(+2) no event, aphro plus

May 27, 2011 18:00

Back to back, two teens were gagged as their hands were tied above their heads, a double-ended vibrator whirring away in between them, pulsating against their sensitive spots without mercy ( Read more... )

pairing: m/m/m, pairing: m/m, series: kingdom hearts

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A threesome? I'm up for it. croceamors May 28 2011, 14:50:08 UTC
If there is one thing Saix has learned in this place, it is that following hotel 'suggestions' never lead to much good. So, when he comes upon the arrows on the floor, he simply ignores them, and continues on his way, determined to return to his room and Axel. But unfortunately... He soon finds himself in the very same place again.

And again. And again. Finally, he comes to a stop, eyes narrowed and a growl coming from his throat. So he has no choice in the matter? Fine. Fists clenched at his sides, he strides through the halls, following the path painted out for him. When he finally comes to the room, he quirks up an eyebrow. Well.

His views on Sora are always a bit... off. The ones he continues to run into- including the female one- always treat him.. differently than what he expects. And considering the potion incident with the female one, his brain still tries to trick him into caring more than he knows he should. As for Riku, well, he does his best to stay away from him. He has no interest.

But both here... "Quite a predicament." Walking over, he nudges Riku's erection with the tip of his boot. "And messy."


awesome! :3 basstune May 28 2011, 15:04:19 UTC
The last this Sora heard of a Saix, he was fighting one--so his views on Saix are still the same, and when he hears the voice near his best friend, he thrashes, wishing he had the space to conjure up the Keyblade and protect them both. There's no telling what Saix will do. He could take out his claymore and start chopping away at them! Sora tilted his head back to give him a lethal glare, one he probably already knew but had gone long without seeing. A certain sort of panic is in his face (though he disguises it with anger) when he sees Saix near Riku. He doesn't want his best friend hurt, especially not this way.


Brilliant~ inimically May 28 2011, 15:22:48 UTC
Riku never did like Saix and he hated him more even now. His rage bubbled in his chest as he came near and a cold feeling suddenly overtook him as he realized the trouble they were in. At the moment, they were helpless. What was stopping the Nobody from hurting them? Answer: nothing. Riku sharply gasps around his gag as the blunt end of his boot touches his erection, head dipping down, his long grey hair obscuring his face as he did so. Stars flew beneath his eyelids as he tried to recompose himself, his body far too sensitive and now used to stagnant air rather than someone there to touch.

The keybearer flinched as the vibrator touched a particularly sensitive spot when he shifted to glare, arms shaking. He didn't cease glaring at the intruder, a sign of Riku's strength from having reentered the Hotel just days past. He didn't want Saix's help, even if he was here to help.


Everything's better with another party~ croceamors May 28 2011, 15:48:48 UTC
Well, this at least proves one thing: either the hotel is playing with the mind again or this really is a different version of the Soras he knows. Riku's reaction is no surprise, so he simply brushes it off and presses his boot even harder against Riku's arousal. "If you think I'm going to kill you, then simply remember I would have done it the moment I set foot into this room. But then, there are worse things than death."

He eases up on the pressure and steps around Riku, leaning down to take Sora's chin between his fingers. For a brief moment, there's something besides the usual cold blankness in his eyes, but Saix hides it quick enough. "And here I thought Axel came often enough..." Unable to quite help himself thanks to the aphrodisiacs doing their job, he reaches down and runs a finger up Sora's cock. "New, then?"


so true!~ basstune May 28 2011, 16:00:28 UTC
At least... there's that. He could change his mind, Sora reminds himself, tensing when he hears his best friend's reaction to Saix's pressure, then welcomed, not really, by the sight of the amber-eyed Nobody. He tries not to let it get to him by staring off towards where the door would be before his gaze is redirected straight to Saix's face. Sora's pride and determination always is accompanied by a certain level of fear, and it's high, but not for Saix. This is a strange place he'd arrived in, he's all the more cautious as he remembers dangerous worlds, and now with Saix showing up, he's even more aware.

And that includes being aware of emotions, as Sora always is. He sees something in Saix's eyes that send his eyebrows knitting, until his hand grazes his cock and his eyes flutter, chest quickens in a breath. He nods shakily to answer his question.


inimically May 28 2011, 16:07:51 UTC
Riku groans loudly as Saix pressed harder, his whole body trembling like a leaf under the onslaught. If they're lucky, Saix will leave them alone and leave them to a more kind-hearted saviour. He's still lost in a haze of lust and near-orgasm when Saix moves away from him, a bead of sweat trailing past his cheekbones. There is not an easy way out of this, Riku knows--he wonders if Sora has realized, and upon thinking that, he cranes his head to look at the brunette and the Nobody, narrowing his eyes.

Riku's protection over his best friend holds strong. There's no amount of perverse nonsense that'll cease that act.


croceamors May 28 2011, 16:20:10 UTC
Unfortunately, no amount of drug induced affection will ever change Saix's core personality. So when he sees the glare Riku sends his way as he stays near Sora, Saix can only smirk. So he doesn't like him touching his precious keyblade wielder, is that it?

