No Event ♥ While the daughter's away the cougar will play ♥ Aphro variable~

Oct 09, 2010 19:05

"Well, hello there, aren't you just a pretty little thing." The smirk was practically written all over the woman's tone as she stopped her newest victim in the hallway. She was an older woman who appeared to be in her late thirties, with a few wrinkles around her eyes-- laughter lines she would have called them --and obviously not as young as half ( Read more... )

series: star trek

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brothercumface October 9 2010, 18:36:32 UTC
Minatsuki was, truthfully, far too busy being disgusted and slightly mortified (it was different when men old enough to her her father hit on her. When women who looked like they'd be better off in the kitchen or pregnant or too old to have another fucking kid did was disturbing) to look around and notice that perhaps the two of them were not alone in this hallway. Her eyebrows had rocketed upward at the funny Russian word, and had stayed there throughout the woman's proposition. It almost felt as if her face was frozen as such, now, juicebox in hand and straw in mouth and both brown eyes affixed upon the strange woman...

God, damn she felt awkward.

"Don't you have a kitty car pool to be organizing?" the teen drawled after a second. "Or some snotty nose to wipe? And what the fuck is a lapushka?"


mr_chekov October 9 2010, 19:36:08 UTC
Oh Lord in heaven above. It just had to be Minatsuki that her mother had decided to hit on. Hadn't it? Because it would just be far too boring for her to stick to people her own age. Pasha felt her eye twitch. No, she wasn't going to allow this. That woman always stole her girlfriends and boyfriends and she sure as hell wasn't going to steal her...well she wasn't going to fuck Mina at any rate if the girl had anything to do with it ( ... )


brothercumface October 9 2010, 19:58:35 UTC
She balked slightly as the - well, that was short little Pasha, wasn't it! - girl bounded up next to her and gave her a quick peck on the cheek. As if it weren't disturbing enough to be come onto by a woman old enough to have reared her, now she had someone whom she was quite assured hated her with a burning passion despite the rather fabulous sex they'd had in the past. Haltingly, the brunette turned her head to blink at the little navigator.

The tension...practically crackled in the air. And felt as if she could cut the tension in the air with a butter knife. "That's...your mom." She drawled, disgustedly, taking a half step back from the older woman. "Oh...Wow."

Minatsuki felt utterly out of her element. And very disturbed.


mr_chekov October 9 2010, 20:29:53 UTC
"She gawe birth to me but she is no Mama of mine." No, that job had been left to her brothers to raise her and see to her whilst Kata had been off gallivanting around the universe.

Kata rolled her eyes, leaning against the wall. "Oh Pasha, always so disapproving and dull. Such a good little girl. Why don't you go off and play with your dollies like a good child while the adults talk." Her smirk was all but gone now, but her eyes hadn't stopped looking over Minatsuki just yet. The girl had noticed this and as Mina stepped back she moved more in front of her, still holding onto her arm.

"Oh Kata, always such a whore." There was extremely little love lost between the pair. "Back off. She's mine. You can't hawe her." Pasha at this point couldn't have cared more if it had of been Nero, the criminal that had destroyed all of planet Vulcan. This was a stand against her mother and there was no way she was winning this one.


brothercumface October 9 2010, 21:04:41 UTC
"I'm what?" she squawked rather disconcertedly. As much as she enjoyed fighting and as entertaining as these two were proving to be, it be argued over. Minatsuki held no love for the daughter, but if she had to choose... The blond 'mama' figure was starting to piss her off, and as much as she'd love to step to and give the cunt a rather tasteless telling off, Mina was torn between letting the two hash it out and turning on her heel and running away from their spat. This ain't what she signed on for.

"I ain't your fucking stuffed animal, bitch," she directed at Pasha, tugging on her arm slightly. Of course, she wouldn't really mind being ignored. If she had a chance to call her mother a whore, she would have taken it in a split second - but that sorry excuse for a human being was dead and gone - and it was...kinda funny to be objectified. And fought over.

