Love at First Sight ♥ Floor 20,081,105 ♥ High Aphro is High

Sep 06, 2010 01:39

In the grand scheme of things the navigator had been having an alright time at the Hotel for a while. She was on her guard for the next bad thing to happen. She sighed as she got off the elevator, raising a hand to her hair, tied back off her face in a neat ponytail and she had been coerced into actually wearing make up, the girl wasn't quite sure ( Read more... )

series: star trek

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anotherargeneau September 6 2010, 22:34:05 UTC
Something about the way Pasha smiled and blushed so prettily in response to such a simple compliment threw Lyon for a moment. He chalked it up to the booze effect once he spied her bottle of vodka though. Even though his sharp eyes told him that the bottle had hardly been touched he just figured that it affected her more strongly than most people because of her diminutive size. On the upside it probably meant that she was a cheap drunk.

"I'd love to keep you company Ensign Lolita. After you." Lyon followed close behind Pasha as she headed back to the bar. Her dress looked just as sexy from the back as it did from the front, making him think that it might be fun to see it even more intimately from that angle. With lascivious thoughts running rampant in his mind, Lyon took the chair next to Pasha's at the bar.

"Bloody Mary please," he told the bartender before turning back to gaze admiringly at Pasha. "So how've you been? Is the hotel still fucking with you or has it left you alone for a change?" The last time he'd seen the sexy little Russian they'd shared a freakishly realistic but seriously hot delusion.

[OOC: I love this one because having Pasha be all doe-eyed and lovey-dovey with Lyon will freak him out. It won't stop him from wanting to screw her though. XD]


mr_chekov September 7 2010, 00:13:42 UTC
The little navigator couldn't help her amusement at the fact that the vampire Immortal was drinking Bloody Marys. Pasha settled herself back into her seat, neatly crossing her ankles and leaning them to the side. Well, what do you know, all of those Starfleet manners and etiquette lessons mandatory for the Command track cadets had come in handy after all. Unfortunately this meant she owed one of her Lecturers, the one who had always told her off for swearing profusely in Russian when she was supposed to be making pleasant small talk, an apology for telling her she would never require these skills in later life.

"Surprisingly well, it seems to hawe grown bored of playing about with me." Pasha gave a small laugh, fiddling with her hands in her lap and oh goodness, were those butterflies in her stomach? She silently wondered if she was ill, why was she getting so worked up about being around Lyon of all people? "I am waiting for the next thing to spring up at any moment now."

[OOC: Lol XD When she snaps out of it she's going to be like 'wot' and very unamused. Plus this gives me a chance to use her adorable icons >>]]


anotherargeneau September 8 2010, 18:49:54 UTC
"That's cool that it's giving you a bit of a breather. Feel free to come find me once it changes its mind though. I'm always willing to help you out of a sticky situation." He flashed Pasha an impish grin as his drink arrived. Lyon was finding himself enjoying her company even more than usual. She seemed more feminine somehow, almost schoolgirlish, and he found it strangely appealing. Raising his glass to her in a silent salute, he put it to his lips and tipped it back.

Lyon's eyes widened and he almost choked on his drink when the unexpectedly soupy mixture hit his throat. There was the unmistakable tang of blood in it, like he'd ordered a real Bloody Mary from The Night Club and not a fake one from a mortal bar. He glanced around suspiciously as if looking for something out of the ordinary before shrugging and taking another swallow of his drink.

"So, do you have any plans for tonight?" he asked, trying to sound casual.

[OOC: It's going to be hilarious when she finally comes around. :) Sorry for the delay. I had a long holiday weekend and that first day back at work was insane! o_O]


mr_chekov September 9 2010, 16:31:46 UTC
Pasha gave another small nervous laugh. She pulled her tidy ponytail of curls over her shoulder, fiddling with it, something she hadn't done for a long while, the last time she could remember playing with her hair and feeling like this it was waiting to meet Admiral Pike for the first time, thinking she had gotten into trouble for hacking Starfleet's systems to find out about their new ship spec. She had ended up getting recruited instead. Her nimble fingers began plaiting a section of her hair into a minute braid.

