Ursa - Avatar the Last Airbender | Lessons in Technology | BYOA

May 07, 2011 11:34

Ursa's hands were folded neatly in her lap as she glanced up quietly at the ticking clock. Slowly but surely the exiled princess from an era at the cusp of an Industrial Revolution has adapted to the modern Hotel. Save for the confusing undergarments (she refuses to wear any), she’s nearly adapted to modern clothes wearing a black blouse and red pencil skirt with sheer black stockings and red heels. The only touches of her former self are the swept wings of her silky sable hair. Only instead of a topknot, a simple gold barrette holds her hair back.

However, Ursa has been having issues with a few things. Simple cooking and cleaning devices are a puzzle. While she had figured out phones when it came to answering, other electronics were a curiosity beyond the on and off button. One shouldn’t even go into computers when it came to Ursa.

She had heard about classes within the Hotel, and while wary of the Hotel, she knew she couldn’t function within this world without having basic knowledge of using half the instruments here. Maybe even more than half. So she was off to the classes to try and help her change the channel on the TV.

She sighed as two minutes ticked loudly by before picked up a magazine and leafed through it, knowing she was reading a language that was not her own, but read it perfectly just the same. Just the same magic that made her understand all these different languages and allowed people to understand her.

Slowly the door opened and Ursa stood up expectantly. The former princess smiled and bowed briskly towards her teacher.

(ooc - Ursa yet again. This time she’s under the impression she is getting something like a computer class. I had three ideas for this set up in mind.

1) It is a computer class, but the teacher knows what the Internet is for (p0rn) and has no objections for getting down to basics and helping their student relax.
2) Said electronic devices? Electronic sex toys such as vibes and dildos. In ‘canon’ (what happens in memes stays in memes >_>) Ursa is woefully unfamiliar with such practices and considering it’s the hotel, she’s going to need to learn about these toys and batteries.
3) CR option - actually trying to teach her something or be a fellow student.

While I play Ursa as usually learning towards dom, this is a territory she’s brand new and probably would be more submissive the first few times. Of course, she is readily adaptable once the basics are taught and things can switch around.

Also, if you could reply to subject how high the aphro you brought was, that’d be a help. ;D)

pairing: f/f, series: avatar: the last airbender, pairing: f/m, pairing: f/*

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