intro ♥ bring your own event ♥ bring your own aphro

Jan 12, 2011 19:08

This was definitely not his home, that much was obvious. Tino had woken up in something rather akin to Francis' house - plush, satin... it made the young Finnish male squirm. He wanted his blue sheets, where he curled up in a white Ikea bed next to ( Read more... )

pairing: m/m, series: axis powers hetalia

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yourwaifu January 18 2011, 00:59:03 UTC
It got even stranger. It was like meeting Berwald all over again, when they were two teenagers connecting to Hetalia International High School, the first online-school broadcasted globally via webcams and other assorted media. They were given a scholarship for participating in the beta program, which only went on to evolve into actual schools in several locations across the world.

It was like that day when Tino was in class with Berwald, sitting next to him and being awfully shy about it all. He looked at the other just like that day, unsure but eager to learn about the Swedish person he sat next to. He took a deep breath, looking down. He never thought he'd have to reintroduce himself to his own husband. Maybe he had a weird case of amnesia (selective amnesia, maybe -- did that exist? Tino wasn't certain).

"W-Well, I'm twenty. Finnish, obviously, but people from Finland are always taught to speak Swedish, too... I like cute things! Animals, children, just about anything like that. I listen to a lot of heavy metal despite that, and I can hold my own if I have to. I like cooking, though sometimes it's not always the greatest. Your brother seems to make fun of me for that," he started off, ready to ramble and clue in on Berwald with as much as he could.

Tino tapped his chin as he tried to think more optimistically about the situation, despite feeling weird about it. "You already know about Peter and Flower-Egg. We just adopted Peter last year, because Arthur couldn't exactly take care of him. Peter was rather eager to live with us once we mentioned it, at least. We're been married for two years, since I turned eighteen. Of course, I still had to move away from Finland to come live with you..."


stayndontletgo January 18 2011, 01:48:02 UTC
Sweden only listened quietly, not reacting to any of what he was told. His facial expression didn't change in the slightest even though he found himself increasingly confused. Finland was only referring to Finland and Sweden as.... places. He also said he was twenty. So, there was no way he could be a country at all. Whoa. This was definitely, absolutely not Finland even a little bit. He was just Tino. Despite his appearance and personality resembling Finland's, his experiences were extremely dissimilar. Why he was only using names to refer to those he knew suddenly made complete sense.

Of course, that meant that it was possible that when Sweden told Tino who he was himself that the human would think he was completely insane. Though what Tino had told him was unbelievable in its own right, he was sure it'd sound far more weird the other way around. Tino just might not believe him and continue to think he was the Berwald he knew, but having some sort of mental issue, just because his claims were so utterly outlandish. He also wasn't going to be able to explain himself in great detail, which nearly assured that Tino wouldn't be able to follow that explanation very well.

The country began to shake his head and moved his hand off the top of Tino's hand to rest it against his own face instead. What a situation. He'd rather be at home where his only problems were his emotional issues and the various issues that came with being a nation. He'd take aggravating international relationships, economic crisis or natural disasters over what was happening now gladly.

At least this Tino seemed to have a pleasant life. Sweden removed his hand from his face to instead let it hang at one of his sides. "Sounds nice." He commented simply, looking at Tino with that utterly unexpressive and difficult to read face of his. It was definitely evident that he didn't share the memories of that nice life, however.


yourwaifu January 18 2011, 03:13:31 UTC
That was definitely for the best. If Tino had found out his husband wasn't a normal human being like himself, there may have been problems. Problems he'd try to get past, of course, but problems nevertheless. He smiled weakly at the comment. Someone must have told him the wrong thing, or he hit his head, or something. Something.

"It's very nice," he reassured, not attempting to reach out again even though all he wanted to do was hug and kiss the other, because Berwald was still Berwald, even if he was delusional or had selective amnesia. Tino brushed back a few strands of hair, looking down with a sad smile. He cleared his throat after.

"Maybe we should go back to looking for a way out. That should keep us preoccupied enough..." Tino trailed off, looking back around. The sights were still lewd, despite being out of a room and in the open. People didn't have decency here, he assumed.


stayndontletgo January 18 2011, 03:33:33 UTC
He was glad Tino seemed willing to move forward as he really had absolutely no idea how to explain his own situation. How strange to think that Tino came from a world where countries weren't personified. He couldn't even imagine what that was like. Sweden also couldn't help but wonder of other details of the human's life, but it was for the best not to pry. Their objective was to escape. Escape and never see each other again... Damnit. To be honest, he wasn't looking forward to that either. Think positively. This Tino had his own Berwald and Peter to get back to. He'd be happy, as Sweden was sure Tino didn't like him anyway. He needed his Berwald. Not... him.