"I had been trying to get a feel for the actual shape of the Hotel. I will need to include a plan of the place in my report once I return to home." She replied. "But I got distracted." That tended to happen much more often then she liked. For a girl genius Pasha really did have the attention span of a goldfish unless prompted to properly concentrate.

Pasha smoothed the dress down over her legs, it was shorter then she would usually wear, coming to just between her knees and mid-thigh which made her wonder how it would look on a taller girl. She settled for something in the realms of not proper. The navigator could feel a blush that had settled on her cheeks with no intention on leaving anytime soon so she poured herself another shot of vodka, downing it in the proper way. Only wimps sipped at vodka after.

[OOC: She's definitely going to be very unamused xD No prob! I know how work can be]


anotherargeneau September 9 2010, 17:02:38 UTC
Lyon's eyes drifted down to watch Pasha's nimble fingers as she fiddled with her hair. The soft tumble of light brown curls was one of the things he really liked about her, whether they were in a tangled mess thanks to a good fucking or neatly gathered up into a pony tail like they were now. With any luck he'd get to see her hair good and mussed before the night was over.

"Yeah, I know what you mean. It's easy to get distracted in this place. Especially with someone as hot as you running around in a sexy little dress like that." Lyon's tone was light but his eyes had darkened with lust, the silver in them moving sluggishly back and forth. He took another long swallow of his drink before setting it back on the bar.

"I'm up for some exploring tonight if you'd like some help with your map. If what I've heard about this place it true then you'll need all the help you can get!" Lyon had started to hear rumors of literally thousands of floors, and he was curious to see if there was any truth to them.


mr_chekov September 9 2010, 22:40:00 UTC
A sound came out of Pasha's mouth that she didn't recoginise at first. She certainly had never made it before. She considered it quickly with a little frown marring her face. It could have been, but she wasn't certain, but she thought it might have been a giggle. Woah. That...was a very odd prospect. She didn't giggle. Girly girls giggled. She didn't.

Pasha internalised. Perhaps she was ill? Or drunk. But the vodka wasn't as strong as she was used to and she's barely has a respectable amount of shots. But something had to explain the odd feeling in her stomach, the bright blush covering her face and how sweaty her palms felt. Maybe she had a fever? She mumbled a response "I did not get a choice in what the Hotel chooses for me when it hides my normal clothing." Granted she could have stayed in her room but she was getting ansty from staying in there. She needed to explore and wander.

"Your assistance in this is unrequired but welcome all the same." She found herself answering with a shy smile.


anotherargeneau September 9 2010, 23:31:18 UTC
The sweet little giggle that came bubbling out of Pasha brought a grin to Lyon's face. It was utterly adorable, as was the flush of color in her pretty face. She was laying on the "cute and sexy" routine awfully thick, but he didn't mind. It was fun to see her like this, even if was a bit unusual for her.

"Well, I'm glad it decided to hide your clothes tonight. Your regular stuff's alright, but that dress is a lot sexier. Shows off those nice legs of yours." Feeling mischievous, Lyon leaned forward to run a hand up Pasha's thigh, stopping with his fingertips just under the hem of her skirt. He slipped into her mind to lightly caress her thoughts at the same time, giving her a feeling of elation to go along with his physical touch, before withdrawing with a slightly smug look on his handsome face. He removed his hand from her thigh as well, using it to reclaim his drink.

"Cool! Sound like fun. I promise I'll try not to be too distracting while we explore." Lyon's glass obscured his expression as he finished his drink, but it couldn't disguise the distinct lack of sincerity in his voice. He very much intended to be absolutely as distracting as possible as soon as he found an appropriately secluded spot.


mr_chekov September 10 2010, 02:31:55 UTC
"That might be so bu--" She had already started to reply before she stiffened at the hand on her thigh, lapsing into silence for a second before Lyon's hand pulled away jarring her back into reality. She had felt the artificial elation sweep into her mind but on the tide of something bigger as well. The young officer could only identify a few of the feelings; nervousness, joy, utter dread and another thing she couldn't quite get a grasp on. Nether the less, she flustered, blush darkening even more so as she downed another shot in quick order.

