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humblehunter January 31 2011, 02:11:26 UTC
Spike Spiegel wasn't really trying his hardest to find this chick. The task was pretty steep considering he only had a name to go on. No pictures, no distinguishing features, no nothing. The worst part was that the lobby wasn't as empty as he thought. There were plenty of people rushing past. How the hell could anyone find this girl in this place?

He didn't need twenty minutes though. Spike was damn sure he could find this girl in ten.

His job back home was to find people that didn't want to be found. While Spike always let all the intense info-crunching work to Jet, Spike was no slouch. He knew how to zero in on people, like any good bounty hunter. It was a heavy task, he knew that much, but he wasn't flinching. He knew a few things about Minatsuki. The girl had something of an ego, she was rather blunt and she was young. Maybe that was enough to cut down the leads. And it did, but there were a couple girls that fit this description. Not enough for Spike.

Then he came across a girl in an arm chair. She was reading a trashy magazine with her legs hitched up. He couldn't see her face, but she didn't take up much room on the chair. Young girl... hell, why not?

"Minatsuki is a mouthful," he mused. "Can I just call you Mina?"

Amazingly he had said that to two other girls and they just gave him looks. Third time's the charm?

[ooc: nah, it's all cool. And this pref list will be helpful, thank you! I'll just pm you if I have a question.]


brothercumface January 31 2011, 02:22:31 UTC
And a look was what he got. After a moment, of course, for she slowly lowered the magazine and arched a delicate eyebrow in a mixture of bemusement and confusion. Ah, so he'd found her after all, and he wasn't such an eyesore either, although in all honesty she'd fucked those more her type. But type or not, and found or not, she wasn't the type to finish the game on a high note - jump out and say 'oh you found me~' or anything like that. So? Instead, she shook her head.

"You could call me Mina, but my name's Yoh," she said smoothly, a smile around her lips and an air of girlish innocence surrounding her like a dust cloud.

For added innocence, Minatsuki put away the magazine, and leaned forward in her chair slightly, curiously. "Is Minatsuki a friend of yours?"


humblehunter January 31 2011, 02:32:41 UTC
Huh. So her name wasn't Mina? Yoh - what the hell kind of name was that? She looked pretty innocent though. Not the sort of girl that goes around banging chicks with dicks. Kind of cute too, though the happy girly-girl thing was not his bag. She didn't sound like she was lying, and he could have dropped the whole conversation. Problem was, she had to go and tell him that her name wasn't Mina and that just roused suspicion in Spike.

"Not really," Spike responded, and gave "Yoh" a smirk. "Now that you mention it, you couldn't have been her. You're much too pretty."

Antagonism was Spike's chief export after all.


brothercumface January 31 2011, 02:44:07 UTC
She smiled, although perhaps it was a little too wide - teeth ground together a little too sharply and tongue pressed to her teeth a little too hard. And perhaps that blush in her cheeks was a little bit more a flush of anger more than an embarrassed flush. But those were small details, and can't have been too obviously out of place without this man having grown up with her like, oh, say her brother had. The brother who's name she'd just hijacked and given as her own.

"Aw. You're too nice, Mister," Minatsuki cooed. "Do you - aha - always go around giving out nice compliments to strangers?"


humblehunter January 31 2011, 02:58:53 UTC
Spike smiled. He wasn't too sure about her. She looked innocent enough, but Spike still wasn't convinced. The smile was genuine, at least from what he could gather. This girl still sounded suspicious though. He couldn't quite put his finger on it. So he pushed his luck, hoping that she might crack without him having to break out a nasty insult. Of course he could always crack out an insult, but he wasn't totally sure if this girl was the girl.

"No," he fiddled with the cigarette in between his lips. "Just the ones who chat with me about growers and showers."


brothercumface January 31 2011, 03:49:05 UTC
She stopped smiling, eyebrows knitting in even more confusion than they had originally.

Those cute little pink lips of her parted in an unspoken question and she reached up a dainty hand to brush away a stray dark lock that fell around her nose, and then allow her hand to drift down to touch the bulky collar, touching the metal softly.

Hmmm... How to play this.

"Ah...what's a grower? And...what's a shower?"


humblehunter January 31 2011, 04:00:54 UTC

Maybe this girl wasn't her? He had been so sure about it too. Spike still had his suspicions but... hell, maybe it was all in his head? His eyes wandered down to her bulky collar. He just noticed it. Thing stuck out like a sore thumb too.

"What's the collar for?" He asked, motioning to the collar with his hand. He ignored the question, because he really didn't want to explain.


brothercumface January 31 2011, 04:08:07 UTC
"Huh - oh. This thing?" Minatsuki plucked at the collar, pulling it as far from her neck as possible and relieving the shadows that her chin cast across it.

"It's from back home... We all had it. And, uh, it's a little dangerous and deadly, so no one can get it off... I've tried."