After putting his own wedding ring away, Sweden hooked one of his arms with Tino's. This was a protective gesture. "Stay near." He requested. He didn't want the younger male to wander too far away. He wasn't a nation. He didn't fight wars. He hadn't proven himself against the powerful and oppressive Russia. Hell, if he was human, Tino could die. Finland couldn't die unless his nation dissolved. Sweden wasn't sure how well his companion could defend himself so he wasn't willing to let him out of his sight. This was a very untrustworthy place and he was completely unwilling to let any stranger too close. It was going to be quite a balancing act, not letting Tino get too far away but also keeping himself emotionally distant.

Sweden began to move forward whenever Tino was ready as he had no intentions of dragging him around the way he had previously. He hated to think that they might not find the exit today and may have to sleep here. What if something happened while they slept? The nation knew he'd spontaneously appeared here, so who was to say what else could happen? None of it would be good. He was sure of it.


yourwaifu January 18 2011, 04:02:40 UTC
The nation's arm made him feel more at ease, Tino walking in stride with the other. He felt that need to protect, and not just carry him around. His smile came more easily at that, made him feel just a bit better. He kept his sights peeled for exit signs, looking around the lobby for some sign of leaving. There were shops, an empty receptionist desk, and elevators. He hummed out, pointing to one of the shops.

"Maybe we should go see if we can find someone to talk to? We could get a bite to eat, too," Tino suggested, looking up at the taller male. He would be fine with sleeping and staying near the other, of course. He'd more than welcome it, as he couldn't bring himself to sleep alone. It'd put him through a bit of homesickness and fright. He wouldn't feel safe, either (because Berwald still scared the ever-living crap out of anyone, nation or not).

He made the move to head to the little shop, a small cafe that would probably have some good pastries. At least so Tino hoped.

[ooc: Maybe we should have a NPC give them the run-down? You're stuck here, you have to have sex, you can't leave, etc.]


stayndontletgo January 18 2011, 04:46:27 UTC
OOC: Yes!

Hopefully the food was safe for consumption. Sweden absolutely mistrusted this place as well as everyone and everything inside, save for Tino. How could he not trust such a cute nat-human. Not nation. Upon entering the cafe, he glared about with a threatening expression. There was a bit of a concern in that he wasn't sure what currency this place would require. There was no way such an awful place would be in Sweden. Besides, being the personification of the country, he had a sense of everything within it. He knew this wasn't Sweden. His kronor would be no good here. Maybe Finland had some Euros and this hotel was located in some European country. Probably France.

When a scantily clad woman, a hotel employee, began to move towards the two of them the power of his glare increased. She seemed to be completely unaffected by this aggression, however. She merely plucked up a plate of delectable pastries and continued to approach. It was easy to tell there wasn't something quite right about her. She wasn't exactly a person, merely an entity who existed to serve the whims of the hotel inside. She smiled a sultry smile to the both of them. "You're new here." She noted simply. There was seduction in her tone, despite the fact she was well aware neither of the males were interested in her in the slightest. Eroticism was all she knew, so speaking normally wasn't an option. "I'm sure you have questions you want answered." The employee purred, holding up the plate. Both of them were free to take if they wished.

Sweden was looking as if she wished to break the woman's neck, but resisted violence. Especially when she spoke that last bit. They did indeed have questions needing answering.


yourwaifu January 18 2011, 05:01:26 UTC
Tino made sure to keep the other calmed down, especially from the way he glared at everyone. He shook a bit from fright himself, but put a hand on the other to sooth him, rubbing his back in hopes it would work somewhat. He raised an eyebrow at the employee, laughing nervously at Berwald's antics. He took a pastry with a polite "thank you", nodding as he took a tiny bite out of it. It was definitely delicious, and he hoped it wouldn't be harmful. The people around him were eating happily, so he was sure nothing should happen to him, either. He smiled a bit after finishing the small nip at the food.

"Mm, we do. Ah, first we'd like to know where we are, and secondly, how to get out. We don't know how we got here, so--" he started, only to be cut off by the scantily clad woman. She purred out they couldn't leave, a simple fact that they'd have to accept. Tino blinked and almost dropped the pastry out of his hand, laughing nervously as he shot a glance at Berwald. "Th-That's impossible. You can't just... keep us here, right? Berwald?"

