Introduction. Eventless. Medium Aphro.

Jan 20, 2011 22:14

When Re-l Mayer came to, she was on a hard, cold surface, and by what she could deduce, she was wearing her sleeping garments. This was because her skin was in contact with it. Where ever she was, the light was of a brightness that pierced the dark behind her eyelids. With a stiff groan, and a need to move out of her uncomfortable position, she ( Read more... )

series: ergo proxy, pairing: f/m

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zugellosigkeit January 22 2011, 09:53:36 UTC
Re-l was confused if not slightly annoyed. She trekked over to the luscious king sized bed, silk sheets and pillows lined with satin embroidery, all a burning crimson heat that was a part of the room. Her mind was too busy to see Billy at first, countless possibilities as to why she was here cluttered her mind, all seeming less likely as the next until the mere act of pondering caused her head to ache.

Then she heard Billy speak for a second time, and finally registered him as someone who could give her the answers. She brushed her fingers through her loose hair, tucking it behind her ear, only for it to slowly slip back. She looked up at him. 'Yeah, seems that way. I can't remember anything from before, I just woke up on the bathroom floor,' and for some reason she became hyper aware of how revealing her bed-clothes were, and how obvious the bruises that blotted her pale skin had become. Tucking her hair behind her hair again, she also employed some subterfuge and tugged her top lower over the markings. She sighed with the degree of her exasperation, then turned back to Billy. 'Where am I, and why do I feel so ... so,' she huffed, throwing her hands up in a defeatists manner. She could not quite explain the vague, tip-of-the-tongue sensation that squirmed at the base of her stomach and threatened to head further south. Her skin tingled and her temperature was rising.

What was this place, to have her biologically attracted to this complete stranger?

(Oh, oooh. Thank you!)


undeathrow January 22 2011, 10:04:53 UTC
"You're just gonna have to believe me on this one," he said, "but you're in a love hotel that makes people have sex with each other 24/7."

He turned around and headed back to the middle of the room, towards the bed where she was sitting. He was watching her and taking her in, not failing to notice that she was beautiful, or that she was fit, and certainly not failing to notice the bruises all over her body. "I'm not just saying it either. They pump chemicals in the air to 'help' and everything. I just woke up here half an hour ago myself."

"My name's Billy," he added, finally working up the courage to ask, "are you okay?"


zugellosigkeit January 23 2011, 08:37:35 UTC
Despite herself, Re-l did not find this news entirely improbable. After the mess involving the Proxies, and one in particular and his profound god-complex, to that of her own truth of being a clone, something as simple as a hotel designed specifically for sexual encounters seemed very much inside the realms of probability. This was a somewhat alarming fact she had stumbled upon. But she could not deny the fact she could feel the chemicals working inside her system, because it was to this Billy that she found herself inexplicably attracted.

After a moment she sighed, a very world-weary sigh that expressed her weariness in volumes. 'Um, yeah. I'm fine. Probably just a hiccup from my arrival here. I'm Re-l by the way. Re-l Mayer, Intelligence Bureau Inspect-' she stopped herself. Involving her occupation in her title, considering her current status, seemed to her to express a naivety of her circumstances. 'Regardless, have you seen my clothes? Shouldn't be too hard to find. They're black.' She took a pointed look around the room, and its one choice of colour.


undeathrow January 23 2011, 08:43:17 UTC
"Re-l. That's a pretty name." Billy was doing pretty well at getting around the one killer fact about this place, more specifically the way the door locks worked. Of course he was already familiar with it but he had a feeling convincing this woman that he wasn't just a huge pervert was going to be a little tougher.

"I haven't seen them," he answered, "but I haven't been in the bathroom, either." He thought she looked just fine without them.

He gave her a few moments to look around for her clothes while he tried to figure out how to say it. "Listen, Re-l, there's something you should know about the locks around here."


zugellosigkeit January 23 2011, 08:57:49 UTC
At his compliment she had coloured. To hide her blushing, she let her fringe frame her face and obstruct his view of her. As soon as this was done she felt foolish and childish, which were two feelings that held similar company. She cleared her throat and rose off the bed, searching for her clothes. At his suggestion, she took stock of the bathroom first. It did not take long for her find no sign of her clothes. She returned to Billy's view in the threshold of the bathroom, she leant against the doorframe, her hips tilted in a way to relieve pressure off one leg, but having done so, outline the curves to her questionable clad form.

