Intro | No Event | Medium Aphro

Apr 11, 2011 23:47

Nate Richards really hoped his current situation wasn't because of Kang. Really. Waking up without his armor wasn't as bad when Nate realized he was without clothes entirely. And as if being naked in some odd hotel room wasn't bad enough, he was handcuffed to the headboard and sporting an erection ( Read more... )

pairing: m/m/m, pairing: m/m, series: marvel, series: young avengers

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jockeybait April 13 2011, 01:10:07 UTC
After the things he'd been through, he was glad for a change of pace. Not having to look over your should every five seconds or point a gun at the slightest unfamiliar sound gave you a lot of time to.. relax. To breathe and take in strange places. He wasn't sure he was safe yet but so far -- Ellis hadn't found a single thing that could be considered a threat.

He reacted quickly to the sound of someone calling out, though, and hurried down the halls. "Right here!" Ellis called out in reassurance as he moved to open one of the doors - hoping to find the source. As it opened and he caught the sight of someone, he stepped in, lips parting to say something before he paused - eyes flicking down to the other's.. erection before quickly snapping up to his face.

"Well hot damn," he offered sheepishly, reaching to rub the back of his neck as he stepped into the room with a low whistle, "looks like you got yourself into a weird ass situation, buddy!" He continued to the other, though, careful not to look at the other. "But dun worry! I'mma get you outta here!" A nod to himself and he moved towards the headboard, shifting to balance on the edge of the mattress with one knee to reach for the handcuffs.

He'd seen some strange things in his time but this? This was definitely not expected after all the things he'd been through lately. At least it wasn't a naked zombie, he guessed.


never_kang April 13 2011, 02:12:55 UTC
Nate jumped at the sound of a voice he didn't recognize. This would be even more embarrassing than he thought it was going to be. He blushed when Ellis entered the room, watching the man's eyes and wishing he could cover himself.

"I just woke up like this," he muttered, trying to avoid meeting the other man's eyes. He was feeling rather warm and uncomfortable but managed a small smile. "Thank you. I'm...Nathanial but you may call me Nate," he offered, quickly glancing Ellis over.

"Do you know where we are?" he asked. Unfortunately for Nate, there didn't seem to be a keyhole at all on the handcuffs and they were rather firmly stuck to the headboard.


jockeybait April 13 2011, 18:01:36 UTC
Ellis kept his eyes focused on the objective - the handcuffs. His eyes swept the surface, hoping to find something. The first thing he noticed, however, was the lack of a keyhole. "Well fuck, that ain't good. Gonna have to do this shit the hard way." Flexing his hands, he shifted closer to the headboard. "Not gonna lie - this might hurt a bit. But I'll be damned if I don't try to keep it painless for ya, buddy." Wrapping his hand around the chain and placing the other against the headboard, he gave a sharp jerk. Neither gave even the slightest under the jerk but he repeated the motion, lips curling in disapproval.

"And don't mention it, Nate! My name's Ellis, by the way," he began, turning his head enough to flash a smile before turning his head back, "you can call me Ellis - all my friend's do. Some of them try to call me El, but I ain't no girl or nothing like that, so I just tell them to call me Ellis."


never_kang April 13 2011, 18:20:44 UTC
"The hard way?" that had Nate concerned. He idly thought that one of his teammates might make a joke about things already being hard in this situation but he pushed those thoughts aside. He nodded when told there might be pain, not scared or worried about that. Pain wasn't something he was especially worried about. When all the jerking and tugging didn't do much, Nate frowned.

"I am glad you were around then Ellis," Nate replied. He was a little confused by the rest of what the other man said, gaze idly drifting over Ellis' body since he was so close.


jockeybait April 14 2011, 00:22:16 UTC
"Yeah-" another sharp jerk of the chain, enough to rattle the headboard, even in his grip, "-the hard way! But doesn't seem like this son-a-bitch is gonna come loose any time soon!"

