♥ Sorta Wedding Day & Memory loss ♥ Mild Aphro ♥

Nov 18, 2010 20:54

Oh devils of hell below her head hurt.

Pasha gave a half agonized groan, rolling over in bed and nuzzling closer to the source of warmth closer to her. She really needed to stop drinking. No. That would never happen. She just needed to stop getting sober and getting hungover because after all, one couldn't get hungover if they were still drunk, yes ( Read more... )

series: star trek

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:) kyracons November 19 2010, 20:17:11 UTC
Kyra rolled away from the disturbance, her curly hair was let free and fell across her face as she shifted away from whoever it was that was trying to wake her up. "Mnn, gerrof... m'sleepin'," she mumbled, still more than half asleep. Really, what was it about people and not letting someone just get the rest she needed. It wasn't as if she slept all that much. Was five hours rest too much to ask for? Seriously.

Grumbling to herself quietly, her eyes still closed, she pulled the sheets tighter around herself. Really Pasha, you should know how difficult it is to wake the convict by now.


\o/ ROFL Oh dear XD It's the only way it would ever happen with these two, isn't it? mr_chekov November 19 2010, 20:28:57 UTC
"Kyra. Kyra. This is really not a good time for you to go back to sleep. Wake up!" She snapped, a scowl affixed to her features. "Kyra! I mean it. Wake up this instant, we hawe trouble." As in wedding ring sized troubles. Pasha gave an irritated little sound, shaking the other woman, if Pasha was awake and panicking there was no way that Kyra was going to be allowed to lounge around idolantly and sleep.

"Kyra!" Pasha whined, continuing to shake her. "Wake up."


Kyra wouldn't propose if she was sober, that's for sure. xD riddickjr November 19 2010, 20:35:03 UTC
Oh, so that's who it was. Some part of the convict was glad to be woken up by the diminutive navigator, even if she was being utterly obnoxious at the moment. Sliding a hand out from under the sheets, she swatted half-heartedly at her bedmate's hands, letting out a much more awake sounding sigh. "Pasha, c'mon. My head hurts, okay? Go back to sleep, I'll play with you later."

Oh, and now she was whining. Just what she needed. Letting out an aggravated sound, she sat up quickly, he hair falling wildly around her bare shoulders, obscuring her features, though it didn't take much imagination to picture the expression she wore under there. "What's your damage? Can't a girl get a decent night's sleep?"


XD mr_chekov November 19 2010, 20:52:44 UTC
"'Play'?" The young woman frowned, what the hell did Kyra mean by that? She wasn't a six year old that needed constant entertainment or a companion to play dollies with. Pasha had never played with dollies, she had melted them down out of morbid curiosity.

Pasha's expression was nothing short of thunderous. She grabbed Kyra's ring hand with one hand and presented her own, matching rings twinkling in the light. It was almost disgustingly romantic. Pasha didn't do romantic. It wasn't her style at all. "That is my 'damage'." She hated it when the hotel did things like this. It was enough to make her want to scream.


>3 riddickjr November 19 2010, 20:57:59 UTC
"Yeah, you know, play. People do it for fun sometimes. People who aren't boring anyway." She yawned, rubbing at the back of her head only half-awake still. Really, why was her head throbbing so bad. And why was she naked? And more importantly, how much sleep had she managed to get before her pint-sized bedmate had woken her up?

Oh. Well, those were new. Squinting at the rings, Kyra's free hand slid through her hair, brushing it back from her face as she just looked at the matching rings for a long moment. She'd never actually seen wedding rings up close before. They weren't as bad as she thought they'd be. "Pretty. Can I go back to sleep now? My head really hurts and I'm pretty sure that was not five hours."


mr_chekov November 19 2010, 21:09:49 UTC
Pasha was about three seconds away from seriously kicking off, with screeching and throwing things, the whole nine yards. "No, you damned well may not go back to sleep. Don't you understand? We got married last night and I can not remember anything about ewen hawing the concept of such a thing. Doesn't that freak you out at all?" Marriage had most definitely not been in her seven year plan to becoming a Captain of a Federation vessel.

Remember the whole anal retentive control freak aspect to Pasha, Kyra? This was it coming out in full force. She did want to go back to sleep but she just couldn't now knowing what she did.


kyracons November 19 2010, 21:17:33 UTC
That would have been fun to watch. At the very least it would have served to wake Kyra up a little quicker. At the moment however, despite her companion's obvious displeasure at the situation, the convict merely sat there looking bemusedly at the rings on their fingers, before looking up again to meet the girl's gaze. "Okay, so we got married. Big deal. We can...have it annulled or cancelled or whatever if it really bugs you so much. Don't see any freak out potential here. And what's the problem with being married anyway?"

