♥The USS Centerpiece B ♥ Mild Aphro ♥

Dec 03, 2010 13:35

This most definitely wasn't your ship. At least. It didn't look like your ship from the inside.

And this uniform definitely wasn't the Starfleet standard. It was skimpy even by the Federation's standards and tight to boot. The engineer gives you a hard look over before saluting, thumping his chest before flinging his arm out. "The Captain wishes to see you in her quarters immediately. She isn't pleased." He announces, jerking his head towards the door. As if waiting for a cue the doors to the transporter room slid open revealing a short young woman. Her uniform was the gold of a Captain's and a gold sash was tightened around her narrow waist. On a person of normal height her dress would have been no more then a wrap around shirt. It was certainly short enough.

"You." She snapped, stepping inside, glaring at the Transporter officer. "You were supposed to send them to me immediately." Pasha, not the usual sweet, mildly tempestuous and frighteningly naive Pasha most were used to, settled her gaze on you. "Come." She snapped, turning on her heel, expecting to be followed. It didn't seem wise not to follow. No more then a few seconds later she had lead you into the Captain's quarters, the click of the industrial locks clear.

"Sit." She snapped, gesturing absently to her lavish quarters, pulling a black box from her belt and a wickedly sharp knife from the side of her boot. Her eyes were a little too gleeful and her cheeks too brightly coloured for her to seem truly threatening even when scowling and cursing under her breath.

[ooc: Oh me oh my your muse appears to have fallen into the Mirror universe and with Mirror!Pasha. For all that Pasha is lovely Mirror!Pasha is rather...not. Violence, sex and general manipulation are to be expected. She isn't a nice little muse and she isn't best pleased with your muse. All genders are welcome but keep 'em legal please? Here''s a link to information on the Mirror!Verse in Star Trek]

series: star trek

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