Love at First Sight ♥ Floor 20,081,105 ♥ High Aphro is High

Sep 06, 2010 01:39

In the grand scheme of things the navigator had been having an alright time at the Hotel for a while. She was on her guard for the next bad thing to happen. She sighed as she got off the elevator, raising a hand to her hair, tied back off her face in a neat ponytail and she had been coerced into actually wearing make up, the girl wasn't quite sure ( Read more... )

series: star trek

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mr_chekov September 24 2010, 22:32:47 UTC
Her mother's voice was chirping away in her head once again about how boys didn't like to marry girls that were so unvirtuous and promiscuous and not for the first time that evening Pasha seriously considered the idea that she might have been going insane. She was so wrapped up in the thought that she might actually have finally (because according to most people it was long long over due) lost her sanity because she very nearly squeaked in shock when Lyon picked her up, she hated being picked up at the best of times- although it seemed to be horribly common when people got a good feel for her height and how light she was.

'See' Pasha silently snapped back at the voice of her conscience (Or at least that was what she hoped and assumed was scolding her for her behaviour) that sounded horribly like her mother. 'Lyon does not seem to mind at all. Quite the opposite.' She did as she was told though, kicking off her shoes and standing up for a moment to pull her panties off from beneath her dress and in a moment of childish mischievousness- a wonderful effect of the lovely vodka she had been drinking -gigglingly shot them at the back of Lyon's head. The temptation had been too much to pass up. Pasha lay back down on the bed, biting her lower lip to stifle her giggles and calm herself down as she clasped her hands above her head as she'd been directed to.

This dress definitely felt different without any panties on, she noted silently, the inner lining of the dress was slightly cool and silky which admittedly didn't feel bad but it felt a little odd. There was no was she would usually go without underwear, but given the circumstances it didn't seem all that horrible an idea.


anotherargeneau September 25 2010, 10:30:00 UTC
The cute little giggle that was so out of character for Pasha should have warned him that something was up, but Lyon was too focused on trying to find some rope to pay much attention to it. That changed when something soft hit him squarely in the back of the head. Turning to glance at the girl stretched out on the bed and clearly trying to stifle more giggles, Lyon glanced down to see Pasha's panties lying in a wadded up heap on the floor. He snatched them up with a grin and made a show of stuffing them into a drawer.

"That was very naughty of you Pasha. Now I'll have to punish you, starting with confiscating your panties. As for the rest, well..." Lyon pulled out the rope he'd finally manged to locate and held it up for her inspection. "Let's just say you won't be going anywhere for a while." His grin still firmly in place, Lyon moved over to the bed and began winding the rope around Pasha's wrists.


mr_chekov September 25 2010, 11:00:57 UTC
"Oh, I hawe definitely been a wery naughty girl." She nodded her head empatheticly, trying hard not to laugh and to sound at least half way serious. It might have crossed her mind also to make her accent a little thicker then normal on purpose. "I think punishment is most certainly the only option."

Her natural curiosity meant that her eyes kept flickering up to what Lyon was doing with her wrists, trying to remember all of the names of the knots, it was better then the little monologue her conscience (Because that is what it had to be after all) had started up at her, criticizing everything that was happening right now. It just made her more determined to act against it. The Chekov stubbornness ran thickly in Pasha's blood as she wasn't about to give in like some wimpy girl.


anotherargeneau September 26 2010, 15:51:43 UTC
Lyon didn't know why he found Pasha's accent so damn sexy but he did. He loved hearing it, and at made his pulse quicken to hear it get even more pronounced as she talked about being punished. Lyon was very much looking looking forward to doing just that and quickly finished securing her wrists first to each other and then to the headboard. His grin grew noticeably more wicked as he turned towards Pasha and slipped a hand up under her dress to cup her sex.

"The question is just what kind of punishment to give you," Lyon said with mock seriousness as he rubbed his palm slowly against Pasha's folds. "Something involving you being unable to move while I fuck you over and over again sounds pretty good. Let's start with that and see where it leads." He gave Pasha's sex a firm squeeze before releasing it, his fingers trailing teasingly down her inner thigh as he left the bed to retrieve more rope. He returned a moment latter and tied her ankles to the bed posts, forcibly spreading her legs as wide as possible and making sure that the ropes to short enough to keep them that way. Once that was done Lyon quickly stripped off his clothes and climbed onto the bed, his long, thick erection bobbing slowly as he crawled towards his captive with a distinctly predatory look.


mr_chekov September 26 2010, 16:34:58 UTC
It took all of the self restraint she had not to rock up against his hand like she so desperately wanted to, Pasha could feel very clearly that she was already wet- Just a natural side effect of the hotel and seemingly Lyon's presence -and when his hand pulled away she made a little noise of irritation. Although she knew all too well that she shouldn't have been getting off on the feeling of being helpless and vulnerable, she was a relatively powerful woman with an important career after all, she couldn't help the little shiver that ran though the length of her body as she was firmly secured to the bed.

