Room 12,222,886: Toadwarts | Flexible Aphro

Aug 23, 2010 18:29

You've been a bad girl.

Or maybe you haven't, it's not exactly hard to get on the potions master's bad side. Even a misplaced sneeze will do it, or sometimes she just plain picks on someone when she needs victims- er, help, that is. In any case, Tia (last name unknown, asking about it has bad consequences, children!) has sternly requested your presence in her laboratory immediately after classes, and ignoring her requests is a bad, bad thing.

So, whether annoyed, terrified, or apathetic, you've come to the potions lab. Inside, Tia is busily working over a boiling cauldron that's giving off curious rainbow smoke. She notices you, and gestures for you to come over to her. "It's about time," she snaps, "I was about to go down and drag you here if you'd taken much longer." A particularly loud burble from her potion saves you the awkwardness of needing to reply, and she darts over to the cauldron and smiles. "Ah, it's finally done!"

She scoops up a flask of the stuff and casts a cooling spell... and immediately thrusts it in your direction. "Drink," she orders, "Quickly, now, this stuff loses potency fast."

You have no idea what this potion does. Unfortunately, neither does Tia, but adventure is the spice of life, isn't it?

(OOC: Unknown potion time! This can do anything you've got your little heart set on, from growing tentacles, gender swapping, genital swapping, shrinking, growing, extremely potent aphrodisiac, magic power enhancer... go crazy, and you get one guess as to what the cure is once you're affected. Adults can be other teachers she's calling in a favor on if desired. Will be switching to third person past-tense for tags. Girls only (bar a gender-swap potion, of course) please, and no toilet stuff.)

Very sorry for being so slow, everyone. Rest assured however, no one will be dropped. ♥

series: mahou no susume

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