Keymaster || Obedience Optional || High Aphro

Jan 01, 2011 01:07

Squall tugged at the collar around her neck, absently, not really looking at where she's going. She just woke up earlier with a new adornment. A simple silver chain choker and not some leather studded piece of jewelry, thankfully. Compared to the other times she woke up with someone new on her, the collar was tame. Probably meant nothing but the gunblader knew better than to press her luck.

If she remembered correctly, the library was only a little further down the hall.

Once there, she might able to settle down with a book. It's been a while since the last time she relaxed with a book, preferring to occupy herself with training or something else. This time, she felt like reading and what better place than a library? It wasn't a place she went to as often as she liked but she knew she could always find something to do there to amuse her self with. The books they had weren't anything like the ones she read at Garden.

Finding the door she was looking for, Squall pushed it open, not bothering to take a look to see what's really inside. Her memory might not be the best but Squall knew that this door had to lead to the library. It wasn't until she closed the door behind her that Squall lifted her head and glanced at the shelves not filled with books but dildos of various shapes and sizes.

"...Damn it." Barely resisting the urge to facepalm, Squall groaned before turning around to grab the door knob. No matter how much she tried, it wouldn't turn. Locked. "You have to be kidding me..." These tricks again?

She scoffed, shaking her head glaring at the wood of the door before noticing the wording inscribed on it. Reading it, Squall frowned deeper, her glare becoming icier. Yeah, no. Not happening. Just have to wait until... someone enters the room, I guess. Then sneak out when I have the chance.

Should have known my luck wouldn't have held out for long.

[[ Let's try this again and I promise not to drop tags this time! orz Everyone welcomed! I only ask for now watersports, snuff or gore but everything else? Up for grabs. :|b

[[ Mun Status: On! ]]

series: final fantasy viii

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