Then she made a noise and moved towards the bed, where she knelt down and with rump in the air, started to look under the bed for any sign of her black clothes in this sea of red heat. 'Hm,' she murmured to Billy's rather suspicious sounding statement. However, and perhaps unfortunately for Billy at the time, her attentions were less than focused on the handsome Mr. Billy, this was because her fingers finally found purchase on her leathers. 'Aha! Great, I found them,' and with that she pulled them out from under the large bed. In her hands were her form fitting black pants, boots, under shirt, her long trench coat and her more purple in shade vest. She was holding up her trench when she finally took stock of the tone Billy had used. She fixed him with a peculiar expression, one, which slowly harshened as she took stock of his statement, implied she expected horrible and confronting news. 'What is it Billy?'


undeathrow January 23 2011, 09:10:57 UTC
Billy had previously been in prison, where he had no exposure to beautiful women for well over a year. Since coming to the hotel this had been resolved but he was still weak for a pretty face and even weaker for a pretty body. While Re-l's back was turned he was not subtle at all in watching her move, staring at her ass and letting out a frustrated little sigh when he realized that the aphros were starting to kick in on him again.

"You know I said that this place tries to 'help' people get in the mood?" he said, "well, sometimes it locks you into a room. And it doesn't open until you have sex." He decided to leave it at that so she could draw her own conclusion about what this meant for them now.


zugellosigkeit January 23 2011, 10:21:15 UTC
Comparatively the news could have been worse, but still it was nevertheless confronting, enough so to render Re-l speechless. She did not know what to do with herself for a moment, simply hanging onto her trench coat and staring at it as if seeing an alien article of clothing. Then with an exasperated gesture, she threw the trench coat onto a closely residing plush chair. She let out a weary sigh and crossed her arms. She had felt the chemical reaction flare up as soon as he mentioned it. What ever airborne pathogen infected the air ... what ever aphrodisiac had sunk into her skin and made her hyperaware of any sexual conduct had amplified. It was as if in connection with his words, the room had made a point of making a believer out of her. It was near crippling how quickly it came on, and developed inside her, however she managed to keep her cool. It was not a force that could suddenly pronounce itself and order her to engage in bedding Billy, but it was a strong feeling that caused her temperature to fluctuate and all thoughts of his tonker to stew inside her head. It was vulgar, but it still made her cheeks colour.

'Oh,' she murmured. Re-l had once had to fake her own demise, it was intentional to get the answers and to solve a mystery that had promise to destroy a foundation she had lived her whole life around, and which, consequently, had completely such a gesture with prophetic accuracy. This moment was similar in many ways, but it was also highly foreign. She was not an overtly emotional woman, she did not explore these kinds of avenues in her life, and now it had become a necessity. She wished she had experimented long ago. But no one was like her in her eccentricities. So, faced with an authoritarian view that if she wanted out of this room, to breath the bliss of fresh air that she would have to get into bed with Billy, then that was perhaps her only true choice. Having said that, however, undergoing the many tasks to execute her own death was child's play in comparison.

She fixed Billy with a hard stare, one that, matching her body language, suggested a level of annoyance at Billy. But perhaps not for what he might think. 'Are you trying to ask me something, Billy?' It was clear at that moment, that although she was okay within herself to enact sexual behaviour, she was nonplused in the way he had, extemporaneously, asked her for permission.


undeathrow January 23 2011, 18:52:25 UTC
She seemed to take the news well at least. Billy wondered why they didn't put a pamphlet or a guidebook or something in all the hotel rooms. It would make the explanation go much easier. The way he looked Billy worried that he would come off as just a scumbag trying to take advantage of someone.

But then she seemed annoyed at him. He glanced at her out of the corner of his eye and smirked a bit. He guessed he wouldn't want any beating around the bush either if he was in her shoes.

"Yeah. You wanna have sex with me?"


zugellosigkeit January 24 2011, 10:14:25 UTC
She had not expected the sheer bluntness of the question, and so could not continue to keep eye contact with Billy. As she stared down at the silk pillows and satan sheets, (which probably was not the best thing to be looking at considering the circumstances) her entire conviction in being able to fulfill this conquest seemed to falter. Her usually steady resolve was crumbling, just as the urge to tackle Billy to the bed became the most uncomfortable forethought of her mind. She was not weak, and would not let a moment of doubt cloud her priorities. She needed out of this room to at least investigate why she had come here, why she had been chosen.