Suddenly, that treat looked unappetizing. He swallowed thickly as the employee went on, pointing out what Tino had seen earlier: the sex against walls, in closed rooms, everything. That's what they were there for. That's why Tino and the nation he was glued to was there for. To entertain and have sex.

This time, he really did drop that pastry.


stayndontletgo January 18 2011, 05:19:07 UTC

This had transitioned into an absolute nightmare. Sweden let go of Tino for a moment to grab the woman's shoulders. However, he didn't seem to know what to do once he'd gotten a hold of her. Nothing he could say to her would change anything. So after a moment of simply scowling at her with a mixture of fury and horror, he let go. She wasn't at all bothered by him which was a hint to inhumanity. She simply informed the both of them that everything here was free and advised they let loose and enjoy themselves. That was all they could do, after all! They might as well have fun. Off she went, to serve other clients.

Sweden only stood there, completely still, silent and yet somehow threatening in a way reminiscent of the most terrifying of gargoyles. He eventually turned to look back at Tino. What exactly were they supposed to do? This couldn't be really real, could it? No. He refused. That woman was crazy. Every place had a way out. He'd look for it. He'd search and search, only stopping when he needed to, until they escaped.

It was then he was struck with the realization that some of the people here would most certainly be eager to take advantage of Tino. He twitched, visibly disgusted by the idea. He'd have to keep a very close watch of the young man and keep him safe.


yourwaifu January 18 2011, 05:29:02 UTC
Tino shrieked, covering his mouth at what Berwald did. He shut his eyes, waiting to hear some sort of sound, and peeked when he didn't, relieved. He really didn't want the other to be fighting, even though he probably would have done the same. He couldn't be uprooted from his spot at that moment, mind reeling from what the employee had said. All they could do was let loose and have fun? Fun being sex? It was unthinkable and rather disconcerting, the male flinching only when Sweden looked at him. He could have jumped out of his skin at how the nation looked.

"What are we supposed to do?" he asked, the question a bit rhetorical, but Tino really wanted an idea of what to do. What could they do? Give in to the temptations and have sex with each other? (Not like they hadn't before -- this was different.) He rubbed his forehead, moving away from the pastry he had dropped to take one of Berwald's hands. "Let's leave. I don't want to be here anymore."

Which went without saying. He didn't want to be in that shop, in that hotel, in whatever dream or universe he was in. He just wanted to be home. He moved to leave that shop and to go somewhere, his feet carrying him to God knows where.


stayndontletgo January 18 2011, 05:43:52 UTC
"Dunno." Sweden quickly replied to that question, then grunted in agreement to not wanting to be here. How he could relate. That was how he felt for a good while now, of course. He walked with Tino on autopilot. He hadn't the slightest idea if he was leading or following. He didn't care.

How long would they be stuck here? What would happen if they could never get home? How would his country and people be affected by him not being there? He didn't know what would happen if a nation's personification spontaneously disappeared. They were always there and had always been there unless the nation itself disappeared. Maybe all of Sweden was gone because he was. But then where the heck could it go? If he got back, would he remember this? Would it be like a dream? Would his countrymen be alright? His mind began whirling to the point where he felt just a tad bit dizzy.

...No, no ifs, no whens. He was getting home, his questions would be answered when he got home. Simple. No need to over think the situation.

Though he had to wonder what would happen if they never had any sex. Would something make them? How exactly would that even-He huffed loudly, deciding that he'd dismiss it all until the information they'd received settled. He couldn't think at all right now, only feeling overwhelmed. Sweden came out of it, putting more focus onto where he was going. It wasn't really good to zone out in some unknown place anyway. Stay alert. Be aware.

"Let's go s'mewhere... quiet." Sweden suggested to Tino. That seemed like a good idea to him. Get away from all people that might try to have sex with them because the hotel said so or whatever and just try to calm down.


yourwaifu January 18 2011, 05:58:24 UTC
Tino was worrying over a different thing: Peter. He was so worried about the young male. Yes, he was getting to be a teenager, but he was still young. He was their son, biological or not, and they promised to protect him. Peter could take care of Flower-Egg, surely, but what about himself? He'd get lonely. Someone would have to step in, take their place. Their home wouldn't be their home anymore. And how would they explain themselves?

