Intro | No event | possible Aphro

Dec 05, 2010 21:15

Jasper blinked awake, shifting on the bed and wondering when St Mungo's had changed its decor. Not that he was adverse to red and sexy; he just didn't think it was too appropriate for a place of healing. Come to think of it, he didn't remember all the kinky paintings either. Pushing himself up onto his elbows, he glanced round properly, inhaling ( Read more... )

series: harry potter

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OH HAI THURR huffle_puff8 December 5 2010, 21:30:23 UTC
Zacharias wasn't exactly in the best of moods. In fact, this hotel had been putting him in a rather foul mood. He'd been smoking more than normal and coming off his usual concoction of drugs. All this red was hurting his eyes. Whoever thought this colour was a good idea, was mad.

He paused at the sight of his room door open. "What?" He pushed the door open and peered at the man who seemed to be reclining on his bed. "'Scuse me, but do you mind explaining why you're in my room?"


Re: OH HAI THURR lycandy December 5 2010, 21:52:07 UTC
Jazz looked at the door as a blond entered. The words made him chuckle and he leaned on his side. 'Your room? Last thing I knew, I'd been hit by some kind of dark curse and I wound up in St Mungo's...' The other man would know the place, Jazz could tell he was magical. There was a slightly different underlying scent in all witches and wizards compared to muggles. It was quite amusing at first to realised he could literally smell magic.

He stretched slightly, noticing the dark bruises across his ribs for the first time. 'I was in my room there. are you sure you're not lost?'


huffle_puff8 December 5 2010, 22:11:43 UTC
Zacharias' eyes narrowed slightly as he watched him. "You're hardly in St. Mungo's now," he said curtly, arms crossing over his chest. Just like he'd hardly been in his shit flat in London. This place was...perhaps better.

"I'm not lost," he assured him. "This is what they call the love hotel. Its entire intent is to get you laid. You can't leave. I should know. I've been here for too long." He pinched the bridge of his nose. Damn aphrodisiacs. This had been somewhat uncomfortable enough with all the touching and all the people...and why were people so intent on touching?

"Aren't we all blessed with such good fortune," he said, voice flat. This place was a nuisance.


lycandy December 5 2010, 22:19:56 UTC
'What do you mean, can't leave?' Threats like that really pissed him off. Jazz was off the bed in a flash, stalking towards the other wizard. 'Getting laid I don't have a problem with. Everyone could use a good shag. But as for not leaving, I'll be fucked if I'm staying here longer than I want.' He stopped a foot from the other man, drawing himself up to his full height and ignoring any protests his injured side made.

'So, do you want to rethink my no leaving?'


huffle_puff8 December 5 2010, 22:26:08 UTC
Zacharias stared at him, an annoyed look on his face. "Leave here means the hotel. I don't make the rules. You can fuck who you like, do what you want, go outside for a day in the cheerful, motherfucking sun if you like. You just can't actually get back home."

He let out a derisive snort as the man tried to use his height as a threat. "By all means, if you'd like to go, go. It's not hurting my feelings." Really. The less touching, the better.


lycandy December 5 2010, 22:32:52 UTC
'So you're saying there's an anti-apparation jinx in place. What about the grounds, there must be an exit of some sort.' His nose twitched, affronted now at the cloyingly enticing scent that clung to the heavy air. 'I suppose you've tried to leave then.' He moved away from the blond, to the window and yanked down the thick red curtains.

Sunlight streamed into the room and Jazz stepped towards the glass looking down into the grounds below. 'Tell me exactly what you have done to try and leave.'


huffle_puff8 December 5 2010, 22:39:27 UTC
"I'm saying there's no way out," he said, frowning as he watched the man. He settled on the edge of the bed he'd been calling his since he got here. "I've tried, I've looked, we even have a cursebreaker trying to figure it out...from what I've heard."

He nearly rolled his eyes. "There's no point in trying to apparate. You can get outside into the grass...but there's nothing you can do to apparate from there. The hotel gives you everything you need for free." He frowned at the slight foggy feeling in his brain. This was not the time for this. "You get food, drink, fun activities. But be warned everything has aphrodisiacs in it."


lycandy December 6 2010, 22:11:00 UTC
'A cursebreaker hmm?' Jazz paced back and forth in front of the window, running through things in his head. He already felt caged and he'd only been here what, ten minutes. You just didn't tell Jasper Newton he couldn't do something because he'd make it his life's work to make it happen. Besides, he would be huge, snarly and furry in a few days' time.

