Intro // Aphro // No Event // Here we go...

Nov 08, 2010 00:11

It had been a rough day of meeting, with very few lunch breaks. Alfred hated a lack of lunch breaks, any less than three was just unforgivable. It did not help that the subjects of said meetings were of a serious nature, and the lives of many could be affected by the decisions made. So they held his full attention, as much as he would rather ( Read more... )

series: axis powers hetalia

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Comments 61

ergaleomancer November 8 2010, 05:31:53 UTC
The woman inside was blonde, with her hair falling around her face in wisps. She'd just taken her top hat off and settled it on the dresser, and she was now sitting on the bed, working on taking off the first of very, very many layers of clothing. To describe it in short would be the singular word 'steampunk', though in its specifics she had brass armour plates over her arms and a heavy brown leather corset around her waist. A cane was leaned up against the nightstand, and she had glasses with many magnifiers on levers that were currently all flipped away from her face.

She looked up when the door opened and she sighed huffily. Would she never get an evening in peace? But she seemed resigned to being bothered, and she reached up to wave him in. "Good evening," she spoke with an English accent thick enough to pass for Arthur Kirkland himself, though she obviously was simply one of his people. "Can I help you with something?


heroscalling November 8 2010, 21:09:02 UTC
Alfred narrowed his eyes. Now this was certainly a different style than what he had seen all day. Both in the accent and clothing, it was a change of pace. After the day he had had, that was not necessarily a bad thing, but he was still wary. Particularly since he did not always have the best of luck where Brits were concerned.

"Aaahhh....sorry to interrupt." He muttered as he examined the odd cane by her nightstand. "...I just kind of wandered into this place, and this was the first unlocked door." He looked her over again, noting the fact that his desire had not changed fact, it was getting worse. Frustrated, he ran his fingers through his hair and sighed.

"...Sorry to be blunt...but...what the hell is this place? Cause I sure as hell ain't in Kansas anymore."


ergaleomancer November 8 2010, 21:43:44 UTC
Just what she needed, she supposed. From the moment he opened his mouth she realised what had happened. He was an American, and in the world Theta hailed from, Americans were not well looked upon at all. And yet...there was something about that that gave her a terrible rush. Despite the impropriety of it all, she kept up with her undressing, paying him no mind at all, or at least as little as she could manage. A soft blush across her cheeks testified to the fact that she wasn't as harsh as she liked to imagine herself.

"Well good luck getting out again," she observed as she took off more of the metal plates from her arms, setting them on the night stand. "This is a hotel that not very many of us at all have managed to escape from. Count yourself lucky you didn't wake up here, you would have found yourself molested, and possibly bound. Such is the nature of the place. Can't you feel it in the air?"


heroscalling November 8 2010, 23:12:53 UTC
"Wait....what? Escape? Molested?" Her words were still washing over him, and he found his eyes now set on her armor, which was coming off, piece by piece. The confusion was more than apparent on his face.

"But I just walked into this place! How the hell can there be no way out? And I don't feel shit in the air..." Even as he spoke those words, he knew very well what she was talking about. This place was sexually charged, all right. How or why, he didn't know, but it probably wasn't important.

The important part was staying on top. In more ways than one.

"...Okay, maybe I know what ya mean. I don't get why, but I catch your drift. What do people do to make it around here, so they don't wind up...well, as you described?"


sofanatical November 8 2010, 08:45:47 UTC
The irony of the fact that someone was walking in on her without knocking was a bit lost on the young woman. Who was so ballsy to dare walk in on her, anyway? For a moment, the thought that it was her beloved brother made her turn around quickly, smiling magnificently as she did. However, that smile quite quickly melted into a horrid scowl as she realised that the man entering her room was not, in fact, her beloved Ivan but America, instead.

"Why is American bastard opening door without knocking?"

