Dec 22, 2010 14:55

A bit of mood music.

[A ray of sunlight peaked into the hotel room, as a loud thumping noise struck Shiki's ears. Wincing slightly, he could tell that it was his own heart that was making such a noise, and as his eyes slowly cracked open, the horrific lines and points covered everything. Feeling a headache come on almost instantly, Shiki's hand ( Read more... )

series: tsukihime

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feared_by_india December 22 2010, 23:00:39 UTC
[There was a click as the door opened and in stepped a very familiar face. She seemed to be lost as one is wont to do in such a massive place that the Hotel was. As she entered the room she noticed the school uniform. She let out a small gasp and turned to look at the occupant of the bed. There's no way that she wouldn't recognize those glasses and that black mop of hair.]



MY COMPUTER FAILED WTF. mysticeyekiller December 23 2010, 00:14:16 UTC
[Turning his attention toward the click sound, Shiki wasn't prepared for who had stepped into the room. The girls' gasp was met by a shocked face, as Shiki attempted to process what was going on.]


[There was no mistaking that it was Ciel, though the main thought that prodded at Shiki's brain was why she would go to a love hotel. Did she come here with someone, or did she end up here the exact same way he did? Deciding to take the more 'sane' conclusion, the teen unintentionally looked over the fact he was near-to naked under the sheets.]

What are you doing in a place like this?


Bawww feared_by_india December 23 2010, 00:26:12 UTC
I woke up here just like you I'm guessing.

[She quietly moved across the room and reached out a hand, pinching his cheek to make sure he's real. Satisfied in his reality Ciel hugged him tightly, leaning over the bed.]

I've missed you Tohno-san.


Ignore the frown, it's my only blushing icon. mysticeyekiller December 23 2010, 00:44:04 UTC
[Flustered by both the sudden cheek pinch and the hug, Shiki wound his arms around Ciel as she had done him, hugging her back with the same tightness. It was then that the fact he was half naked clicked into his mind, as he tried to tug the covers over himself in an unnoticeable fashion.]

Just woke up here...? [Enter the assumption that others may be here. That helped to raise Shiki's spirits, as a smile curled onto his lips.] That's good to hear...

[Taking a moment to process the next thing Ciel said, Shiki flustered again, eyes zipping to the side instead of directly focusing on her.] It hasn't been that long, Senpai...


feared_by_india December 23 2010, 01:44:12 UTC
[She frowns at his words, sitting on the edge of the bed.]

I haven't seen you for three months Tohno-kun.

[She sighs heavily, preparing to tell him the whole deal with the hotel.]

There's something you should know Tohno-kun, about this place. Whoever runs it puts aphrodisiacs in everything, the food, the drink, even the air and it forces you to have sex with strangers. That and there's no way to go home. You're stuck here unless the hotel deigns to send you home.


1/2 mysticeyekiller December 23 2010, 02:39:06 UTC
[Okay, um... give Shiki a second to process all that...]


2/2 mysticeyekiller December 23 2010, 02:49:17 UTC
[And Shiki is going to try and completely gloss over all that bad news and push it into the back of his mind. He'd prefer to not act worried, freaked out or anything of the sort.. for Ciel's sake, of course.]

Three months, huh? Sorry it's been that long.


feared_by_india December 23 2010, 03:27:29 UTC
[She punches him in the arm, sniffing somewhat, missing his idiocy.]

Tohno-kun you idiot.


mysticeyekiller December 23 2010, 05:28:55 UTC
[Crap. Oh well, he never was a good liar. Shiki winced a bit, before the slight sniff caused him to nearly act out of reaction, though he decided against it. Though, if he had seen just one tear, he was prepared to pull Ciel into his arms and embrace her. He didn't like seeing her cry, or be sad for that matter.]

Sorry, Senpai... but you know, being stuck here doesn't sound so bad since you're here.


feared_by_india December 23 2010, 05:39:06 UTC
[She blushes deeply, leaning over to kiss him on the cheek.]

Do you mean you don't mind if you sleep with me?


SAME PRINCIPAL WHEN THE ICON WAS USED BEFORE. mysticeyekiller December 23 2010, 19:46:50 UTC
[The girls' blush was met with an equal one from Shiki, albeit his being lighter. It wasn't the first time the idea came up, was it? Then again... that didn't make him any less nervous.]

Of course I don't mind... [Was all he could say, his mind drifting off to a 'certain' time in the past.]


feared_by_india December 23 2010, 20:23:32 UTC
[She smiles and blushes, leaning over to kiss him gently on the lips, hands pulling away the blankets to touch his chest, fingers running over the large scar.]

I've missed you Tohno-kun.


If only I had a paid account I'd have more situational icons. Dx mysticeyekiller December 23 2010, 22:51:38 UTC
[Shiki's body shivered in reaction to the girls' touch, and something in the air caused it to feel a bit more 'erotic' than usual. The soft kiss seemed to calm his senses however, and the world seemed to slow down.]

I've... missed you too... Senpai.


Christmas Present on the way feared_by_india December 23 2010, 23:08:20 UTC
[She deepened the kiss, running her tongue over his lips before pulling back and removing her yellow blazer, letting her sizable breasts breath a little before starting to undo the top two buttons of her shirt. She leaned down and pressed a kiss to the crook of her neck.]

I love you Tohno-kun. So much.


Cue the linked music. mysticeyekiller December 24 2010, 04:02:35 UTC
Change of mood music!

[Feeling the soft sensation of Ciel's tongue, Shiki felt his own tongue slip outward and almost tap against the girls', pulling his head back only a tad bit when she had to let out the held breath. Another blush snaked it's way onto Shiki's face, overcoming the previous one by a mile. Watching Ciel's actions only caused him to feel a burning sensation inside of his body, though it was more focused around his crotch than anywhere else. It could have come from the romantic atmosphere between the two, from the aphrodisiac in the air, or perhaps even both. At the same time, in the back of Shiki's mind, lust began to form. While it wasn't overtaking his actions like it nearly had the first time between the two, it was steadily building and steadily making itself known.]

I... love you too, Senpai.


Did you get the email? feared_by_india December 24 2010, 04:15:21 UTC
[Standing, she began to unbutton her shirt, exposing her breasts contained by a pale blue bra. Quick, fingers undid the snaps of of her skirt, letting it fall to the floor to join her shirt. She lifted a hand to her glasses, touching the frames with a finger, she let out a light laugh, repeating the question she had asked him last time they had been like this.]

Do you want me to keep them on or take them off?


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