If Ellis noticed the other looking him over, he didn't comment. Rather, his attention was fixated on attempting to free the other from his current situation. "You know, this kinda reminds me of this time my buddy Keith accidentally - well, it really wasn't an accident, his dumb ass kinda did it on purpose cause this bet he made or some shit - but anyway. He accidentally handcuffed himself to my buddy's truck. And whoo-ee! Was that some funny shit to watch, tryin' to get himself uncuffed without a damn key." He laughed at the memory, idly twisting and examining the chain of the cuff and then the headboard, as if trying to find some other method of freeing the other.

"..well fuck, not sure what else I can do. You got any ideas there, Nate?"

[ ooc ..don't mind the BS story there. Ellis is full of random stories for like. Every situation. ]


never_kang April 14 2011, 00:55:08 UTC
Nate frowns a bit deeper, wincing as he gets a bit pinched by the cuffs. "This is very strange. Who would cuff me like this...and why?" he asks no one in particular.

He blinks several times as he listens to the story, a bit confused by it. "What possible purpose could there have been to handcuffing himself to a truck? Was it at least parked?" he asks, giving a slight grunt as his arm is twisted with the chain.

"I'm not sure. I'm just feeling very uncomfortable," he replies.

[ooc: No worries. It's part of what makes Ellis fun :)]


jockeybait April 14 2011, 01:00:11 UTC
"Wish I could tell you man, but I haven't been able to make heads or tails of this damn place since I got here," he explained, moving his hands away upon hearing the grunt. "And my bad! Got carried away tryin' to get you out of these damn things." He reached out, tapping the chain for emphasis before shifting to sit beside the other on the head - tipping his hat up enough to scratch his forehead.

"Anythin' I go do for you? To make you, ya know -" he makes an awkward gesture towards the other, as if trying to emphasize the rest of his words, "more comfortable?" His eyes flicked back to the other, studying him briefly before turning his eyes away once more. He was sure he'd be pretty damn uncomfortable in that situation, he mused, shifting slightly from his position.


never_kang April 14 2011, 01:36:40 UTC
"Have you been here long? Do you know where this place is?" Nate asked hopefully. "It's alright. You were trying to help. A little pain is nothing to be worried about," he said, swallowing. Ellis being so close had Nate feeling even warmer and he was doing his best to not stare.

"I..." he wasn't sure what Ellis was offering. Eventually he decided to just ask. "Are you offering to help with...this?" he nodded down to his crotch, blushing as he did.


jockeybait April 14 2011, 01:44:15 UTC
"Nope," was the honest reply as he shifted to lean back, mindful of the other's arm. "You're the first person I've seen," he explained, shrugging one shoulder and idly moving to adjust his hat.

The other trailing off had his attention though and he blinked, turning to watch the other's expression. "Offerin'?" Ellis repeated cautiously, eyes flicking down to Nate's arousal before returning to his face uncertainly. Had it been an offer, he wondered, he hadn't meant it like that way. But some part of him did genuinely feel bad for him - he'd want someone to help him if he were in that situation. He supposed it wouldn't.. hurt anything to help him out.

"I ain't never done nothing like that with a guy before," he admitted finally, reaching to scratch his chin. He didn't know where he was and if he'd ever get to leave; this could have been his last chance for human contact before he was returned to that zombie 'pocalypse bullshit. "..but I could lend you a hand."

As long as Zoey didn't find out - he was sure she might not like to know that if he ever got the chance to take her on a date.


never_kang April 14 2011, 02:11:35 UTC
Nate cursed under his breath. He really wished he had his armor. "Someone is better than no one," he offered with as much of a shrug as he could manage.

He watched Ellis silently. He was still not sure if Ellis had actually offered to help him like that but he was beginning to think he wouldn't be adverse to the idea. Ellis was an attractive guy and Nate was feeling the effects of the drugs.

"I haven't ever been with another man before either," Nate admitted after Ellis' reply. He was open to either gender like most people from his timeline but he hadn't actually done anything with another man yet. "Thank you. I will try to return the favor as best I can," he offered.


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