Just the feel of it was enough to make a light covering of goosebumps break out on her forearms and she made a show of wriggling slightly, testing the bonds. That was why she preferred rope to handcuffs, it was so much more secure, it felt safer and it took a hell of a lot more effort to worm her way out of rope then it did cuffs. Looking at Lyon, her blue eyes seemed clouded by the heat that was beginning to fog her brain, her lips slightly parted as she tried to catch her breath.


anotherargeneau September 26 2010, 20:12:07 UTC
His hyper-acute senses told Lyon that Pasha was already getting seriously turned on just by being tied up. Everything from the delicate rows of goosebumps on her exposed arms and legs to her heavy-lidded gaze to the wetness he'd felt between her thighs just reinforced what he knew about her love of this particular kink. It was one in which Lyon was more than willing to indulge her, as tying her up was something he got a serious kick out of in return.

Lyon knelt between Pasha's wide open thighs and ran his hands up her legs and under her dress to bracket her sex. Using his thumbs he rubbed her folds with firm, sharp strokes, teasing at her entrance but never dipping inside. After torturing the little Russian for a few minutes he withdrew his hands and leaned down to rest his large frame on top of her smaller one, the tip of his cock nestled against her sex as he kissed her heatedly.

"Time for your punishment," he said darkly as he plunged himself into Pasha's slick core. After giving her body a moment to adjust to his impressive length and girth Lyon began to move inside her vigorously, going from gentle and slow to hard and fast in a matter of seconds.


mr_chekov September 27 2010, 18:51:11 UTC
The little navigator gave a low moan as her played with her, knowing all too well that she couldn't do the slightest thing about it. Pasha had never tried to rationalise why it tuned her on, that was the path to far too much self-awareness, much more then she was comfortable with. She would rather live in ignorant bliss and just enjoy what she had. She tried to arch up the best she could kissing back fiercely.

Pasha gave a whimpering moan, the earlier teasing had her worked up and wound up tightly, she couldn't help the sound from escaping her lips. Her hands curled tightly around the rope holding her wrists. This however, was not a good time for her mind to start yammering away at her once again. Oh hell. This was bad. She wanted to tell Lyon that she love with him.

That was the only thing it could be couldn't it? It had all the of the signs of the ridiculous symptoms of love she had read about. Her heart was pounding and she felt lightheaded (beyond what was normal from the vodka's effects) and all she could think about was marriage and families and oh God. That thought alone was disgusting. Pasha had never wanted to be married, she had never wanted children and she had most definitely never wanted to settle down but at the moment she could think of nothing else. There was something seriously, seriously wrong with her.


anotherargeneau September 29 2010, 14:57:17 UTC
Grinning wickedly as the sound of Pasha's sweet little whimper, Lyon braced himself with one had while the other reached out to capture one luscious breast in a hard grip. He massaged it roughly through the material of of her dress, digging the fabric into her soft flesh in the process. Eventually he tired of that and yanked the material down and out of the way with a faint ripping sound, causing Pasha's breast to spill free of its confines.

Instead of grabbing it again Lyon bent down to drag his teeth over the heated flesh and pull the nipple into mouth. He then began to suck on it with long, hard pulls, pausing occasionally to nip at it sharply with his teeth. His mind instinctively sought out Pasha's, slipping into her thoughts just as easily as he had slipped into her body. Lyon felt his cock stiffen even further as the little Russian's sexually charged thoughts mixed erotically with his own. Spurred on to drive into her even harder than before, Lyon also sent Pasha shorts burst of pleasure in time with the thrusting of his cock, mentally enhancing the already intense physical stimulation.

[OOC: Apologies for the delay. RL has been incredibly unforgiving lately. :P]


mr_chekov September 29 2010, 21:18:37 UTC
That was finally enough to distract her from her own thoughts and focus on the present as she positively writhed against the ropes, arching up with a moan, her head dropping back as she tried to push up, the ropes allowing her little to no movement room. Her hands had went from clutching at the rope to holding onto the sheets above her head tightly. Pasha valiantly, even from this position tried to rock her hips the best she was able to.

Even the slightly ripping sound shouldn't have aroused her, but it undoubtedly did. "Bozhe." She managed to grind out in a little groan. It was all getting too much and she could already feel the low curl of heat building. "Harder, pozhaluista!" She gasped out, face heavily flushed with colour as she writhed and squirmed beneath him.

[OOC: No prob, I know how RL can be :) ]


anotherargeneau September 30 2010, 01:39:00 UTC
"You got it babe," Lyon muttered around the hard little nipple still clasped firmly between his teeth. He couldn't understand the Russian Pasha was using, but it was still damn sexy, and he certainly understood "harder." His hands slid up under the hem of her dress to cup her ass in a hard grip, tilting her hips to allow for deeper penetration and tugging her upwards in time with his downwards thrusts. The feel of taking his captive partner so hard and deep made Lyon groan, and there was a subtle shifting pressure in his gums as his fangs slid down to scratch lightly against Pasha's breast. Long practiced in the art of pleasuring girls with his fangs out, Lyon changed the angle of his mouth to allow him to continue to suckle at Pasha's luscious breast without hurting her with the sharp canines.


