Japanese High School / Locked to firsttsurugi

Oct 19, 2010 23:01

 How was it she got stuck with clean up duty again?

Lightning sighed and wiped clean another student's desk top with a ratty white cloth, wondering just how her name ended up on the chore list. There were supposed to be other students cleaning with her today, but not one of them showed. It figured she'd get stuck while they all went out and did whatever it was they found fun. Perhaps that was what she got for being class representative, which when she thought about it, she shouldn't have done. If she had wanted she could have easily sneaked out with the rest of them, letting the private cleaning company come an redo all their work. This was just for show, after all. Just another way to show their parents that they would be taught to be proper ladies and gentlemen. Rich folk loved that sort of thing.

It annoyed her how easily these people brushed off their duties and studies. Unlike the rest of these rich people, she didn't have that luxury. Her parents had died when she was younger and in order to make sure that she and her sister, Serah, could afford to live and attend this school, she had to work hard. It wasn't just here at school with test scores. She worked into the late hours after school, barely having enough time to make sure Serah was taken care of and her homework done before she could sleep...which wasn't much anymore. Serah offered to work as well, but she wouldn't let her sister do such a thing. This was her chance to have a normal childhood and do the best she could at school.

With a sigh Lightning dropped the cloth into the bucket, letting it sink into the murky water. Why was she doing this? She should have gone home and enjoyed the couple hours she had before work. Why did she always try to show how how strong and focused she could be? None of the other students cared, did they?

Pulling back a chair, she sat down in it and slumped over, resting her head in her crossed arms on the desk. 

series: final fantasy, series: final fantasy vii, series: final fantasy xiii

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