He sighed, nodding as his hand shook a bit. Maybe they should just find a room. Not to do any of that, no, but to talk. Sit. Think this through, think of how to leave. Tino went on autopilot as well, leading the other to the elevator and looking at all those buttons again, a seemingly endless number. He couldn't remember, didn't know which floor he arrived on, so he chose a random floor number, not caring which one it was or how long it'd take to get there.

He leaned against a rail as the elevator moved, trying not to cry or let all hope be lost. Berwald would protect him, he knew that. They would find a way out -- maybe the employee was lying. That had to be it. It was a lie, she was just trying to get them to give into temptation and through their marriage out the window. Nothing could force them to act against their own will. Tino would stay firm by his marriage to Berwald, anyway. He couldn't allow himself to go against it.


stayndontletgo January 18 2011, 06:20:40 UTC
Sweden merely watched the numbers on the elevator as they lit up, signaling the floor they were passing. So many floors. They were obviously in some gargantuan building. He vaguely wondered what it looked like from the outside. Probably as tasteless and tactless as the inside did. He watched those numbers for a long while with narrowed eyes. He found himself loathing them, simply because they were there and part of this dreadful experience.

Eventually, he looked to Tino. He looked so unbearably sad. Again. He really hadn't the slightest idea of what he could possibly do for him. He wondered if Tino would have been better if they never ran into each other. Sweden couldn't bring himself to show Tino love the way the Berwald he knew did. He was probably hurting him by being so distant, but he just... couldn't. And he couldn't make Tino understand why he was behaving this way. If he could just get Tino to understand, maybe he wouldn't blame him. Maybe.

He huffed and looked up at the ceiling, mumbling a Swedish curse under his breath. He found himself looking back to Tino again soon enough. It was "Gonna be ok." He reassured, almost timidly. Please Tino, please feel better. He reached out and rested a hand on the worried human's shoulder. He was debating whether to wrap an entire arm around those shoulders.


yourwaifu January 18 2011, 06:32:12 UTC
He creaked a small smile at the Swedish curse, understanding it perfectly well. He'd give one of his own, if he could stop thinking about his other worries. His eyes fell onto those numbers, too, a part of him wondering if he should have picked a lower number, maybe just a couple of floors up. Maybe he should have chosen the highest number possible (though it appeared to be endless) just to see if he could find an exit up there.

The hand made him look at the other, nodding as he tried to believe in Berwald. He always did believe in Berwald, but now it was a bit difficult. He was on the fence about staying optimistic and admitting defeat. He had to be stronger, he knew that. It was just... so difficult, especially when his assumed-husband said they were divorced. Maybe Tino was the crazy one. What if that was it? Was he mental? Was this all real?

He found himself shaking again, unable to fight his urge to turn his entire body and collide with the other body. He needed to be held and just forget everything at that moment. It was so frustrating -- nothing he knew was right. This wasn't his home, his Berwald. He wanted to believe this was all a lie, he wanted to believe that who he was clinging onto and crying into was his husband. But it wasn't, and he knew that, but he still cried and held onto the tiniest bit of hope.


AW TINO. SO SAD. stayndontletgo January 18 2011, 17:56:29 UTC
With every passing moment, things became increasingly surreal. Not-Finland was clinging to him and crying. It was all very... strange. It seemed as if his thoughts were moving in circles, unable to move passed the strangeness of everything. It wasn't at all productive to continually get his thoughts caught up on that and Sweden was going to try harder to get over it. However, accepting all these oddities was quite a monumental task.

It wasn't as if he could stop this hug. It was happening with or without his consent. So he went with it, hugging Tino back very loosely. It was awkward, weird and did he mention strange? Strange, strange, strange. So very strange. However, he wasn't as upset by this body contact as he had been before. Maybe the shock encasing him numbed him to being further shocked. What was more shocking than being told he was trapped in some seemingly infinite and incident building to partake in... it's indecency? Either way, he hoped the hug helped the distraught boy. He really wanted to help. It was just so completely beyond him.

What was he going to do with this poor human? Why'd they have to bump into each other in the first place? He just couldn't shake the feeling that his presence wasn't at all comforting. This hotel was huge, but somehow, someway, they'd bumped into each other right away. Curses.

They'd reached their floor, but Sweden wasn't sure if Tino wanted to move. So he just stood there, as out of place as can be, and watched the open door which lead only to more of the color red, sounds of moans and weird aromas. He felt they probably should get out of here as an elevator seemed like a likely place to run into more people, which was one of the last things he wanted. He nudged Tino a bit, trying to let him know it was time to move again.