She had to know if Ergo Proxy was here.

Her hair had fallen to cover her face, so even if Billy had been watching, he would not have noticed the one moment of anxiety that Re-l had felt, but which had now been snuffed out. She closed her eyes and became a stronger person for it. Tucking her hair behind her ear once more, she fixed Billy with a peculiar expression - one that was not quite apprehensive, and neither excited, but something of a strange marriage of both. She meandered around the girth of the king sized bed, advancing on Billy. Her arms were limp by her side, her pajama top slightly arise over her belly button. She was now so close to Billy as to smell his scent, and immediately her sex sparked and clenched by the aroma. Re-l shut her eyes immediately and placed an unconscious hand on his chest. Her mouth was slightly ajar, allowing her to take steady breaths to calm herself. But it only worked to worsen the onslaught of the aphrodisiacs that pillaged her womanhood. Her eyes shot open, and, gripping tightly to Billy's shirt and twisting the material around her fist, she dragged him towards her hungry lips. As soon as his heated lips were upon hers, her entire body ached towards his, bending and shaping itself to his muscular contours. Her leg snaked up his thigh as a sultry moan escaped into the heat of the intoxication she felt.


undeathrow January 24 2011, 14:37:44 UTC
Billy didn't say a word as she made her decision, watching her carefully as she seemed to struggle with the idea. He placed his hand over hers on his chest, letting out a deep breath at the contact. He'd had a few encounters here now, but there still was nothing like the first little touch to stir him up and make his blood boil, sending that longing need for whatever this woman could give him.

He grinned devilishly as she dragged him into a kiss, eagerly pressing his mouth against hers and welcoming the exploration of his lips and tongue. Meanwhile his arm wrapped around her to pull her in close to his firm chest, and his other reached down to clutch her thigh more tightly to him.

"Guess that answers that question," he muttered before going back to kissing her.


zugellosigkeit January 26 2011, 04:42:03 UTC
As soon as the warmth of his slick tongue invaded her mouth she moaned, her entire being shook with her sexual hunger and she aloud herself to be drawn ever deeper into it. There was a heaviness in her chest, a raw power that twisted and buzzed with her heat and dire need for the exploration of Billy's body. It weighted her down but equally fueled the extension of her carnal self upon this man. Her hands acted of there own volition, snaking up his neck to entangle themselves in his hair. She felt him, and when she could not get enough of his feeling she pressed, and angled her body further, and harsher against his built. Her fingers found powered purchase on his hair, gripping them with such ferocity as to procure a rough response of Billy, she broke from the kiss long enough to snag his lower lip between her teeth.

Having lost herself to the lascivious devil that dwelled within, she wanted a carnal response from Billy. Her hand that had so viciously and adamantly clutched his top, now relaxed itself for more than a breath before she dug her nails through the material, scoring his skin beneath. She released his lip from captivity long enough to exhale in a low, sultry discharge. Her head lilted back, as if she were saluting the gods; her eyes were dark with sexual mischief whilst her breathing fell wretched and heavy with the desire to consume Billy. To have him fill her brutality and take her when ever, and where ever, regardless if it ended up taking place under the bed sheets, was a clawing notion that threatened to make a harlot out of her.


undeathrow January 26 2011, 04:51:43 UTC
Re-l was beautiful, but Billy was in denial about just how much he thought so until she was throwing herself at him. As soon as she was tangling herself with him, any restraint he might have been showing for the sake of politeness went out the window.

His arm tightened around her, holding her slim body to him so there would be no escape. His other hand snaked up her thigh and he gripped her ass firmly in his rough hand, wanting to feel every inch of her. His pants were tightening and there was a thick bulge forming in his pants that she could no doubt feel pressed against her. He groaned deep in his throat as she bit his lip and returned the kiss even more hungrily.

