OLD EVENT: Silence in the Library

Mar 26, 2011 13:46

Sometimes, it's just nice to have a quiet moment to oneself, especially in a place as bustling and crazy as this. Jeremiah wouldn't classify himself as a loner by any particular means, but after long enough, it felt as if a break might be in his best interest lest he start finding himself irritable and stressed. So naturally, when he stumbled across a large library in his search for somewhere quiet, he didn't think twice before taking refuge in it.

Oh sure, many of the books were, of course, of questionable nature. Okay, just about all of them were, in some way or another, about sex, but it's not as if he's surprised in the least. It's simply the nature of the place. Luckily, he managed to find something a little more tasteful on the subject, and is currently immersed in a book on sexual practices in the ancient world, seated quite comfortably in a large high-backed leather chair next to the fire, looking very much like the stereotypical historian. He supposes it isn't strange for him to take a slight interest in the subject as his father did in his later years. If he stopped to think about it, though, he'd no doubt have a chuckle; certainly dear old dad wouldn't exactly approve of his subject choice, but again, it wasn't as if it could be helped. You make do with what you have.

Though he'd be lying if he said it wasn't particularly interesting due to it's nature. But such fascination with sex is just human nature, right?

(OOC: Haven't played this guy in a while, have been inspired as of late to bring him back again. Guys and girls, CR or smut, anything between is welcome. Canon-mates are encouraged this time around, but anyone is free to tag. :>)

series: code geass, pairing: m/f, pairing: m/m

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