Slender fingers quickly grasped the handle of the knife that was laying on the top of the dresser, bringing it forth to brandish with calculated ease. "Am not appreciative of capitalist jerk standing in doorway like lost child." The fact that she was only wearing a button-up shirt that was undone to cover herself and her bra and panties and thigh-high stockings didn't phase her one bit as there was more important things to deal with - namely one brash American.


omfg!!! <3 thank you, thank you, and THANK YOU! heroscalling November 8 2010, 21:54:06 UTC
He didn't know what he expected to see when he opened the door. But it wasn't her, and it sure as hell wasn't her smiling. Oh, he had seen Belarus before, many times. Always at Ivan's side, always looking serious as all hell. He had never seen her so much as crack a smile, so to see it now, like this, was all kinds of shocking ( ... )


you're quite welcome. ♥ sofanatical November 9 2010, 01:35:55 UTC
"Poor little American got lost. Does he need help?" Her expression took on a hint of a smile as she tipped her head to the side just a bit, the move more mocking than out of concern. "Not brother's. More along lines of belonging to wine bastard if anything. But you will see what I mean." She let her explanation end there, giving no further hints towards the place and what it entailed.

On the other hand, she highly doubted he would have believed her in the first place. Usually she didn't care one way or another if the capitalist pig understood what she was saying but for some reason she seemed almost hesitant to fully just push him away and back out the door with her usual tact. "Do not remember extending invitation to come in. Why do you invite yourself in?"

Knife still in hand, she walked over to where he was standing and stopped in front of him, standing perhaps a bit too close for comfort any other time.


I'm placing them cold war era for this particular bit, if that's okay? If not, ignore the reference. heroscalling November 9 2010, 02:25:35 UTC
"I don't need help, no." Or perhaps he did. But she was the last person he would admit that to. Her words about the wine bastard definitely set off a few alarms in his head. This place was high class looking, and buzzing with sexual energy. That sounded like Francis all right. In much the fashion of his fellow wine drinking nation, his eyes slid down to her figure, noting the black nylon on the white skin, and rest of her that was barely covered ( ... )


ninjainviolet November 8 2010, 08:48:07 UTC
The room he found himself in was an enclosed sun porch--one of many dotting the first floor of the hotel. From this one, Sheena had an excellent view of two of the gardens of the hotel. She sat on a plush divan, legs tucked under her, watching the garden lights reflect off the flowers as they swayed in a gentle breeze.

She turned as the door opened, adjusting the skirt of her dress, and greeted the newcomer. "Hello. Can I help you?"


heroscalling November 8 2010, 22:58:29 UTC
Alfred glanced at the porch and out at the gardens, which was a rather sharp contrast from the monocolored hotel. He looked at the girl sitting there. She seemed perfectly calm and at ease, which he had to admit, were not his own feelings about this place. But perhaps she could help him after all.

"Ah hey, I think I'm lost. Where exactly am I? This place is totally giving me the willies..." Among other things.


ninjainviolet November 9 2010, 01:35:55 UTC
And Sheena would know what those other things are, since her body was also affected by the hotel. She could just hide it better by crossing her arms. "From your question, I take it you're new here?"


heroscalling November 9 2010, 02:41:52 UTC
"Yep, you got that one right. One second I'm walking outta some boring meetings, the next, I'm here." He shrugged his shoulders, leaning up against the porch railing. "Don't get it one bit. How'd you get here?"


edes_virag November 8 2010, 14:41:26 UTC
Laying in one of the beds of the hotel, The Nation sighed and rubbed her aching shoulders a bit. The hotel had a wonderful way of making someone stressed and uncomfortable to the point of pain. Maybe a hot shower would do and at least then her mind could be taken off of that stupid and all too familiar ache she felt burning between her legs.

With an annoyed groan, she pushed herself off of the bed and began to strip out of her normal clothing. The apron was to go first, followed by the green dress and eventually the rest but in a moment's time after she disrobed herself, did she hear the door open.

Turning quickly, Hungary threw her arms around herself and stared wide eyed at the familiar face.



heroscalling November 8 2010, 23:04:48 UTC
Seeing a naked woman the moment he opened the door was doing very little to help his....situation. His eyes widened, and he turned away, though he also stepped inside and shut the door. Other people didn't need to see in, but like hell if he was going to leave without getting a few answers.

"Ah...I'm sorry! The door was unlocked..." Still not looking at her, he gave her a chance to cover up as he gathered his thoughts. "Hungary, eh? You're pretty far from home. Ah, if I may ask, what the hell is this place? I just kind of walked in, and I have yet to find an exit. It's kinda creepy as hell."