Too bad.

"Then allow me to explain, since I have no other way out." Kneeling, he brushes his lips against Sora's ear and properly wraps his fingers around his arousal. "This place thrives on sexual energy. And it won't let us free of this room until it gets it." He begins to pump his hand, taking the tip of his ear between his teeth and nipping lightly. "Him, or you? Which path do you think I should take?"

With his free hand, he tugs down Sora's gag, all while smirking at Riku.


basstune May 28 2011, 16:30:32 UTC
His slender chest started rising and falling in a quicker rate as Saix's hand closed around his erection and started to move. Sora's groan was muffled and held back as he tried not to submit to what Saix was doing, his words just barely reaching his ears. This world operated on something Sora hadn't even thought of doing, no wonder he felt so unsure and unaware.

When the question was posed, both boys knew what Sora's answer would be, Sora confidently, and Riku with a knowledge that his best friend would never allow him to sacrifice for his well-being again.

His breaths were still ragged and uneven, but he clearly said, "Me. It should be me. Leave Riku alone."


inimically May 28 2011, 16:37:59 UTC
Sora. Of course that would be his answer. He stopped glaring to just close his eyes, and look away. That was the way Sora was, wasn't it?

That was it, though. If Saix released him, he had another thing coming--there was no way he was going to just let taking advantage of his best friend just slide.


croceamors May 28 2011, 16:49:59 UTC
There's no reply- no spoken one, at any rate. Saix simply adjusts himself so that he can wrap his arms around Sora properly. His hands dip below so that he can both pull the boy closer while also sliding the vibrator out of him. Once he's properly in his arms, Saix takes in a deep breath of that scent against Sora's hair. "No matter when, you still stay the same," he murmurs before turning him around so that his back is pressed to Saix's firm chest.

"But it would be inappropriate to keep Riku in the dark, wouldn't it?" Keeping Sora flush against his chest, he grabs the other teen's shoulder and jerks him around. With that done, he reaches down again, tweaking one of Sora's nipples. "Since you're doing this for him, aren't you?"


basstune May 28 2011, 17:01:28 UTC
Surprised at how gently Saix moved him, Sora stayed quiet, letting Saix manuver him to his own with. Really, though he didn't want to owe him, he did, if he let them go, both of them would owe him something big, especially after being trapped for so long. He tilted his chin up to try and look at Saix but was turned too sharply to look on his expression when he spoke. Stay the same?

He looked at Riku, not answering his questions just yet before they met eyes. Sora did not hesitate to smile at Riku, nonverbally telling him to relax and to not worry. They were going to get out of this. "Yeah."


inimically May 28 2011, 17:12:41 UTC
He hadn't... expected that.

His blue-hued eyes widened and rounded as Saix turned him around, looking down to Sora and then up at Saix, shaking his head to clear his mind. He was doing this to spite him, wasn't he? He looked back to Sora and lightly nodding. He didn't like Sora's decision, but he respected it. It was nothing to hold against him; he was doing the same thing Riku had done. His arms still shook from the vibrator inside of him, but he did his best to keep a mostly blank face.

Which... was hard to do, with both of them flushed and wanting, and Saix in the middle.


croceamors May 28 2011, 17:54:30 UTC
It's strange how they can hold out through this. Then again, he can't be surprised. It takes a strong heart to wield the keyblade.

"Just like a 'hero'." Appearing unconcerned, he turns Sora's head to the side so he can dip his head down for a kiss. It's hardly passionate; just slow and collected as he runs his hand down Sora's stomach, circling around the base of his arousal. Always so close to touching, but not quite.


basstune May 28 2011, 18:09:48 UTC
Sora's words were cut off as Saix covers his lips with his own, surprised by that intimate contact--not so much so by the next. Upon the teasing touch, a soft moan gets muffled by both of their mouth's contact, Sora inadvertently pressing against Saix when he does so try try and get closer, initiate more contact between the both of them.

At least, before he realized what he was doing and pulling back with wide eyes. "Um..."


inimically May 28 2011, 18:26:24 UTC
Through observing, Riku tried to distance himself from both of them--both for his own sanity and to try and see how likely it would be that Saix would actually let them both free. His steady gaze drifted over Saix's form, examining how he moved into the kiss slowly, not rushed. He was certainly enjoying Sora--and, distantly, he wondered why. He almost tried to speak up around his gag before he felt a sudden buildup in his lower torso, tensing and closing his eyes, actually glad that there was attention on Sora other than himself.


croceamors May 28 2011, 18:47:32 UTC
There's a smug sense of victory when he feels Sora press against him, further into his touch. When he pulls back, Saix just takes it in stride, redirecting his gaze to Riku. It's hard not to just laugh at it, but he's always prided himself on his control.

"See that?" he mutters instead to Sora, one finger ghosting between his legs and lightly touching his sensitive sac. "Your so-called friend wants to be the one to do this to you. Touching you like this."


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