'They can get me anything I need?' Jazz looked at the man on the bed, he was quite appealing, but now wasn't the time. 'I need Wolfsbane. Think they can do that?'


huffle_puff8 December 6 2010, 22:21:00 UTC
Zacharias nodded at the question. "Yes. Weasley." He watched him closely, wondering just who this man was. He'd never seen him, but he was from his world clearly. It was all a matter of when he came from, really. Funny how that worked.

"I would assume so," Zacharias said quietly. Werewolf, then. "Do you need me to show you to it?" He was being somewhat amiable now. What had come over him?


lycandy December 7 2010, 07:45:06 UTC
'Weasley.' Jazz nodded, that meant it must be Bill. He was smart, hopefully they'd be out of this place soon. Before he actually needed the wolfsbane properly. Leaning against the wall in a moment of stillness, Jasper looked down at his wand where it lay in the holster strapped to his forearm. He was comforted by its presence, glad it had transported itself with him.

'If you could. That would be great.' He offered the blond a smile. 'I'm Jasper.'


huffle_puff8 December 7 2010, 11:45:49 UTC
Besides the initial reaction, he wasn't all that unfortunate. Then again, he'd apparently been very rude if what that Brown girl said was anything to go by.

At his introduction Zacharias stood, holding out a hand. One shouldn't be rude when making introductions even if they did mean minute touching. "Zacharias. Pleased, I'm sure." Though he really wasn't. Not even if the hotel was trying to tell him that he was. Stupid hotel. He cleared his throat. "I can show you. Now or later?"


lycandy December 7 2010, 15:52:01 UTC
‘Liar,’ Jazz shook his hand anyway, noticing how the other man seemed hesitant to actually touch him. ‘I don’t bite unless you ask.’ He smirked slightly. ‘Whenever you want to show me is fine.’ He glanced down at himself, then back at his companion.

‘I suppose the fact I’m not wearing anything but scrubs trousers doesn’t really matter here?’ Judging by the aphrodisiacs that polluted everything he doubted even walking around naked would matter in this particular hotel.


huffle_puff8 December 7 2010, 17:13:06 UTC
Zacharias felt his cheeks heat up as he was caught. He figured that was what it was anyway. Oh, hell on Earth. No one had ever caused that reaction since he was little. "Very funny," he said, voice deadpanned. "Better questions, perhaps," he started. "When is it going to end up as a problem?"

He glanced down at the trousers and back up. " Not so much. I was lucky enough to come to in actual clothing, but the hotel provides that as well. Clothes, I mean." Zacharias, could you please stop talking like a stuttering idiot? That would be great.

"Just be careful. The hotel likes to..err...let you wake up in...precarious situations. You could end up tied to a bed and the only way to get free is if someone just so happens to come by and...well..." He gestured vaguely. "I think you can figure it out."


lycandy December 7 2010, 20:57:59 UTC
Jazz's smirk grew as Zacharias' cheeks flushed red. He always had enjoyed eliciting reactions from people and blushing really was one of the better ones. Of course, getting a guy hard was always the ultimate reaction. One Jazz got frequently. He wondered idly if he should try with Zach here, but decided no, for now.

Of course the aphrodisiacs would probably change his mind sooner rather than later. 'Not until the full moon. Which is in... thirteen days.'

Jazz nodded at the warning. 'Duly noted.'


huffle_puff8 December 7 2010, 21:10:02 UTC
Zacharias tried to force himself not to blush more at the fact that Jasper seemed to enjoy his reaction. Somehow, that didn't seem to be a likely option, so he looked off to the side.

"Thirteen days? I think we can figure it out by then," he said quietly, turning his gaze back on him. He could do this. He could act normal. Yes, he could. "Is there anything I can assist you with until then? Clothes? Food?"


lycandy December 8 2010, 16:21:52 UTC
Jasper’s smile turned almost feral for a moment when Zacharias blushed yet again. How interesting…

Inhaling deeply, he tilted his head and looked at the other wizard. ‘I can think of something… but you don’t seem to like to touch. So I’ll have to find someone else won’t I?’


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