She remembered very very well. It was just far too early in the morning for her to really be all that fazed by it. That and she really didn't see the issue here.


mr_chekov November 19 2010, 21:41:35 UTC
"Seeing as we are both naked then it is highly unlikely that we would be able to get it annulled." Marriages couldn't be annulled after all if it has been consummated or something along those lines. She was a navigator, not a lawyer, damn it. "I am not supposed to get married for a least another sewen years. This is directly contradicting my plans." Pasha finally relented her grip on the other woman's hand, pushing her hand through her hair.

"This does not bother you what so ewer?" She asked incredulously. Back home this would have been a massive deal, Russian marriages were usually at least two days long and the celebrations were at least two days.


kyracons November 20 2010, 02:47:51 UTC
Letting out another sigh, she pressed a hand to her face resisting the urge to roll her eyes. Try to see it from the girl's point of view. In polite society, getting hitched was a big, important thing. Okay. And relax. The headache wasn't helping all too much with that though. "We'll just file for a divorce or whatever it is that people do then. Would you chill? I get that it's a little kink in your wonderful life plan, but it's not that big a deal, 'kay?"

Shaking her head, the convict just shrugged. "Nope. If I'd woken up married to Riddick or something then maybe it would've. Being married to you's a pretty good option." It was a damned awesome option actually. Not that she'd have said that out loud. Weddings in the slam, when they happened at all, were mostly informal things. And unofficial in the eyes of any government. She got that it was different in the real world, but it really wasn't that big a deal.

Leaning forward, she kissed the navigator's cheek in what was meant to be a soothing gesture. "C'n I get back to sleep now,


mr_chekov November 20 2010, 16:49:17 UTC
Pasha frowned slightly, not as heavily as she had been before but there was a definite crinkle in her brow that suggested her displeasure. She finally relented with a heavy sigh, flopping back down onto the bed and worming under the covers. "This discussion is not ower." She muttered. But frankly her head hurt too much for to be freaking out at the moment and she was still tired as hell.

"And I am not the wife," Pasha muttered as an afterthought. "I do not know how to cook or clean."


kyracons November 20 2010, 16:59:28 UTC
When Pasha wormed her way back under the covers, the convict rolled over, draping an arm lazily around the smaller girl's waist from behind, nuzzling into her hair. Mmm. Warm. "Not really a surprise, knowing you babe. You can talk if you want. Just don't get pissed if I drift of during the boring parts." She grinned, kissing the back of Pasha's neck. It looked a lot like the hardened convict liked to snuggle.

"Mnn. Well next to me you're the picture of the perfect domestic partner. You've gotta be the wife."


mr_chekov November 20 2010, 17:22:07 UTC
"You always do normally." Pasha mumbled sleepily, glancing over her shoulder lazily at the other woman. "I do not see what would be so different from usual about you drifting off when I am talking of important things." She rolled her eyes slightly. It wasn't an unknown concept to the navigator that people found her rants utterly dull and tended to zone out completely when she started on them.

That comment caused the girl to snort. "I hawe a job. That makes you the wife."


kyracons November 20 2010, 17:26:38 UTC
"Mm, well at least you know I'm in practice." Making a non-committal noise, she simply shifted closer to the girl, pressing gently against her back as she enjoyed the wonderful warmth. Why hadn't they done this more often, again? "What-" she paused to stifle a yawn, "you've got a soothing voice, sue me." It wasn't that she found them dull, really, she just found that it was a lot more fun when Pasha got riled.

"I can open the pickle jar, you're the wife," she shot back easily, though the tone in her voice made it quite clear that her mind was still wrapped in the comfortable haze of the half-awake.


mr_chekov November 20 2010, 17:48:21 UTC
Pasha wasn't usually one for cuddling but she curled her arm across Kyra's nether the less, relaxing more so then she usually did. This was actually rather nice. Very warm and cozy and urgh how horribly domestic. "Gladly." She muttered. "I am sure the lawyers would hawe something they could drag up for me." The young woman joked. She hated lawyers really, they were so mean.

"Of course I can open it. You just hawe to smash the glass. And who eats pickles anyway?" Chekov retorted.


kyracons November 20 2010, 17:54:00 UTC
It was obviously the convict's guilty pleasure. Or it would seem that way at the moment. When she felt Pasha's arms encircle her own, she leaned forward, resting her forehead against the girl's shoulder blades and shutting her eyes. This was nice. Screw how domestic it was, she could gag about it later, when she was more awake. "What're you gonna take from me? My shivs?" There weren't many lawyers back in her universe, but she was sure she would have hated them if she'd met any.

"That's why you're the wife." She smirked, the sound of it evident in her voice. "Just an example. Jam jar, spaghetti sauce jar, boring science crap jar, you name it."


mr_chekov November 20 2010, 18:15:33 UTC
"It would take a force greater then me to separate you from those things." Pasha replied with a little snort, she could tell the convict was incredibly attached to the weapons. In all fairness she was similarly attached to her phaser. "And there are not that many of those in the known uniwerses." She noted astutely.

"There is no such thing as 'boring' science stuff. Science is interesting if you understand it or at least attempt to understand it." The little Russian replied, pulling the covers tightly around herself and curling up as she always did before drifting off.


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