"As I was saying--" She threw him a teasingly dirty look. "--That might well be so but this entire get up is wholly impracticable." Pasha airily picked at the floaty fabric of the dress, lifting it up, completely unaware that she had unwittingly just flashed half the bar her silk panties. "This is completely useless if I had to run or do anything remotely actiwe and do not ewen get me started on how ridiculous the shoes are." She grumbled. The shoes weren't really that bad, just plain ballerina flats, decorated with bows but they weren't her most highly favoured boots that she loved dearly.

"Yes, you will. You'll be horribly distracting as always then I'm going to have to drag you somewhere and fuck your brains out. Once I figure out why I feel so weird. I'm beginning to doubt I'll get any mapping done." Pasha responded in Russian. Her mother had always told her to be honest after all. But she'd never mentioned anything about being honest in a manner that the other person could actually understand. She did another quick shot to reward herself for her bravery.


anotherargeneau September 10 2010, 18:58:23 UTC
Lyon feigned innocence - badly - when Pasha favored him with an annoyed look that was all bark and no bite. If she was truly mad at him for taking liberties with her then she wouldn't have blushed even harder than before. He merely shrugged in response and glanced down appreciatively when she unknowingly flashed her panties at him. It was quite an enticing site, one that made him want to run his hand up her skirt again. Instead he ordered another drink, one without blood this time, taking a sip of it as the little Russian down more of her vodka.

"I can think of plenty of active things you could do in that dress," Lyon countered shamelessly, blatantly ogling Pasha as he spoke. His eyes came to rest briefly on the place where her thigh met her skirt before drifting back up to her pretty face. "You're right about the shoes though. They're cute and all, but with that dress you really need heels, preferably boots. You can never got wrong with a nice pair of boots."

Lyon downed more of his drink and gave Pasha an amused look as she address him in rapid-fire Russian. As much as he liked the sound of it he had absolutely no idea what she was saying.

"Sorry babe, I didn't catch that. You wanna repeat that in English or should I just poke around in your head to find out what it means?" His threat was an idle one though, and it showed in his body language and tone of voice. He felt like teasing Pasha more than anything else and had no intention of following through it.


mr_chekov September 11 2010, 18:26:26 UTC
Pasha forced herself to ignore the young Immortal's first comment in order to maintain what little decorum she had left, merely muttering "I hawe no doubt." and concentrating on not blushing any further. She glanced down at her feet before crinkling her nose in distaste. "I can not wear heels, I do not know how to walk in them and the only boots I like are my own and that is because they are comfortable and easy to run in." She was dependent on being light on her feet after all.

"Kindly keep out of my head please, Jaws." She lent over and whacked him lightly on the leg. "It is not my fault that you do not know how to speak a superior language." Pasha gave a bright laugh, not that she was one to lecture about other languages, given her aversion to the letter 'v'.


anotherargeneau September 13 2010, 00:55:31 UTC
"I'd be glad to help you learn," Lyon offered, leaning in a little, his silvery-blue eyes sparkling mischievously. "You wouldn't have to walk very far at first..." Lyon let his voice trail off suggestively. He was about to elaborate on just exactly how far - just to the edge of the bed - when the feisty Navigator swatted him.

"Jaws?" Lyon's voice jumped an octave and he gave Pasha an incredulous look. "Jaws? Seriously?" He rolled his eyes and chuckled a little. "Well, that's not so bad I guess. I've been compared to far worse things than a bloodthirsty shark from an old horror movie." Lyon leaned in even closer. "I'm willing to bet that my bites feel a hell of a lot better than his do though." He eyed Pasha's neck hungrily, making a show of licking his lips.


mr_chekov September 15 2010, 18:04:43 UTC
"I highly doubt that it is a skill that will ewer be needed." Chekov waved the idea off. But then again, she found herself thinking, it would require her to spend more time with Lyon and that seemed a pretty damned wonderful idea at this moment of time. Silently she told herself off for thinking such things. She never got attached to the people she messed about with, it wasn't how things were supposed to be done and it only lead to more problems. "Besides-" She added "-I fall over nothing at the best of times." And, Oh. That conjured the image of her tripping over and Lyon catching her just in the nick of time, both of them laughing.

'Woah. Woah. Woah. No. Bad brain. Very bad brain.' Pasha silently scolded herself once again. 'Not cool at all.' Evidently there was either something wrong with her or she was more intoxicated then she thought. Perhaps the vodka was stronger then it was back home. And it had to be taken into account that she hadn't drank any alcohol for a good while, that could be making it affect her more deeply.