She looked down, abashed and a little shy, eyelashes fluttering as she looked down at her own knees. "I - it's really nothing. Not one of the sex collars you see around here, even though a lot of people assume that at first..."


humblehunter January 31 2011, 04:27:57 UTC
Well this girl got suddenly shy. Made Spike suspicious again, though he brushed the idea away. It was crazy. Girl was jumping between emotions. So Spike held his ground.

"It looks like a nasty piece of work," he said with another one of his trademark smirks. "Must make quite the explosion if someone messes with it." Yes, Spike sees nothing with touching on that. Why would he?

He looked up at the clock. He only had a few minutes left. If he left now, he could still try to find her. But... He took the cigarette out of his mouth, letting out a big gust of smoke.

"You smoke Mina?" he asked, an almost strange deviation from his other questions. It was now or never.


brothercumface January 31 2011, 05:40:40 UTC
"No," she waved off, catching herself after a moment and adding a shake of the head.

"No, it's Yoh. Not Mina." The brunette shrugged, although a rather wry smile crossed her features, as she uncrossed her legs and recrossed them. "Y - o - h. Yoh. I - I know it's a boys name, but my parents named me after my dead brother, so I like it."

She extended her hand - but not for a cigarette - for a handshake. "And no, I don't smoke. It's a bad habit and would make my breath smell horrible."


humblehunter January 31 2011, 06:00:20 UTC
"Yoh..." he repeated that name in his head. That sounded... really fake. Yoh. It didn't even sound like a boy's name. Not to Spike at least. He kept that smirk on his lips though...00

... then it goes away. The comment about smoking made Spike furrow his brow. Okay, miss Goodie Two-Shoes. Spike takes the girl's hand quite willingly, but he keeps his hand steady. No handshake. Spike stares her in the eyes.

"Sorry, Yoh," he smiled. "but I'm not exactly convinced..."


brothercumface January 31 2011, 06:06:17 UTC
"About?" Minatsuki inquired, tilting her head slightly with a remnant of that smile still curling her lips. Although a sliver of tooth was showing, those teeth clenched tightly together after the words left her mouth.

The brunette offered a small laugh as well, although that quickly tampered off into silence and breathing.

"About what, Mister? I....'m a nice kid, if that's what you're thinking."


humblehunter January 31 2011, 06:26:53 UTC
Spike felt like pushing his luck right now. He knew that if he didn't push it now, then it would be all for nothing. He let go of the girl's hand, shoving his hands back into his pockets.

"No," His smirk grew. "Maybe you are a nice kid, deep down... Then again, nice kids don't go talking about meeting strangers in the lobby. So I'm not too sure about that"

And then he put the cigarette back into his mouth and closed his eyes. "Give it up. You had me going there for a minute."


brothercumface January 31 2011, 06:47:35 UTC
"Nice kids don't get to be nice in this place," Minatsuki said, her voice dropping a little and her lower lip pushing out in a small pout. She just allowed her arms to hand by her side loosely, even if the teen was itching to cross her arms in a defensive looking stance, and raise her eyebrows as if to say 'fuck you'. But...didn't.

"And I was always talkative. I don't know what's that got you thinking about me, but I'm pretty sure you're wrong."

She wasn't scrambling. Not yet, anyway. Not yet trying damned hard to cover her ass, but instead pushing back, for most deceptions smoothed out after he who was being deceived started to doubt, and she who was doing the deceiving stuck to their story.


humblehunter January 31 2011, 06:58:21 UTC
Spike raised an eyebrow. The girl was pouting now. Obviously she didn't like the fact that Spike didn't believe a word she was saying. Understandable, though the innocent act was beginning to wear off now. Now Spike was beginning to forget why he had come down to the lobby in the first place. Now? Well, now Spike was solely focused on making this girl crack. He could tell it was going to be fun either way.

"Can't imagine nice kids get to stay that nice for very long here," he mused to himself, crossing his arms. "And I'm pretty sure I'm right.

Spike had the determination of a bull. He smirked at the girl, not because he was pleased about anything. It was a smirk that quietly patronized her. The smirk alone made people want to slap Spike, and occasionally they did. While he didn't have any proof to rip her open, he did know how to piss someone off.


brothercumface January 31 2011, 07:06:01 UTC
"I've been lucky... People have been nice to me thus far, and I've only been here a week so...maybe you're right and I haven't learned my lesson about not talking to dangerous strangers."

Her body language spoke in more volumes of discomfort than her words had, shoulders stiffening and pout withdrawing into a composed expression. It was a covert look at the clock in the lobby that told her that this man only had about a minute and a half to find her, and while he had, there wasn't any way he could quite prove it and, hell, she'd even gone to the trouble of coming up with a fake name, although it was one she used often in this place.

Minatsuki cast her eyes around them again, locking from person with concern before she leaned in a little closer to thus guy and quietly mumbled;

"... Mister... Are you dangerous? Are you...unlucky? A - and should I run away from you right now?"


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