"Though," he added "...I'm glad to see a somewhat familiar face. Is this something nation related?"


edes_virag November 8 2010, 23:46:07 UTC
Quickly, the Nation wrapped herself up in one of the crimson sheets. Often enough she didn't really mind showing off since, hell, she used to run around with no shirt on when she was little. The concept of naked skin wasn't something that took such a high priority with her.

After wrapping herself in the makeshift dress, she wandered over towards America and blinked. "Oh, ah, it's fine. It happens." She said before she tilted her head.

"Nation related? I'm afraid not... You're kind of in one of Japan's Love hotels. There's no way out of here- well- at least none found at all."


heroscalling November 9 2010, 01:23:15 UTC
"One of those? God DAMN, that's more than a bit kinky. And you can't get out? Ha! Where there's a will, there's a way! I'll be the first if no one else has found on!" While his voice was certainly full of confidence, there was still no denying that there was definitely something creepy - and alluring - about this place.

Now that she was fully covered, he ventured further into the room, looking around a bit, before turning back to her. "...This place is pretty snazzy for a prison, eh? So, how did you get here, and how long have you been here?" It would be best to get as much information as he could, regardless of anything else going through his mind while standing in this room alone with her...


Don't mind if I tag~ <3 xlcr_complex November 9 2010, 03:26:11 UTC
James was sleeping. Alright, so he was half-asleep. He'd been sleeping for a while, ever since he'd returned to his room. His encounter with Dan had left him a bit...drained in a way he wasn't used to, so as soon as he could, he'd snuck out to his room to crash. And crash he did, feeling pretty physically and emotionally drained ( ... )


Don't mind if ya do~! heroscalling November 9 2010, 04:24:22 UTC
Now, there was a familiar face. He hadn't seen James in weeks, actually, it was probably more like a couple of months. Things had been pretty damn hectic lately, meeting after meeting, and he had not taken time for himself, let alone to check up on anyone else. James was one of those he usually tried to catch. He was a good kid.

So why was he here?

"Hey, yo, James...ah....this place is pretty damn creepy, isn't it?" And arousing, but he didn't particularly feel like going into that little detail right now. "I'd have knocked but the door just opened so easy." He looked around at the lush surrounding of the room.

"...Where exactly is this? I made a wrong turn coming out of my last meeting, and boom. I'm here. I'd kinda like to get the hell out, and grab a down?" As unusual as this meeting was, he was still James, and they were over due for a hang out.


=D ~<3 xlcr_complex November 9 2010, 08:55:28 UTC
James offered a light laugh. "Creepy" wasn't exactly the word he would have picked, but he supposed it fit.

"It's pretty weird, yeah," he commented. "From what I can figure."

He gave another tired grumble as he rubbed his eyes, trying to wake himself up further. He wasn't so much groggy as the bed was so comfy and he wanted to just flop back down into it. He'd swear these beds had a magnetic affect to them.

He adjusted his position so that he was half sitting up, half still leaning on his arm so he could talk to Alfred easier.

"I'm...not really sure, to be honest. It seems like a hotel of sorts, but there's more to it than that, I'm sure. I just kinda found myself here one day, but from what I've heard, there's...not really a way to leave. But if you're talking food, I'm sure there's someplace in the building that can fix that~" There was food involved? Of course course he was down! "Just...gimme a sec to wake up."

And he flopped back face-first into the pillow with a slight "oof." So warm and cozy...~


Re: =D ~<3 heroscalling November 9 2010, 21:17:00 UTC
"Wait, wait, wait? No place to leave? Are you kidding me? There's gotta be a way out..." Alfred narrowed his eyebrows at James. This whole this just seemed bizarre. From what it appeared, James had been trapped in here for at least a little while...and yet, he didn't seem to be panicked about this at all. In fact, he seemed more than a little comfortable.

"I mean, that's great that there's food and all, but c'mon! Doesn't it bother you that you're stuck in a place you just wandered into by mistake?" And with that, Alfred plopped down on the bed next to him, still doing a damned good job of ignoring that strange as hell feeling of arousal. Though, once he sat down, he could feel just how comfy the bed was...

"So, what do you do all day if you're stuck here?" He knew the ideas he was getting just from looking around and feeling the atmosphere. But he rather hoped that he was wrong.


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