As her head fell back he traced his lips down the side of her jaw and down to her neck, kissing and nipping at her skin with desperation, slowly stepping backwards to steer her towards the bed. He paused for a moment to lay her down before pressing her body down into the mattress and continuing to taste her skin, his hand drifting up her stomach to start groping her breast.


zugellosigkeit January 27 2011, 14:30:36 UTC
She moaned high and strong because of Billy's sudden, but most sexually exciting, change in conduct. Her skin tingled and buzzed and suffice it to say, the same feeling completed within her maidenhead. Her hands grabbed at his back, but mostly finding purchase on the material of his shirt, which fueled to annoy her amidst the butter soft touches of his lips to her exposed skin. She wanted him in her at that most breathtaking of moments. Her head was heavy on the silken sheets, her eyelids falling closed with each sensual mark his mouth made upon her, and all the while she wanted what most philosophers attested to, of a cup filled to the brim and which would runneth over. Her cup, unmistakably was her sex that roared with sexual flames for him, searching him out as she angled and arched her spine into him. Another moan slipped out of her control.

It took her a moment to gain enough intelligible speech to wrap her swollen lips around one word, 'More.' It came out in the softest, and yet most vigorous of whispers, and no sooner had it slipped from the cages of her mouth, had she clamped her legs around Billy's waist. There was a slight creasing of her features as she applied all her strength into the constriction of his hips, but, once she snaked her hands into his hair once more and gripped the viciously, her features liquified into heated arousal and soon she guided his head to hers and her lips took to assaulting Billy's own. A giggle drifted free from her lungs.

Re-l was amazed with her self, and would feel guilty about all this later on. But even with the assistance of the aphrodisiacs, all of this seemed to be hidden within her. She was capable of this sexually and though it would cause her to fear, and admire herself, in this very instances she was ridding that most sensual of waves through this experience. There may have been no one better in Billy to have experienced this with, but as she applied her strength to roll them both over, all she could concentrate on was the heavy bulge in his trousers and the giddy sensation that hung plump in her stomach. A wicked smirk stretched her lips as she rested her palms against Billy's chest, all the while drinking him in with her dark eyes. She seemed to consciously gyrate her pelvis against his, and yet still pull off the innocence of it being unquestionably an unconscious act. She delved in and kissed him, long and corrosively, slipping her tongue into his mouth and nipping at his bottom lip. Re-l sighed, 'Is that all?'

It was true she enjoyed the taunt, but there was a softer edge to her even amongst all these displays of strength. Her eyes never left his as she slowly drew her top up, exposing the expanse of her alabaster white skin, the slight athleticism evident in her faint four-pack. She showed a second of hesitation when it came to the bruises, but as soon as they were seen by Billy, she rounded up the courage to finish taking off the top and letting it slip from her hands to the floor. She was not wearing any undergarments so she was free and exposed for Billy to inspect. Her breasts were plump, her nipples pert, and the shadow of the hand-shaped bruises only went as far as to frame them.

'Well Billy? Care to educate me?' She tried not to laugh, but it was difficult to keep up the pretense of an enigmatic slattern for long, and so she ultimately failed. Smirking enticingly down at Billy, for she knew that there was no turning back now, she slowly drew his top up. As his exposed skin came into sight, she started to draw inconsequential patterns on his skin, and as her expression would attest, this would be the only show of pleasantness this night would entail.

A certain amount of rough play was evident in her predator glances.


undeathrow January 27 2011, 16:16:39 UTC
Her legs wrapped around his waist gave him the perfect angle he needed to grind against her, the friction between their bodies making him harder than ever. He grunted a little in frustration at the fabric of their clothes separating them; just one more thing in the way of what they both clearly needed to happen. Feeling her body squirming underneath him made it all the more urgent and he realized it was suddenly getting hard to breathe evenly, gasping and panting as the heat building up in his body started to cloud his thoughts. There was no such thing as better judgment for him right now.

Billy kept his lips hungrily moving against her skin, his tongue and even his teeth tasting every inch of her neck and shoulder that he could reach. He sat up to allow her to pull her shirt over her head, watching her smooth skin slowly exposed to him (and briefly wondering about those bruises) before lowering his head even further. His kisses traced down her neck to her shoulder, down her collarbone and his lips ended up wrapped around her nipple, suckling it with a hint of rough desperation. His hand groped and teased her other breast, pinching the nipple between his fingertips.

"Yeah," he said, "but what do you want to learn?"

Peeling his shirt off revealed hard, toned muscles beneath his skin along with the intricate design inked down his right arm, a contrast to her pale body. He helped yank his shirt away and tossed it to the side before diving back into his work, kissing and tasting every inch of her exposed skin. His other hand sank down to start unbuttoning his pants, yanking them down enough to free himself from their constriction and reveal his erection. Then he switched to her waistband, sliding his hand beneath it and working to pull it down her legs.


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