Oct 19, 2010 21:16

Seeking adventures, fighting monsters, helping the helpless...  this sort of lifestyle was second nature to Vyse, who now found himself standing outside of a humid and warm cave.  There seemed to be air flowing from it with a faint scent to it; he couldn't place it, but it made him almost lightheaded, in a way.  He checked his map quickly, confirming that this was where he had to be.  Staring into the uninviting cavern - it seemed to twist off into a tunnel system a short way inside - he took a moment to open his log and double-check the objectives for this quest.

[ Be gentle! ]

The local villagers have informed you that a demon of some sort has taken up residence
in a cave to the northeast; every night it steals a villager, male and female alike, and none
who are taken ever return.  Several adventurers have tried to enter the cave alone, but they
too have not since returned.  It may be advisable to bring some help along; apparently, this
demon means business.
  • Locate the missing villagers and adventurers
  • Bring the head of the demon responsible to Iza Trapp in the TLH Tavern

Required players: 2

Nodding once, he leaned against the cave wall next to the entrance, staring into the sky.  If he was supposed to have some backup, there was no sense going in alone, right? The quest might not even trigger if he didn't have someone else in his party.  Better to play this one safe, so he sent an open message on the LFG channel.

'lv80 blue rogue lfg for [ Be Gentle! ] '

And now... to wait.

((ooc; the cave demon is, in fact, a succubus who has the entire cavern flooded with aphrodisiacs; cave sex, ahoy!  This can be as serious or as crack-y as you want, so feel free to have fun with the online game setting! Smut is het only, but men can join the party for antics. Oh, feel free to stray from the normal RPG classes and make one up for your character, if that's better! Be as creative as you want; only exceptions are no furries (though other humanoid species are acceptable), no guro, and no scat/toilet stuff. ))TL

series: skies of arcadia

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