Hurt/Comfort // BYOA

Jul 06, 2011 17:50

Slipping in and out of unconsciousness, Sheena didn't know how long she had been left hanging where she was--minutes, hours, even days could have passed, and she wouldn't have known. She did know that the maniac who had bound and gagged her had finally managed to push her past her pain tolerance, but she had still refused to scream or whimper--in ( Read more... )

series: tales of symphonia, pairing: f/m, pairing: f/m/m, pairing: f/m/m/m

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kurobutler July 8 2011, 04:07:35 UTC
Along came a curious demon butler who is ever so drawn to the blood, the pain, the agony, and torment of humans. He eyed her wounds, her bruises, and the chains around her wrists and her ankles.

"You're so young to endure that." He said.


She knows a Sebastian...just not this one. :) ninjainviolet July 8 2011, 05:05:22 UTC
Sheena started slightly when he spoke. She thought she recognized the voice and looked up somewhat eagerly. The pain and exhaustion had made her vision hazy, however, so all she could make out was a dark shape.

Confused, she only managed a questioning sound through the gag.


Feel free to mistaken him for another then? kurobutler July 8 2011, 05:12:34 UTC
The demon would help her and release her to her freedom...just not right away. Although he is kind and benevolent to most residents on the hotel, he wanted to enjoy her pain, her blood, and her torment, just a little bit. It's a treat for someone of his ilk and one of his hidden kinks.

Let's remove the gag first. "There. Can you speak now?"


Sure. :) ninjainviolet July 8 2011, 05:40:24 UTC
Sheena watched him for a moment before letting her head drop. She thought she had recognized the voice, but she was probably mistaken and now had a bad feeling about this, and being helpless like she was, there was nothing she could do about it.

So, one could imagine her surprise when he took off her gag and asked her to speak. But in that one simple action, he had to step closer, and although still hazy, she could see him better. Swallowing several lungfuls of air, she coughed slightly before finally speaking in a hoarse voice.



kurobutler July 8 2011, 05:46:27 UTC
Step closer he did so that the ninja has a good look at the handsome devil in the black butler suit. He can see the dread and anxiety in her eyes and that look of recognition. That caught the demon by surprise.

"Hm? What's the meaning of this? I never met you before."


ninjainviolet July 8 2011, 05:53:45 UTC
His own surprise was mirrored in her own eyes. Thanks to her current state, it took her several moments to put things together. A double of the one she knew. Then again, the one she knew liked to trick her. This couldn't be one his tricks, could it?

"I met...I met a Sebastian in one of the libraries here."


kurobutler July 8 2011, 06:01:26 UTC
Unfortunately for her, Sebastian is in one of his meaner dominant moods, but not incredibly mean to the point he's going to let her suffer for too long. He was eyeing her blood and wants to drink it up, since blood is a rich sauce. Can't let it go to waste.

Ah, that explains it. She met another one. Drat. And he wanted to be King of this place besides Alucard the No Life King.

Still, perhaps he can pick up the work of that double right after him and do a much better job.

"You can tell me all about him later." Sebastian said in a gentle voice. "However, if you know that I'm a demon, I won't let you go without a price."

Oh, Sebastian. He did helped people and let them go without expecting payment. But tonight, he's going to play with this one.

"If I help you," said the demon with a sly grin. "You'll be my pet for tonight. What is your choice?"


ninjainviolet July 8 2011, 06:24:48 UTC
Seeing his expression, she swallowed hard over the lump in her dry throat. Her bad feeling had been right.

She let her head fall to her chest, trying to decide what to do. She was exhausted--both mentally and physically--and was now running on pure adrenaline. She knew she couldn't stay here much longer, but if she refused him, who knew how long it would take before someone else came along?

But a pet? In her condition? Confused, she raised her head to look at him. "Are...are you sure?" Her speech was still slow and awkward and it frustrated her.


kurobutler July 8 2011, 06:33:11 UTC
The demon is leaning close, his face inches away with his hand on the wall. His eyes are hard to read, but he smile his mysterious smile. What an interesting human to have such strength in a desperate time like this.

"Of course. I would like to have you. I'll take care of you and you can entertain me. Your soul would still be yours. I would like your company. You'll be mine for 24 hours." He said slowly so she can catch his words. "Hurry, dear. Make your choice right now. You're bleeding to death here."

