regarding me, ministering to people's needs is unlikely to happen." He whispered, brushing away a few violet locks for her face to be revealed all the clearer and tracking down any signs of weakness. "One more thing. Summons can't set foot on this floor by reason of intricate seals that had been set up in. You've been warned."


<3 ninjainviolet July 18 2011, 15:55:26 UTC
Sheena would have been taken aback if she knew all he wanted from her was warmth. Perhaps even affection. If he had acted differently, she would have given him her friendship--her warmth--willingly, and not have to be coerced for it.

Because, despite her genuine gratitude for his rescuing her, she was far from considering him her friend. He still had a shot at it, if he was just honest with her, instead of playing games. She knew he wanted her, and on some level that she couldn't understand, she returned the sentiment, but it was his tricks that made her fight him. And at this moment, the pain in her body would make her resist, since there were some areas that were still sore--in spite of his healing.

Although, right now, she barely had any fight in her as he carried her, very much resembling a corpse with her eyes closed and her body limp. Her eyes didn't open again until she felt a soft bed under her. Blinking back against the sudden white that assaulted her eyes, she tried to focus on what he was saying. She nodded--he really wasn't the "knight in shining armor" type. "I...know.," she said sincerely, yet hoarsely, no sign of surprise on her face as he continued. It was a sound precaution to take with her, and although it was something being used against her, she had to admire his foresight.


♥♥ vessel July 19 2011, 13:54:18 UTC
"Save your words and rest." Xemnas admonished, smiling after his soliloquy.

How awful it was to have her life at his mercy. Even so, he had a somewhat approved tolerance of others and been inclined to help, so long as it served a purpose.

As Sheena needed some time alone to rest, the nobody was quick to stride over to the bathroom. By now in the superior stripped down then settled in the warm water, slouching all the way down into the bathtub. While he was unwinding, he had a clear memory that Sheena and Terra had forged a strong bond. In reading his heart, Xemnas found that his other self blindly trusted her. It sure was more than enough for the success of his plans.


♥♥♥ ninjainviolet July 19 2011, 16:53:20 UTC
Sheena nodded and reached for the covers, pulling them up to her chin. Even if he did have ulterior motives, she felt safe and warm at the moment, and she did need her rest for later to handle those motives of his.

Her eyes were locked on him as he moved from her side and strode over to the next room. Although it could have been misconstrued as a look of distrust--knowing where her enemy was--it was exactly the opposite. Although, she didn't entirely trust him, she needed to know he wasn't leaving her entirely alone--a thought and feeling she never expected to have about Xemnas.

Surprised at the notion, she settled deeper under the covers, trying to figure this out. Terra had warned her about Xemnas, and because of their friendship, she had trusted that warning--keeping it in the back of her head constantly, but now? She thought back to their previous encounters, and wondered if the silver-haired man was jealous of her relationship with Terra and if that was why he had acted the way he did towards her to try to gain her friendship. She didn't think for a second that his desires had changed, but had his methods to achieve them?


♥♥♥ vessel July 20 2011, 11:16:44 UTC
There was no such a thing as friendship.

It was a complete fabrication, as amity reposed on lies. If not, they remained selfish and ungrateful to those who had given them everything; A purpose, a new home and friends.

Yet, far be it from him to blame anyone on it, though; What of Sheena?  With her being recumbent on the bed, there was little she could do beyond resting alone in his chamber. Lazily, Xemnas turned his gaze to the door and then approached the question he had come to put."Have you ever taken a bath with someone?"

Her response would be worth listening to as such a query from him was rather unexpected. He then closed his eyes, waiting for her reply.


♥♥♥♥ Oh, Xemnas, you devil! ♥♥♥♥ ninjainviolet July 20 2011, 11:41:06 UTC
Sheena didn't believe there wasn't such a thing as friendship. Every person had things they didn't want to share with someone, and they might lie about those things, but a friend was the person you could count on to be there to stand by you without having to know your deepest, darkest secrets.

Unfortunately, there are those who have been burned by people pretending to be friendly because they wanted something more than friendship, or just wanted to hurt the other person for no other reason than to watch them suffer.

Sheena had been the recipient of both types of friendship, but she refused to let the negative outweigh the positive. That didn't mean she wasn't on guard, however, for some of Xemnas' tricks, even as she felt sleep beginning to overtake her. Despite her guard being up, she was still unprepared for his seemingly unrelated question; the posing of which jarred her from a half-doze state.

