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punches_fog June 23 2011, 13:11:28 UTC
The human summoner who had joined Ishtar's army nodded. He'd been with her army for a long while, caught up in events well over his head, but had nonetheless made as much of a contribution to her cause as possible. Spells, strategy, thinking as a human would, rather than a demon. His only goal originally had been to help the side of this demon war more sympathetic to humans win, but over time, he'd fallen in love with the beautiful goddess he was serving under. How could he not? She was love and beauty and compassion and wisdom incarnate and, despite his usual silence and withdrawn thoughtfulness, Souji was a passionate man.

Accordingly, the summoner forwardly takes his goddess-general's hand and looks into her eyes. "No matter what happens, I have no regrets as long as I'm with you," he declares, softly.


wrenchthelock June 23 2011, 15:49:17 UTC
A blush.

She definitely wasn't expecting that. The taciturn young man in front of her had been such a great help for their cause, yet she knew almost nothing about him, aside from his considerable talents as a summoner. There were flashes of hidden depths shining through here and there, granted...but nothing even vaguely suggesting this. Not that she minded - he was handsome and kind, and if nothing else, she was certainly flattered.

"...You bring old memories back to me, dear Souji. Fond ones," she finally said, smiling warmly at him.

((OOC Comment: ...I forgot to ask. How old is Souji here? Ishtar would prefer 18+.))


punches_fog June 25 2011, 01:10:33 UTC
((Souji's 18 by the time I play him from, and honestly with how I play him, the vagaries of SMT art style, and the fact that this is an AU scenario for him, he could almost as easily be in his 20's.))

Souji returns the smile in his usual reserved way. "I'm honored to hear that," he says, equally honored that an impulsive statement from him could make a Goddess of Love blush.

He looks more solemnly out over the enemy army, though he doesn't let Ishtar's hand go yet. "Speaking as a mortal though, I would like to live a little longer and express my feelings a little more thoroughly. Do you have any plans for this sort of situation?"


wrenchthelock June 25 2011, 02:27:04 UTC
((OOC Comment: Ah, capital!))

For a time, Ishtar didn't answer. The moment, funnily enough, seemed wrong for what she had in mind. This seemed a time for contemplation, a calm before the storm.

Of course, by the time the storm came, there would be no time for talking.

"I do...one last plan. I will need your help for it, though I doubt you would refuse. Before I continue, might I ask what you know of me?"


punches_fog June 25 2011, 02:30:32 UTC
"You're a goddess of both love and war, which isn't just me flattering you for the record," Souji says with a slight smirk. "In mortal history, you're more or less the original love goddess, in fact."

"As for personally, you've led us to a lot of surprising victories, and you're a compassionate and fearless general," he adds, wanting to demonstrate that he didn't just know her from mortal textbooks.


wrenchthelock June 25 2011, 03:22:57 UTC
"Then you might suspect the plan I have in mind," she smiled, gripping his hand a little tighter and gazing into his eyes. "The oni are strong, but if I were to put both of my domains into play, we have a chance."

Winking at the white-haired summoner, she leaned in close, her perfectly-formed lips planting a soft kiss on his cheek before whispering in his ear, "What say you? If you would do me the honor of fucking me as we do battle with them, I would be immeasurably grateful."


punches_fog June 26 2011, 00:06:16 UTC
Souji can't help it. His usual half-a-smile breaks into a broad grin at the kiss - Ishtar's touch is just that primally electric, not to mention her offer.

"I see no possible downside to this," he comments, rather impertinently returning a kiss to his commander's cheek, soft and affectionate in spite of the coil of excited tension winding inside him. "Although I have to wonder about the mechanics."

Not too hard, however. He trusted Ishtar with his life, and had no doubt in his mind she had some means of dividing her attention between two very different (for a mortal, anyway) physical activities.


wrenchthelock June 26 2011, 03:11:17 UTC
"Didn't they teach you this in school?" she teased, giggling. "In truth, however, it's a little tricky. If you can do it standing with some flair, we might be able to give them a bit of a flashy demonstration...or else we can lie still, and your summoning talents plus my attacks will carry the day. Which shall it be, my soon-to-be lover?"


punches_fog June 26 2011, 04:16:12 UTC
"Mortal schools are pretty different, even for summoners," Souji says, smiling and suppressing his enthusiasm. They are still in a battle after all.

He considers possibilities, putting his tactical know-how and visualization skills to his favorite use of it ever. "As long as I have something to balance against, I should be able to stand for a while. I'll save my mag for if I can't help bearing you to the floor and having my way with you. Or vice versa," he says, in as clinical a voice as he can manage, already amazingly aroused just from thinking about this insane plan.


wrenchthelock June 26 2011, 05:09:26 UTC
Well, well! Ever-present mind, indeed. He was her most trusted ally for a reason, to be sure. Clapping her hand onto his shoulder, she grinned. "Such a bold young man! Come, then. Let us-"

The sudden rush of air signaled a nearby enemy, and Ishtar was quick to nudge Souji out of the way, her elbow cracking into its face, causing it to reel from a small case of death. With the attack starting properly, Ishtar threw herself against a nearby pile of rubble, conveniently vertical enough that she or Souji could lean against it.