If he didn't move, Sweden'd probably just have to carry him. He didn't want to be in this elevator and risk creepy people coming in and deciding they wanted sex in here with them urggh how wrong was that.


;__;!! yourwaifu January 18 2011, 19:11:53 UTC
Of course the hug was happening. He refused to let go, refused to stop crying just for that moment between them getting to their floor and now. He pulled back eventually, shaking a bit as he sniffled and wiped at his eyes, embarrassed he lost control, but so very thankful the other held him. That was what really had calmed him down; being held again by Berwald, even if it wasn't his Berwald. He knew that fact to be true by now. He knew he wasn't mental nor was Berwald mental -- he was hiding behind rationale to not look at the truth. This man just looked like him. Acted a bit like him.

But those weren't the same loving arms. They were hurt, unused to the closeness Tino sought for so desperately. But what could Tino do? He couldn't will himself away. Berwald was still Berwald. That was still his husband despite it all. It was beyond strange, it was unreal, something Peter watched on the SyFy channel. Maybe it was all just a cruel dream. Maybe this was something morbid that he didn't even want to think about. He took a deep breath, looking down as if he was ashamed to face the other, as if he did a horrible, horrible thing by crying and holding onto the other.

"I'm sorry," he mumbled in Swedish, moving to wander onto their floor, not wanting to look at anyone having sex in the hallway or in an open door. He didn't know where he was going. Tino wasn't sure this was the floor he came from, and if it was, he wasn't sure which room was unoccupied. He went to the end of the hallway with Berwald, hand clutching his as he tried not to cry again. It was just all so frustrating and horrible and Tino wanted none of it.

The male opened a random door, and conveniently, it was unoccupied, empty, and looked like it had never been inhabited. It didn't smell of sex, but it did smell like those weird aromas that seemed to fill the entire hotel. He put it past him as best as he could, wiping his eyes again as he went to sit on the edge of the bed.


stayndontletgo January 18 2011, 21:34:36 UTC
He would have told Tino there was nothing to be sorry about but he couldn't find himself able to muster up the words. He didn't really want to say anything, yet he wasn't sure if his actions were speaking for him effectively. Would Tino understand it was alright he'd hugged him? He was probably unable to notice subtle nonverbal ques. Even if Tino's Berwald was a lot like Sweden in that inability to communicate well, most people would have difficulty focusing enough to understand even someone they loved with all their hearts when under such intense distress. Unless maybe he did something like kiss him but that was not even an option as it would lead to emotions Sweden was trying to rid himself of. The only assurance came in a grunt and a hand squeeze.

Upon entering the room, the country quickly worked on making it inaccessible from the outside. This was their space until further notice. First he locked the door. He rummaged around until he was able to locate a piece of paper and a pen. He wrote a simple "Go away" and then slid his message under the door to allow passerby to view. A heavy dresser was then pushed in front of the door. He may not have been quite as fit as he was in the past but moving heavy furniture was still not at all difficult. He merely stood back, staring at the dresser, contemplating if it was enough to keep everyone away. He was probably worrying about it to much. What kind of idiot would want in here that badly?

His attention turned back to Tino. His arms crossed and his nerves once again became visible. He hadn't the slightest idea of how to take care of Not-Finland. His Tino never got upset to this point, not that he knew of anyway. Maybe it was because humans were more sensitive? An individual never dealt with the trials and tribulations of a nation. How does a guy even be sensitive? Talk about feelings? Look and be kind and understanding? Smile sweetly when appropriate? He was terrible at all of that. Well, he was a good listener. At least.

It seemed like it'd be a good idea to at least sit next to Tino, but he was honestly feeling a bit... scared at this point. That emotion happened so rarely and he found in general it was only tied to Finland or Sealand's well-being. Sweden was afraid of somehow making Tino worse. But just standing here looking lost wasn't helping, either. What could he do that was worse than standing here looking lost? With this in mind, he went and sat next to the boy. Once there, he found himself unable to come up with anything to do but look at him.

Pitiful. He was terribly disappointed with himself.

Eventually, "Still care 'bout ya." came out in a quiet voice. That was something, wasn't it, Tino? He would have said something stronger than 'care', but declaring love would only solidify it even more so. He had to try to stop seeing Finland in that light. Then there was the fact he didn't actually know Tino. He was a lot like Finland, but not at all Finland. How could one love someone they didn't even actually know? Tino was an individual, not a shadow of Finland for Sweden to release displaced affection on.


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