She remained still a moment as she realized that yes, he did actually ask her that question, and it wasn't just a dream. "You're not talking about being in a hot springs, are you?" She wondered what his reaction would be as she replied honestly, "Other than that, yes, I have."


♥♥♥♥ Xemnas : / eats his cookies in peace ♥♥♥♥ vessel July 20 2011, 14:23:31 UTC
Steam was pouring out from the bathroom, fogging up against the window and heating up the chamber. A vivid odor of vanilla coming from the bathroom tinged the air, obliterating the foul scent of dirt and blood in a snap. Big bubbles of various shades and sizes hung in the air, pervading the ceiling until they burst. This should cheer the air a little.

The question, at which she didn't take umbrage, failed to cause a stir. Not feeling upset by it in the slightest, he continued to take an interest in her. Hot springs? He raised an eyebrow, curious. Lips curling up into a smile when she led up to a subject which preoccupied his mind, Xemnas tucked a soapy strand of silver locks behind his ear.

"Hot springs are vulgar. As to taking a bath together..." After pulling his wintry hair back and into a loose ponytail, he then added. "...Would you mind joining me?"

His tone was more of the mocking sort than the facetious-like.


♥♥♥♥ Sheena: /Watches bubbles ♥♥♥♥ ninjainviolet July 20 2011, 18:46:08 UTC
Sheena wasn't a big fan of Vanilla-scented items, but for the moment, she didn't mind its heady scent as it seemed to penetrate her sore and tired body and mind. Growing uncomfortably warm under the covers from the additional heat in the room, she lowered them, watching as a few stray bubbles made their way into the room.

No, the question didn't bother her in the slightest. Considering the building they were in, it made sense; she had only been shocked at the timing of it. Although maybe she shouldn't have been, since Xemnas was in the tub.

"Oh, no, hot springs are wonderful," she chuckled, disagreeing. "The water is so clear, that you can see to the bottom of the spring, and since its outside, the air is always so fresh and clean. Males and females don't go together, but the males usually peek, anyway." He may not be able to see her clearly, but he could probably hear the pleasure and humor in her voice as she spoke.

"Join you?" she asked, not sure why she was shocked at the question. Looking down at her bruise-covered body, she conceded that a hot bath would feel wonderful right now, but she couldn't help wondering again about his motives. From the moment he rubbed his length against her, she knew what the probable outcome of his helping her would be, but the bath invitation confused her. That usually happened after, not before. Curious, and by no means shy, since they've already been together sexually, she struggled to her feet and padded slowly to the bathroom door.

"Sure. I'd love to."


♥♥♥♥ Xemnas: /why do women love bubbles o.o ♥♥♥♥ vessel July 21 2011, 08:21:16 UTC
Bubbles impinged on the walls and ceiling of the chamber Sheena slept in to usher her in the bathroom. If she wished to find herself bewitched to watch them and sober her mind after the expense of strain and gaiety, this place, by all means, would live up to her expectations.

For though enthused by all this, she would keep her guard up.

"I dare ask..." He breathed, solemnity sounding in his voice. A close observer might have sensed that he didn't think a word of it. It was an act. That was all. "To what do I owe such buoyancy?"

Nearly a minute later, Sheena passed through the door, setting foot on the dense room. Soap bubbles healed the battered skin by floating down on them. Meanwhile, Xemnas shifted himself to recline lazily on the other end of the tub after switching off the tap. One arm loosely hung over the rim of the bathtub, and upon its twin, Xemnas rested his chin, smirking. One could tell by his devouring eyes that he appreciated the sight nonetheless.

"Your answer, hopefully, will help me figure out the way you are, Sheena."


♥♥♥♥ Sheena: /they look like they have rainbows in them ♥♥♥♥ ninjainviolet July 21 2011, 08:41:01 UTC
Of course, she would try to keep her guard up. Her experiences in this place--the hotel, not his room--especially the most recent one, have set her nerves on edge. However, she knows that worrying and being paranoid only drains a person both physically and emotionally, making them less sharp than they have to be.

So, she was wary about the question he asked as she was on her way to the room, thinking he was either just trying to pass time, or maybe attempting to be polite. Or, from his statement, try to figure out how her mind works.

She made her way to the tub, pausing once when she felt a bubble land on her and make the bruise it covered fade. What kind of magic was that? She stared in awe for several moments as the bubbles continued their work, before answering his question. "Oh. Ummm. When I was telling you about the hot springs, I was remembering when my friends and I went."

She continued on to the tub, still awed by the healing of the bubbles, that she all but missed his look. But, it wasn't that that made her hesitate from entering the water, it was politeness. "Are you sure about this?"


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