Being completely naked, hand-fed by a stranger that kept pinching his cheek would be something that would normally make Murphy go straight for his guns. The fact that he was completely naked, in the middle of one of the Hotel's seedy bars, was something that he'd never dream of doing on his own free will. Specially not when there was clearly not
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He ordered himself a drink and looked around for a spot to sit at. Of course, there was all sorts of shite going on around him. Some of it going on on top of the tables. There was no point in having inhabitions around here. Fuck it, Connor had put on his own sex display out in the lobby not so long ago, he wasn't one to judge.
Whether he wanted to go down that route tonight or not though, he didn't know. For now all he wanted was a quiet drink and to see what the night brought him. He skirted the room and settled himself in the shadows at the back. Comfortable in his alcove, he looked around the bar again.
Raising his tail, he turned away from the man and rushed his step. Murphy moved gracefully, considering he wasn't all that used to walk on all fours, as he approached his brother.
Giving a little turn around a table, cat-Murphy found Connor's alcove. He headbutted his twin's leg, pressing his whole body against it as he meowed his greetings.
"Someone fancies themselves a bit of a kitty, eh?" He mumbled, loud enough for whoever had decided to take a shine to him to hear.
His fingers rubbed over stiff, realistic feeling ears, before dropping lower to brush the rough stubble on their jaw. So, it was a guy, then. That suited Connor just fine.
Murphy stretched his neck, leaning his head into Connor's hand. He soon cocking it so that his brother's fingers were back on the top of his head, angled perfectly to get that scratch behind the ear he so desperatedly wanted.
Nuzzling Connor's leg, he made sure to mark him with his scent, to prove this was Connor and Connor belonged to none other but him.
"Yeh wanna do this here? Okay then..." He shifted on his seat, leaning back and sliding down a bit lower, his legs falling opening to encourage some nuzzling in just the right spot.
He scratched the smooth fur-like hair just behind that fuzzy cat ear. The guy wanted to play at being a cat? He could run with that, no problem.
Resting his chin on the edge of the seat, his face brushed Connor's crotch. The musky smell coming from it, even through his jeans. He pressed his nose against the bulge, giving it a proper smell.
He was going to check, but then there was a teasing press against his half hard dick, and he rumble of that purr was just fucken amazing! He groaned and put his head back a moment, pressing his hand against the back of that head encouragingly.
When Connor shifted though, his eyes fell quickly on the little movement under his shirt. Murphy's hand flew, in no longer than a blink of the eye, and caught the rosary that was hanging from Connor's neck.
Even if he was just playing, his claws came out of his fingers a bit, digging into Connor's flesh.
Suddenly there was sharp pain in his chest! Connor jerked up, which was a bad move, seeing as it not only made those pins dig in more, it also pulled his rosary tighter around the back of his neck.
"FUCK!" He glared down at the fucken ejit, ready to lay into them, straight into Murphy's face...
Connor's yell made him pull his hand back, his eyes growing wide and ears lowering themselves, until they were back and flat against his head.
Connor was having a little difficulty processing all the information rushing at his brain right now. It wasn't so much the fact that he'd just been pressing his twin's face to his hardening cock, though he recognised that should be the first headfuck he needed to deal with, even if it wasn't. It was more that fact that Murphy's ears actually moved and lay back against his head like the real deal.
Now that he was paying attention, his arm was covered in a thick coat of black fur too. Connor tilted his head to the side, his eyes catching sight of the tail that was twitching against the floor, just out from under the table.
"... What're yeh doin', Murph?"
So, ignoring the question, he pulled back and hid under the safe darkness under the table, pressing his body against the opposite seat.
"... Ah, fuck..." He muttered to himself, giving in to lean under the table and look over to where Murphy was hiding. "C'm here, Murph..."
He simply stared at the other, his tail, tucked safely around his legs.
He looked at Connor's hand and then directly at his twins' eyes. His unexpressive face said it all: he thought his brother was an ejit.
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