♥The USS Centerpiece B -- Floor 31,721,363 ♥ High Aphro ♥

Sep 01, 2010 15:02

Ensign Pasha Andreynia Chekov scowled, shifting in the chair she’d been told to sit in and fiddling with the hem of her bright yellow uniform dress. She was really going to have to get measured again, this one was getting awfully small, hanging high on her thighs, Pasha noted idly.

Maybe punching Lieutenant D’rss in the face and breaking her massive nose had been a little step too far. But in her defence she had warned the other woman that is she heard another slight on the girl’s age, height or accent leave her lips again that she would regret it most royally. And Lieutenant D’rss probably was regretting it about now. Pasha couldn’t help a little vindictive smirk that crossed her face when she remembered the scrap. It soon enough dropped off her face however when she heard the door to Captain’s ready room swoosh open.

She jumped out of the chair and to her feet, standing at attention as it was proper to. The smirk has been replaced with a sinking feeling in her stomach instead as she thought about how poorly this would be looked upon. Especially if she had to spend time in the brig, that would go on her Starfleet records and seriously affect any chances of promotion she had. And she needed to be a Captain one day, she only had seven more years left, she had to beat the record of youngest Captain just as she had beaten the old record of youngest Ensign.

She swallowed, holding still as stone. “Keptain, I wish to apologise for my actions and I realise that it was inappropriate behawiour for an officer of Starfleet--” A costly mistake made in a moment of provocation, but something in the tension of the room told her that the Captain wasn’t going to let her get away with it as easily as just being taken off duty and sent to the brig to cool her heels.

[OOC: Oh c'mon, I'd be a cruel mun to let this one slip by Pasha. Obviously, somebody's been a naughty little Ensign and needs punishing to teach her to behave. Males and females 17+ for this one. The aphro is very high, so feel free to play about with that. The standard no guro/death/ickystuff/beastiality applies but feel free to get a bit rough. PM me for any questions! ♥]

series: star trek

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