Intro || No Event || BYOA

Apr 05, 2011 19:45

Sanzo groaned when he opened his eyes and got an eyeful of his own reflection. Why were there mirrors on the ceiling? What the hell kind of place had they stopped at last night? He didn't remember the mirrors, but then again he really hadn't been paying much attention before he collapsed onto the bed. Wait... Where was Goku? The monkey had gotten ( Read more... )

series: saiyuki, pairing: m/m

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green_eye_demon April 6 2011, 02:57:02 UTC
And who would happen to be walking down that hallway but someone Sanzo would find familiar. Green eyes go a little wide at the sight of his friend, his steps pausing as he stared at the blond monk.

"... well, where shall we be going, hm?"


hereticprince April 6 2011, 04:58:31 UTC
He looked at Hakkai, arms crossing over his chest, an eyebrow lifting at what he thought was a rather odd question. Where? Where they'd been going, of course. He didn't say that, though. Instead, he shook his head. "If you aren't ready, I'll just leave you behind. Where's the kappa and monkey?"


green_eye_demon April 6 2011, 05:02:53 UTC
Of course. Sighing, Hakkai put on his best polite smile and padded closer, know full well that Sanzo was either going to think he had finally lost his mind (which wasn't too far from the truth) or try to beat him to death with that damned fan of his.

"They're not here, as far as I know. Not anymore, but this... isn't quite what you're thinking. We're not in the inn you remember."


hereticprince April 6 2011, 05:11:09 UTC
Sanzo watched Hakkai, eyebrow remaining lifted as he mentally questioned the brunette's sanity. What the hell was he on about? "I don't remember this inn at all, so..." He trailed off, glancing past Hakkai and down the hallway. "What do you mean they're not here?"


green_eye_demon April 6 2011, 05:15:13 UTC
It wouldn't be the first time someone's questioned it. Still smiling that maddening smile, he turned enough to let Sanzo have a good view of the hallway before he motioned for him to follow.

"I don't believe I stuttered, did I? They're not here. Gojyo's... been gone for a little while and Goku, thankfully, hasn't been here as far as I know. Really, a love hotel isn't the place for him, even if the food here is quite good."


hereticprince April 6 2011, 05:23:00 UTC
There was a fleeting twitch of annoyance at the light sarcasm. Leave it to Hakkai to be an ass in the most subtle way possible. Still, he followed him as motioned, at least up until he said 'love hotel' and the blond stopped dead. "...a what?"


green_eye_demon April 6 2011, 05:28:04 UTC
"You don't know the term?"

He didn't mean to be so troublesome... okay, yes, he did. Pausing once he realized Sanzo wasn't following him, he glanced back.

"You know, there's a very good bar here. It might best to tell you everything over a few drinks."

Oh, the things he could tell him...


hereticprince April 6 2011, 05:33:47 UTC
"Of course I know the term," he practically growled, violet eyes rolling. God, he could be such a pain. And he knew he was a pain too. Sanzo wasn't sure if that made it worse or better.

At the mention of a bar, he shrugged, the barest lift of shoulders visible beneath his robe. "Lead the way, then."


green_eye_demon April 6 2011, 05:40:06 UTC
He did was he was told, idly pointing things out as they made their way down to the bar. As promised, it was a good one, which was a far cry from the ones they'd seen and drank in during their journey.

Once they were settled at a quiet table away from the bar itself, Hakkai politely ordered tea for himself, knowing Sanzo would get whatever he wanted.

"What I'm going to tell you will sound improbable. In fact, you're going to think I've lost my mind, which is a bit debatable lately... but that's beyond the point. This is a inter-dimensional hotel that people are pulled into, but cannot leave voluntarily."


*Kicks LJ* Stop going down. D< hereticprince April 6 2011, 09:22:46 UTC
Sanzo followed in thought silence and once they were settled in the bar, he ordered a glass of cognac with ice, then leaned back to listen to Hakkai. When his green-eyed companion finished, he stared at him for several seconds. The remnant of a smirk came to life. "I don't think you've lost your mind; I know you have." He gave a light shake of his head. In spite of his comment, he didn't think Hakkai was lying or joking. Maybe if it had come from Gojyo or Goku...

"So, anything else?"


As if that'll ever happen >< green_eye_demon April 6 2011, 12:11:00 UTC
Hakkai just shot him a cheery smile. It usually meant bad news.

"I hope you're enjoying the drink. It's more than likely drugged. Pretty much everything in here is. They even pump aphrodisiacs into the air to drive the captive populace into fornicating."


It's had so many problems lately. :c hereticprince April 7 2011, 13:39:24 UTC
Oh, he knew that smile. Sanzo blinked, glancing down at the glass he had just taken a drink from, then back up at Hakkai. "...advance warning would have been nice," he said dryly. Not that it mattered if the drugs were in the air too.


It's gone from mildly anoying to downright stupid. ;_; green_eye_demon April 7 2011, 15:33:22 UTC
"Usually, the drugs in the air are more potent, but mixing the two can prove.... problematic. At times."

The smile stayed in place, but Hakkai's eyes were deadly earnest when he leaned towards his friend.

"A word of caution, though. I've also met Yaone here, as well as... a few others. Chin Yisou, for one. The aphrodisiacs will push until you give in, even if it's with someone you despise."


hereticprince April 8 2011, 03:40:04 UTC
He wasn't sure if he should continue drinking after that or not. If he was already inhaling the drugs, did it really matter if he drank them too? Sanzo sighed as he set the glass down on the table. When he leaned forward to warn him, the priest stilled. Yaone wasn't a problem. It was Chin Yisou that had him becoming rigid. He was dead. He knew he was dead.

After a moment, he breathed out, picking the glass back up and drinking. Screw it. "I'll keep that in mind."


green_eye_demon April 8 2011, 03:52:32 UTC
Dead or not, he'd been in the hotel and he'd been flesh and blood, as Hakkai found out the hard way. There was the briefest flash of his usual smile when he saw Sanzo mentally debating over the drink. There was no way he thought he wouldn't drink it, despite the warning.

"Please do. I'm still in full possession of my power here, but healing still taxes me as it did before. Thankfully, my demonic side hasn't been overly difficult to control during my stay here."

Again, it was polite Hakkai-speak.


hereticprince April 9 2011, 04:45:11 UTC
So he did things that were obviously bad for him. Maybe he was secretly (or not so secretly) self-destructive. Sanzo nodded in response. "I have my gun, and the Maten Kyoumon still." In other words, he was armed. He knew neither of those would do much good against someone unless they were a demon, but even if he couldn't banish an attacker at least shooting them would hurt like hell.


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