[ooc: and Lyon's mun is all for a threesome~ You and I can figure out the nitpick details and fill 'er in later.]


mr_chekov October 9 2010, 21:16:28 UTC
Kata snorted with amusement, her unpleasant smirk returning to her face once more. "Naughty girl, Pasha. You're quite obviously making your friend uncomfortable, why don't you go and find somebody willing to put up with you?" The older woman's standard was perfect, completely clear of any type of an accent unlike Pasha herself. "Why don't you go fuck somebody your own age for a change?"

She turned her head to Minatsuki for a moment, loosening her grip. "She's forty four you know? And she's had eight children, by three different men." That part was sadly true and enough to make the woman roll her eyes. "Pasha, when you're finally old enough to stop being a prude and actually screw somebody maybe then you can lecture me, but until then, leave us be." Kata waved a flippant hand, winking at the other young woman lewdly.

[ooc: Sweet! :D ]


brothercumface October 9 2010, 22:13:33 UTC
Despite the informative pieces Pasha was throwing her way, Minatsuki remained silent, just shaking her head. She had been in this position before - although it had been when between her brother and father, but the situation had been the same; one of them was coming onto her and the other was being fucking possessive. Now, however, it was kinda useless to hike up the sleeve of her sweater, show off a buys and claim mama!Chekov had done it. But the statement that this woman had given birth to eight kids...made her all the more unattracrive.

"Ew," was all the brunette offered quietly, tugging a little harder on Pasha's grasp.

[ooc: you wanna plot here? Or over pm. Either works for me.]


mr_chekov October 9 2010, 22:33:42 UTC
"Obviously I'm wasting my time here, if you're going to be following this poor dear about like a little puppy dog then I have better things I could be doing. Good to see you again, Pasha." Kata had rolled her eyes at the pair of younger woman, making to turn on her heel as Pasha let go of her companion and stepped forwards, grabbing her shoulder ( ... )


brothercumface October 9 2010, 22:46:33 UTC
Minatsuki watched the unfolding events with raised eyebrows, vaguely amused and still rather annoyed that she had been unwillingly dragged into this whole event. But at least it seems to be ending now, and Minatsuki made no move to hinder Pasha's rather hurried retreat, cotent with trotting behind the shorter girl and snorting bemusedly at the back of her head.

"You grow some balls recently or something, shorty?" she drawled, not even paying any attention to where she was being dragged, nor glancing over her shoulder to watch Kata's retreating back. Minatsuki was quite assured, while her family was a bit more dysfunctional, the Chekov group definately had weirder names.


mr_chekov October 10 2010, 19:35:54 UTC
In the girl's opinion it hadn't been retreat, just strategic repositioning away from that hag. "Shut your mouth." Pasha practically growled, not even certain of where she was going, just away from her mother, she hadn't even intended to snap but it was just the influence that woman had on her. She needed a drink. Now.

Pasha hadn't even figured out why she'd held onto Minatsuki, probably so her mother couldn't corner her and do something weird. She wasn't especially fond of the other girl but if she could use her to get one over the other woman, she would. Once she finally felt she was a safe distance away she let go of the other girl's arm with a muttered apology. "Sorry about her, she's disgusting."


brothercumface October 10 2010, 23:24:55 UTC
Disgusting? "Like mother, like daughter," Minatsuki goaded snidely, although any malicious intent behind her words was ultimately half assed. Nah, Pasha was too...not cougar-ish to be like her mother, and seemed to hold a very vindictive hatred for the woman who had given birth to her. It was very appreciated, for if the bodaciously endowed girl were to have a decent relationship with her mommy and inadvertently rub it in Mina's face...well, things would get ugly real quickly, just like they'd done back home.

The brunette smirked a little, rubbing her arm where thenavigator had held onto her, and was just about to slap Pasha on the ass and leave to go get pizza when she stopped to think and that one utterance from earlier came up in the Deadman's memory. Tone abruptly changing and becoming rather sharp and demanding, the teen snapped, "What the fuck did you mean by 'she's mine', anyway?"


mr_chekov October 11 2010, 09:37:27 UTC
"Shut your mouth! I am nothing like her." Pasha practically hissed back, plainly furious. She was nothing like that useless woman but she knew in her own way she was similar to her, they were both remarkably ambitious, sometimes going to the lengths of not allowing themselves personal relationships to achive and both remarkably intelligent and firey which had lead to more then a few screaming disagreements whilst she had lived under Kata's roof. Thankfully that had only lasted until she was twelve and she shippped herself off to San Francissco to join the Starfleet Academy.