Sebastian, Sebastian, if only he plays nice and stop being mean, but he wanted to play on her fears, torment, pain, and confusion. Evil creature.


ninjainviolet July 8 2011, 06:56:32 UTC
Sheena still hesitated. Was she bleeding to death? She had been close to dying once before, and this didn't feel anything like it. Then again, she could move her arms and legs before; right now, they were numb from being in this position for however long, so she really didn't know just how much blood she had lost.

Her eyes narrowed in concentration as he spoke. He wanted her. At least he doesn't beat around the bush, she thought wryly. Although what he wanted from a body as abused as hers was, she didn't know, but she really didn't want to take the chance of someone offering her a...less civil...choice in the matter

Finally, she nodded.


kurobutler July 8 2011, 07:04:01 UTC
What does he want from an abused body? In actuality, none of it. He didn't plan to use her as a sex slave. He's just playing like cat would with a mouse. He's a terrible tease, especially when people are desperate and he plays with their emotions.

But as good as his word, he broke the chains around her wrist and ankles as if they were twigs, thus freeing her from the bonds.

But the blood she food. He is hungry. He then kneel in front of her once she's on the ground. "Stand still." He said to her and took one of her arms and lick her blood clean with his tongue. Since he can't devour on souls, blood is the next line of choice for food.


ninjainviolet July 8 2011, 07:16:40 UTC
She'd be surprised if she could read his thoughts. And possibly a little angry. Maybe even slightly amused. In her current state--both physically and emotionally--who knew? She definitely didn't.

She couldn't help the sharp intake of breath or the whimper that escaped when she collapsed against him as she landed on the floor. The release of her arms and legs brought a sudden rush of blood to them, alerting her to the pain there.

He really didn't have to tell her to stand still--she was doing so anyway, letting all those pinpricks run their course through her before she even tried to move. Of course, he had another idea, and even taking her arm brought about a slight whimper. Then, she was silent, her eyebrow raised as she watched with interest while he cleaned the blood off her.

Demons drank blood, too?


kurobutler July 8 2011, 07:30:10 UTC
Once he cleaned off the blood from both arms, he now satisfied and his hunger is satiated. He doesn't really need that much.

"Oh, that's right. You're my pet now." He said in a bemused tone. He was a menace to her in the beginning and now the mask is dropped. He looks more benign and gentle as he usually acts toward most residents of the Hotel. "All of that blood loss can give you a headache."

He then hoisted her up in his arms and carried her off. "Off to my lair we go." He chirped in his playful tone and took her out of the room into the hallways of the Hotel.


ninjainviolet July 8 2011, 07:43:20 UTC
She blinked at the change of his tone. "Huh?" All of that blood loss could make her light-headed and confused, too--and she most certainly was. Gone was the threat from before. Was it hiding under his new attitude? She didn't see why it should--after all, she had accepted his offer. Perhaps, like most, he just felt good after a meal. It never occurred to her this might be his true demeanor, and probably wouldn't for a while.

She had no strength to resist him as he lifted her, and her pride wouldn't let her. She had made him a promise and wasn't going to back down. She did, however, flinch and clutch at him as the new motion of her body sent shock waves of pain through her.


kurobutler July 8 2011, 18:51:00 UTC
She wouldn't have to suffer the pain for long. She just have to bear it. The demon carried the ninja girl to his room. His room is really nice with the Victorian flair and decor. There were modern amenities, but they were there just for the aesthetics.

Once he arrived, he just lay her down on the soft bed and then stood back to let her rest.

"Would you like anything to drink or eat? Water perhaps?" He pets her hair, in a soothing manner.


ninjainviolet July 8 2011, 23:22:35 UTC
Sheena was embarrassed by her reaction when he picked her up, but soon felt a rush of adrenaline at the realization she was finally free from her prison. Only to be taken to another one. His sudden change in attitude had set her on edge, and she hoped she still had it in her to get through the next 24 hours.

Despite her rattled nerves, she couldn't help closing her eyes and leaning against him as he carried her, her injured arms providing insufficient cover. She had almost fallen asleep when she felt herself being lowered on to the bed, and her eyes popped open, thinking this was the time he would make her his "pet". After all, he had taken care of her...

Imagine her surprise when he didn't make any moves in that direction, and instead offered her food and drink while touching her hair gently. Unsure and confused about what was going on, she nodded. "Water, please," she croaked slowly.


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