(+2) no event, aphro plus

May 27, 2011 18:00

Back to back, two teens were gagged as their hands were tied above their heads, a double-ended vibrator whirring away in between them, pulsating against their sensitive spots without mercy ( Read more... )

pairing: m/m/m, pairing: m/m, series: kingdom hearts

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Ventus to the rescue! Maybe xD backhandjustice May 31 2011, 04:57:52 UTC
Ventus was not new to the hotel, but neither was he an expert on its ways either. He at least knew what sex was now, and... well, it was not bad to say the least. He was perfectly used to it, and it helped that Roxas had been there for him, his husband. Or well, what they pretended to be, more or less, but he thought that was because they both needed the comfort of familiarity more than anything.

His curiosity getting the better of him, he peered into the room and gave an involuntary cry when he saw the two - especially Sora. Sora, his other heart, his other half, the one...

"Sora!" he burst, coming in, forgetting Riku for the moment though he was by no means forgotten entirely. "What happened?" he asked, going to the brunette first and working at his gag.

[ooc: So potential threesome, though as I said right now he is going for Sora and will get to Riku momentarily, so Me/Sora/Riku format?]


whoohoo!~~ basstune May 31 2011, 05:18:35 UTC
Ven? Whaaa--that was the last person he would've thought would appear here! His crystal blue eyes went wide and his face was flushed. This was embarrassing... as the gag came off, however, he had no choice but to talk to him.

"Um..." he stammered, uncharacteristically. He didn't even know where to start. "I-I don't know, we were just--" He muffled a cry by biting down on his lower lip, arms shaking against. "just... hanging out and then this..." He was slightly out of breath, brown locks falling into his eyes and sticking against his cheeks.

{ooc: That's alright with me!}


Awesome! inimically May 31 2011, 05:57:58 UTC
Riku could feel an overwhelming sense of light and cast his eyes to the door, he was not surprised when he was almost unnoticed. This person knew Sora somehow; that was good, maybe his friend would be able to escape from this before it was too late. The Hotel was much more forgiving with only one person after all. He listened as Sora explained and closed his eyes, his long eyelashes fanning his cheek as he started to settle.

「It's okay with me too! >w<」


Will tag back in the morning guys :) backhandjustice May 31 2011, 06:30:45 UTC
Ventus, for the moment, did not see the real situation the two were stuck in, though this could be his own innocence or his total focus on Sora's face. He found himself blushing though at the sight of it - those flushed cheeks, moist lips, the slick hair. He shook his head though. There was no time to be thinking of that, nor should he be. Sora was...

At that moment he seemed to notice Riku and hurried around, reaching up to gently remove the gag of the other boy as well.

"Who did this to you guys?" he asked them, his fingers unconsciously brushing Riku's jaw as he removed the gag - a tender gesture as much as it was becoming an ingrained gesture of intimacy.


kay! sleep well! C: basstune May 31 2011, 06:55:18 UTC
Noting Ven's focus on his face, Sora blinked once or twice before he moved away, to take off Riku's gag. Oh, that was good, at least--his best friend was getting out with him. He'd protest if it was anything but. To keep up the conversation, Sora spoke and arched his neck back so his head rested on Riku's slender shoulder. "Last I remember is darkness and orange eyes," the brunette noted quietly, a sickening feeling in the pit of his stomach. "Then, just... nothing." He tried to get a better look at Ven, feeling distant, but closely bonded with him. There was something about the way he moved with valor but innocence that was so deeply compelling that Sora just wanted to...

whoah, where did that come from. The brunette pulled back and shook his head. "We should probably get out of here."


sweet dreams~ inimically May 31 2011, 07:03:09 UTC
As the gag came off and settled around his slim neck, Riku found it in him to breathe in sweet air and open his eyes, and they stared right at Ven with the same sincerity his friend often looked at him, but stark and incredible determination and melancholy. Who was this person in front of him? He seemed warm and familiar, worthy of Riku's time, some sort of ethereal presence. Almost at once he noticed Ven's hand on his jaw and quickly twitched away, a spark of darkness occurring between the touch of skin. Someone that thick with light shouldn't be touching something even with the slightest speck of darkness, Riku concluded, and shifted, without a word, to look over at Sora. That was, until the door suddenly slammed shut, and Riku grimaced.

So much for an easy escape.