Pasha scowled. "Beliewe me, I wish for no claim ower you, I just didn't want her hawing you." It wasn't a case that she particularly cared or anything. "Anything she wants that I can prewent, I will." Because she couldn't stand the damned woman one bit. "Don't get your panties wet ower it, butch." Pasha rolled her eyes. It was rare she would be this crass straight off the bat but that woman always put her in a horrible mood and at the moment Minatsuki was the only ( ... )


brothercumface October 11 2010, 15:49:14 UTC
"Butch?" Minatsuki echoed, snorting at the accent once more before she decidedly tried to aggravate the situation further.

"So I'm not yours. Got it." For emphasis, she offered Pasha a mock salute, stopping dead in her tracks in the hallway. She's smiling rather ominously, and casually jerks her thumb over her shoulder in the direction they had just come. "So, since I'm not yours, you don't mind if I go take mommy-dearest up on that offer, do ya?" Before the little Russian could get another word in, Minatsuki filled in the gap with a mocking voice that was clearly supposed to be Pasha's.

"Nwo, go ahwead." To which Mins beamed dementedly. "Great. See ya, 'butch'."

This so wasn't adult, or mature, but the seventeen year old could care less as she turned on her heel and made to walk back in the direction they'd come. Of course, she wasn't really gonna seek out Mama!Pasha. If the endowed female behind her didn't stop her, she was just going to head back to her room and sleep or something. 


mr_chekov October 11 2010, 15:58:17 UTC
Obviously Minatsuki didn't understand the gravity of the situation. Hopefully she would when she had a tiny navigator rugby tackling her to the ground and sitting on her back. If Pasha didn't want her mother to have something she was damned well going to do every single thing she could within her powers to stop her from getting it. "You quite plainly do not understand. I am not letting her hawe something she wants. You will cooperate." Her tone left no room for argument or disagreement. This was a very rare side of the girl as she pushed her weight down onto the other, taking complete control.

"Now. I will let you up if you promise not to be a whiny bitch." The girl tagged on. She wasn't sure why she was getting so defensive over Mina but she just didn't want that woman to have this one, the girl held little significance but it was only the matter that she didn't want to loose to Kata.


brothercumface October 12 2010, 08:04:12 UTC
Oh, Minatsuki got something as she was tackled - but it was a resounding bruise all along her left side, which only proved to piss her off. Rolling onto her back under the navigators weight, the Deadman snarled. Her first instinct was to aim for the throat - punch or choke - and her second, the breasts - pinch or grope. But Minatsuki held up both hands, almost defensively, even if her expression was less than amused.

"The fuck - oh, ha ha-fucking-ha. That's like asking me not to breath, and we both know that ain't gonna stop any time soon." She struggled lightly under the other female, propping herself up on her elbows. "If I ain't yours, I can do whatever and whoever the fuck I please, can't I? Or you gonna play my mommy and spank me if I do something bad?"


mr_chekov October 14 2010, 15:05:08 UTC
"Fuck you!" Pasha hissed back. No, she wouldn't allow it. "She wants you and I am going to see to it that whatever that woman wants in this life is denied to her. She doesn't deserwe anything of worth!" The girl was incredibly bitter towards her mother, her head filled with all of the memories of times she had needed Kata to be there and she simply hadn't. Off gallivanting about and enjoying herself while her family suffered the consequences. Everything had gone downhill since Papa had passed away. Kata's children had effectively had to bring themselves off, culminating with Pasha shipping herself off to Starfleet at the young age of twelve to get through all of their training and get away from her family.

"You aren't mine but you sure as hell aren't going to be hers!" The navigator snapped. "There is no way I would allow it, so get used to it!"


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