"You're enjoying this. You're enjoying causing pain like this."
The red-head's hand shook.
"You- Attack! Thorn Whip!"
Aki Izayoi was standing in one of the infinite rooms of the Hotel, hand outstretched, the command for her monster to attack this "Yuusei" only just having left her throat.
She wasn't standing a moment later, though, as the immense strain of maintaining he reality of a monster that had been brought to life and transported into the middle of a wall caught up with her. Her hands went to her head and she fell to her knees, psychic backlash causing her agony, until some automatic instinct flared up and shut it off.
Then, to add insult to injury, her Duel Disk began sparking and let off a small explosion as the strain of maintaining duel contact with another Disk roughly four dimensional barriers away caught up with it, and her cards faded away into nonexistence. Aki, still aching and on the verge of tears from her psychic nosebleed, wasn't aware of this, only knowing that something was not quite right.
When she opened her eyes, that thought was confirmed.
Where am I?
She stood, looking uncertainly about her. Where had the Duel Arena gone? Here she was in this room, without anyone near her, without-
No Divine.
That thought flared up, rearing it's ugly head in perverse triumph.
Aki fearfully looked around her again. No comforting hands, no reassuring voice.
Aki dashed for the door, opening it roughly and stopping briefly outside in the crazy hope of seeing Divine again, not trusting her voice.
[OOC: As
iron_resolve wished it, so it has come about: Aki Izayoi from the middle of the Fortune Cup has entered the Hotel! She's an eighteen-year-old with (as I'm playing her) absolutely no knowledge of sex. No, really. Girls and guys are both welcome for anything other than toilet-y stuff and guro-y stuff. Be warned - she has psychic powers that randomly appear in times of panic and disorder, so attempts at dubcon and noncon will result in panicked flustering, follow by the contact of your ass with a wall at high speed.
Canonmates and duelists are very much loved, and if there is a lurker out there with ideas for a Divine puppet, come on in~. Also, pardon the canon-fail please, I haven't actually watched 5D's in full - just the snippets that 4Kids have missed so far on Youtube.]