"Movie? As in the two dimensional images?" Her Ancient Earth history had never been the best but she was pretty sure that was what he meant. Jaws was much scarier in holoprojections. "I would not know-" Pasha replied tartly. "-I hawe newer been bitten by a shark." Although, knowing her luck she couldn't rule it out from ever happening. The little navgator had noticed however, how Lyon was leaning closer to her and she couldn't help but watch his lips before she was able to tear her eyeline back up to his, blushing profusely.


anotherargeneau September 15 2010, 20:29:42 UTC
"Yup. Good old fashioned 2D. I like the modern 3D stuff better, but my parents seem to have a soft spot for the old flat-screen stuff." He couldn't understand the appeal of it himself. It wasn't nearly as immersive and the images weren't as realistic, but whatever. Right now he was more interested in the very real, very sexy, young woman right in front of him. She seemed to be blushing quite a bit, and it only added to her appeal. It not only made her look even prettier than usual but also reminded him of the sweet blood flowing just below the surface of her silky skin.

Lyon's eyes were swirling noticeably as he gazed at Pasha, and there was a definite bulge in his pants. All their talk of high-heels and biting was making him seriously horny, and he had to fight to keep his fangs from sliding down. If they weren't in such a public place he probably would have jumped her by now.

"No, but you have been bitten by me." In a flash Lyon closed the distance between them and kissed Pasha fiercely. His hand slid up under her dress at the same time to tease the top of her hip just below the waistband of her panties.


mr_chekov September 16 2010, 21:09:04 UTC
Two Dimentions and Three Dimentions. He would die of shock if he saw what they could do with holonovels and the holodecks. For some reason her mind took that as a good time to remind her of the odd romance novels Uhura seemed to enjoy so well and had coerced her into joining in with her once. Why was the memory of riding on a horse in the rain with some guy's arms wrapped around her waist turning into the same memory only with Lyon's arms wrapped around her waist? Good Lord. She was clearly going insane.

She very nearly yelped when Lyon kissed her, having been lost in her own thoughts and most definitely not in the realm of the present. But Pasha couldn't disguise or cover up the breathy gasp that was pulled from her lips at the passionate kiss and the fingers teasing at the soft skin of her hip. Despite herself she automatically kissed back, rivaling his fierceness but for once, instead of fighting for the control of the kiss, automatically yielded.


anotherargeneau September 17 2010, 17:28:43 UTC
After a moment of wondering why Pasha was kissing him back without trying to dominate the exchange Lyon decided not to waste a golden opportunity and quickly deepened the kiss. His tongue pushed its way between Pasha's lips to probe the softness of her mouth, savoring the sweet taste of the little Russian's unique flavor combined with the slight sting of the alcohol she'd consumed. Lyon thought he could learn to like vodka if he drank it from Pasha's mouth.

With that erotic thought swirling around his head Lyon kissed Pasha even harder, slipping the hand resting at her hip down to tease her inner thigh. As before he traced the edge of her panties with his finger tips, hinting at touching her more intimately without actually doing so. He slipped into Pasha's mind as they kissed and sent her an image of the two of them intertwined on the black silk sheets of his bed, with Pasha dressed much as she was now while Lyon took her nice and hard.

"Let's get out of here babe," Lyon said in a low, rough voice when he finally broke their kiss. "I want to show you how much fun you can have in a dress, and this place is a little public for something like that."


mr_chekov September 19 2010, 20:19:05 UTC
Chekov gave a sharp gasp at both the kiss and Lyon's fingers slipping further down. The mental image was just the icing on the metaphorical cake. Not that cake could make this much better then it already was, in Pasha's humble opinion. For once, and this was a feeling that freaked her out more then anything, she was happy just to kiss him rather then there being any sexual motivation behind it, although that was definitely there. In abundance.

When he pulled away she bobbed her head lips parted as she continued to stare at Lyon's lips, Pasha was certain that her face must have been absolutely covered in her blush and that was vaguely mortifying when she thought about it. "Uh-huh." She bobbed her head again dumbly.


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