/pokes/ : > backhandjustice May 31 2011, 15:30:14 UTC
"Huh? Oh, yeah, definitely," he agreed, for a minute distracted by the look in Riku's eyes - that melancholy, that little bit of Darkness. They were like his eyes.

He shook his head and turned away, trying not to blush as he hurried back to Sora and reached down to begin fumbling at the thing holding them together back to back.

"Orange eyes?" he repeated to Sora, looking at him with tender concern and worry, shifting as he worked at the knots to sit and press his shoulder to him, like the contact brought them both comfort.

He started, though, and jerked around to see the door slam shut. His mouth opened in shock and he dodge-rolled right up to the thing, tugging at the handle with gritted teeth.

"Hey, no fair!" he burst out, like the hotel would care.


c": basstune May 31 2011, 15:35:25 UTC
Sora was just as floored by the actions of the Hotel, staring at the door. "What--hold on, why'd it just shut like that?" He asked, worried. It was never a good thing when a door was shut. Sora had quite a bit of experience with that.


Wb! inimically May 31 2011, 15:40:42 UTC
Riku's eyes followed Ven as he came to the door, trying to force it open. He shifted a shoulder against Sora, telling him not to worry non-verbally. "It's locked us in," he explained. "There's no use in trying to get out like that."


:) backhandjustice May 31 2011, 15:51:11 UTC
Ventus stared forlornly at the door, but decided to leave it for the moment and came back to finish untying Sora and his friend. As he worked he finally say the... the...

"Uh, what is that?" he asked, looking at the double headed dildo and his face going beet red, for a minute his hands pausing after fumbling a bit in his embarrassment.


lol ven. xD basstune May 31 2011, 15:55:21 UTC
"No clue," Sora replied, voice getting a little higher as he again became flushed, completely embarrassed by the few seconds that passed by without Ven noticing it. He liked that better. "b-but it's really uncomfortable, c-can you help us down so w-we can get it out?" He started to stammer, really awkwardly shameful, even if he didn't do it by choice.


inimically May 31 2011, 15:59:01 UTC
Oh, great, now Sora was stuttering. This wasn't turning out good. He tried to shift back, lips open to speak, but when the toy shifted inside of him, pressing against a sensitive spot that had been overworked, his shoulders tensed, he closed his eyes tightly and he shut his mouth with a groan. Through gritted teeth, he added onto Sora's reply."

"- hurry."


backhandjustice May 31 2011, 16:20:50 UTC
"Oh, right!" he blurted, anything to keep him from noticing their faces, the...

Okay, just do not go there. Do not. Think of something else. Anything else. Not that. He made his fingers work despite his embarrassment, finally able to reach in between them and ease the dildo out.

He squeaked to feel it vibrate and tossed it aside, looking at his hand like something had bitten him, and so red it was laughable.

"You two okay?" he asked, reaching out to brush Sora's arm.


basstune May 31 2011, 16:25:42 UTC
Even if he was just as embarrassed, Sora couldn't help but laugh at Ven's reaction. It was kinda cute, but he knew he shouldn't be thinking of anyone in the room--especially Ven--in that manner. Sora managed to sit down on top of the bed, finally letting his red knees come to rest. "I'm okay," he admitted, putting on a big smile to try and stop him from worrying. Ven didn't need to worry about him; he had a feeling he had much bigger fish to fry.


inimically May 31 2011, 16:31:10 UTC
The presence was gone and Riku's lithe body relaxed as he followed Sora's suit and untangled himself from the ropes holding his wrists up. Thank god Ven had already mostly worked through them before he'd been distracted by the door. His wrists were covered in deep red bruises, to which Riku put his mouth against to soothe them, not looking at either of the boys to his left. He'd be lying if he said enduring that was a piece of cake. It was no Ansem possession, but it was still hard to get through.


backhandjustice May 31 2011, 17:04:06 UTC
Ventus followed them to the bed and frowned when he saw the red knees on Sora. The mere thought of the other getting hurt was upsetting to him, this boy, the other half of his heart. Quite literally the other half. Without him...

He shook his head and knelt at Sora's feet, gently rubbing at his sore knees. He pressed his lips to them, kissing the tender red flesh and whispering the Cure spell, hoping that helped ease the pain some.

"I'm sorry this happened to you guys," he said, massaging gently.


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