A smirk. "Will this do?"


punches_fog June 26 2011, 05:18:14 UTC
Souji smiles, not hesitating to remove his pants completely - he's got to have his legs free to move, after all.

"Ishtar...if we die like this, I'm gonna claim the best death in mortal history," Souji says, walking over to Ishtar and beginning to attack the side of her neck with soft lips and light nips of his teeth as his hands go to what few clothes the love goddess chose to wear. "I'd still rather survive, though, so please accept all my power, and my love."

His hands are all over the goddess's body already, touching divinity - or at least powerful demonology, his professional mind irritatingly reasserts - tracing her curves and running over her skin, moving inexorably, quicker than he normally would due to circumstances, in towards Ishtar's center. He puts the battle behind him out of his mind completely, trusting his love to watch his back, and keeps his eyes open in front of him, ready to bring one hand back to his sword should any enemies threaten Lillith from behind.


This demands appropriate music. wrenchthelock June 26 2011, 15:57:35 UTC
((Soundtrack start!))

Ishtar's smile widened at the feel of Souji's totally rockin' pimpsational ((editor's note: find more regal equivalent for "totally rockin' pimpsational" before posting)) hands on her body, loving the slightly rough feel against her soft skin. Wrapping a leg around his waist, she pulled him in close, combing her fingers through his hair while he nibbled at her neck. This was bliss...this was-

Oh, right, a battle!

A charging oni quickly got the business end of a gout of flame, sending it wheeling to the ground where one of her allies descended to finish it off. She chuckled harshly. What a fool, daring to interrupt their pleasure.

"That's it..." she whimpered, rolling her hips gently against his hand, growing steadily wetter as his skilled fingers performed a little magic show of their own.

"Faster, please!"

She'd love to be the assistant for a trick like this any day!


punches_fog June 27 2011, 02:16:06 UTC
Souji is all business now. His goddess - for that's what she was now, his original intentions for joining her mostly forgotten - needed him to give his all in making love to her and, more importantly, was breathing heavily, writhing against him, and wrapping around him.

Ishtar's few garments removed, Souji kisses quickly down her chest and wraps his lips around her nipple, not hesitating to suck hard at her breast. One hand rubs exploringly, lovingly over the gap between her legs while the other, sadly, has to remain free now to draw his sword against any enemies coming from behind. Which would be a good idea for later...but for right now, his left hand makes itself far more intimate with Ishtar.


wrenchthelock June 27 2011, 02:38:18 UTC
And Ishtar finds Lefty to be quite the charmer, with a certain boldness that she found touching. Jokes aside, however, Souji was really good! She'd have to ask him if he'd done this before after the battle was over. For now, though, she was more than content to push herself hard against the stone, growling hungrily with every suck and thrust from her lover.

The energy from their lovemaking...no. No, she this was fucking, and she liked it. It fed her with power drawn from lust, mixed with the desperate rage of her allies as they put their all into protecting their leader and each other. With that, she felt her power growing, her senses extending. This battle would not be won by her enemies easily, nor quickly, nor even barely ( ... )


punches_fog June 28 2011, 03:59:45 UTC
It was an elegant dance that Souji was positive no other being could manage, that perfect balance between lust and violence without losing oneself to either. He could only hope to imitate it as he knelt into position behind Ishtar, drawing both his weapons. Not daring to close his eyes or sigh, he nonetheless shifts forward and groans in pleasure as he firmly plants himself deep in the willing goddess, bracing himself on her soft, flared hip with his left hand. Without breaking his concentration, he fends off minor Oni attacking from each side with broad swings of his sword, cutting into them even as he begins slowly becoming overwhelmed by the feeling of the goddess beneath him.


wrenchthelock June 28 2011, 05:15:05 UTC
Her voice was lustful song and feral war cry all at once, and her hips thrust back against her lover's virile cock. To many onlookers, it might have seemed mildly silly to be so intent on battle and sex at the same time. Might have, but the thought never entered Ishtar's mind. Let any onlookers ridicule her for her style, but this worked well, especially now that she was brimming with magic power, which was feeding back into Souji and increasing his strength as well.

"Enjoying yourself, my dear?" she called back, quickly turning and spitting a bolt of flame into an oni's leg, causing it to stumble. "Quite the spectacle so far, are we not?"

((OOC Comment: Oh, by the way! What in Ishtar's prefs work for you?))


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