mr_chekov September 30 2010, 21:02:05 UTC
The fangs scraping lightly against the sensitive flesh of her breast sent a shiver rocketing up her spin. The vigor at which he was thrusting into her prompted a loud whimper from her this time, her body bowing upwards tightly as she pressed herself up to Lyon. As usual the sensation was beginning to build into a delicious tingling all over her body and tense until Pasha gave a low moan as she tipped over the edge and into her climax. She shuddered and moaned loudly, gasping Lyon's name under her breath- something very odd for her, but it seemed...appropriate or something -and letting her head fall back as she gasped to the ceiling.


anotherargeneau October 1 2010, 01:49:23 UTC
Sensing Pasha's impending orgasm through his link with her mind, Lyon released her breast with a playful nip and dragged his fangs lightly against her skin as he repositioned himself at her neck. When Pasha moaned and the walls of her sex clamped down on the thick length of his shaft Lyon sank his fangs into the soft flesh just below her ear. The intoxicating feel of the sexy little Russian's blood hitting his system caused him to groan against her neck as he fed. Not long afterwards his cock began to pulse as he joined her in orgasm, pleasure shooting through him with each burst of semen as he buried himself up to the hilt in Pasha's tight, wet channel.


mr_chekov October 1 2010, 13:52:57 UTC
It was a little odd how being bitten was swiftly becoming something normal to her, although she was certain she could ponder on the ramifications of that later on. But then again, she'd always had a bit of a biting kink, this was just like a bit of a natural progression of things, surely? All the same she gave a little whimper as his fangs sunk into her neck and the pleasure that always accompanied it took over making her writhe and moan even more so then she had already been doing.

The one thing the little navigator had noticed however was that all of the oddness she had been suffering before was gone. No feeling like swooning, no verging on daydreams, no thoughts about getting married and- the thought alone was enough to make her shudder with disgust -settling down to have children. "Damned hotel." She muttered under her breath.


anotherargeneau October 1 2010, 15:40:24 UTC
Lyon withdrew his fangs from Pasha's neck with a satisfied sigh. The traces of vodka in her blood had given it an extra bit of kick that had been quite tasty. He shifted his weight as he slid out of her body, propping himself up a little on one arm so that he wasn't leaning so heaving on her bound frame. He made no move to get off her however, choosing instead use his free hand to yank Pasha's dress away from her remaining breast, tearing the material in the process.

"Welcome back Ensign," Lyon said with a quiet chuckle before capturing Pasha's newly exposed nipple between his teeth. The thoughts that had rushed through the little Navigator's sexy brain had helped to explain her earlier behavior. Apparently the hotel had decided that it would be fun to mess with her head and make her want to get married and settle down. It amused Lyon to have been the one she'd fixated on for that little delusion, especially considering the seriously awesome fringe benefits than had gone along with it.

"Time for some more punishment I think." The quiet murmur against Pasha's soft flesh held an air of playful malice. Sliding a hand between their bodies, the young Immortal slipped his finger between Pasha's folds and gave her clit a forceful pinch. He then began to rub it in hard, fast circles as he nipped teasingly at her breast.


mr_chekov October 1 2010, 16:31:24 UTC
It was odd but somehow just having the dress pulled down or pulled up was enough to make her feel more naked then she usually did when completely naked. And the fabric being ripped in the process really shouldn't have been as sexy to her as it really was. She had long since summarized that it was due to the type of men she was used to, emotionally sensitive and gentle and, well at least in her frank opinion, totally dull.

Pasha had exhaled sharply at the pinch, still sensitive from her orgasm only moments ago, writhing as the pinch turned to rubbing and fuck that felt good. but she hated being toyed with more then anything, more then anything Pasha normally didn't have the patience for it and just wanted to get down to business and have none of the nonsense of feeling about pointlessly and for no use. This actually was more like punishment. The tied up young woman gave a clipped moan, pulling on the rope slightly. "I would hawe--" she broke off for another little moan, her accent was more pronounce then usual "--t-thought that being fucked was m-more then enough punishment." Although her body was more the willing that didn't stop her whining irritatedly.


anotherargeneau October 1 2010, 19:20:57 UTC
Each little moan and squirm that Lyon coaxed out of his captive partner was met with a low growl of appreciation from him in return. There was nothing quite like tying up a hot girl and fucking her, especially when the hot girl seemed to enjoy it as much as Pasha did. It made him want to drag things out as long as possible, or at least for as long as it took him to get hard enough to start fucking her again. And considering just how turned on Pasha usually got him he suspected that wouldn't take long at all.

"Well, you thought wrong babe," Lyon informed her smugly, releasing her breast and lifting his head to give her a predatory grin. "Getting fucked once is hardly enough to qualify as punishment. Especially since seem to like it so much. No, you've got to get fucked at least once more before I release you. And before I even think about fucking you again," Lyon paused to pinch Pasha's clit once again, "You have to come nice and hard for me." Still grinning, Lyon went back to enthusiastically rubbing the swollen little bundle of nerves between Pasha's folds, determined not to give up until she climaxed.


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