The Featured Floor Board: Aug 23, 2010

Aug 23, 2010 15:10

Featured Floors
Toadwarts' School Of Witchcraft And Wizardry -- Floor 12,222,886

Good old Toadwarts! Who can forget their first train ride to the spectacular Toadwarts campus? Or perhaps you came up from the charming village below? One never forgets one’s first steps through the Toadwarts’ gates, no matter the vector of arrival.

In its beautiful hallways cluster the very best and brightest students and teachers of natural magic in all of Britannia. The famous Mary Sue Potter attends here, who has defeated her hateful nemesis Voldeseymour every year since she was a freshman! Under the wise direction of Principal Stumblemore, students pursue leisure-time and scholarly pursuits alike in peace, quiet, and youthful earnestness.

Visit the library. Take a Potions class. Enjoy a festival meal or the mere everyday hospitality of Toadwarts. And don’t forget to find your way to your room before curfew!

During your stay at Toadwarts, you may be a teacher or a student, a wizard or a Muddle (one who cannot use magic), a mere visitor, a shady tradesman, a student at a related school, etc. Not even the sky is the limit; anything is possible at Toadwarts. Don't miss our events and challenges this week, which provide ample example of why you're not supposed to use magic outside of professorial supervision...

Gridlocked! -- Floor 7,851,832 (thanks temporaltossed !)

This floor is paved, walled, and covered in shining automobiles of every description - go on, take the keys and drive off with anything you see! Or are you trapped in something... or just waiting for rush hour traffic to clear so you can get to some OTHER floor? From the humble half-busted VW van to beautifully-kept Aston-Martins to the most cutting edge Koenigsegg ... no telling what you'll find just waiting to take you to... wherever you're going. In every direction you'll find driving courses, traffic situations, country roads, autobahns, bumper car rinks (the hotel architects have no shame)...

Are your characters on a drive and contemplating mid-drive shenanigans? Are they too impatient and have to pull off and use the comfy (or not-so) backseat? Hitchhikers? Broke down? Maybe someone can pull over and check your dip-stick for you... or are they the cause of your breakdown and laying a roadside detour to their fantasies?

Car kinks galore! So get out on Route 69 and have some fun.

Featured Challenge Rooms
Body Swap -- Room 9455 (thanks to likes_power !)

Oh sorry, miss, is this your body?

In this challenge, characters are having a very literal out of body experience: their minds and all their memories... are in someone else's corporeal form. Did they switch bodies with someone in the room with them? With someone else that they know? HARRY POTTER, DID YOU MISPRONOUNCE A SPELL?! Did they... switch bodies in the mun's headspace??!?!?! (A lot of players have more than one character... what would happen if one of your characters woke up wearing the body of another?)

Naturally the only way to get back to the right body is to share a moment of love with someone. <3

Contact Bondage -- Room 7840 (thanks to alapimp !)

How strange that when we learn to love, just the absence of our loved ones is enough to cause us pain...

No need to get so intellectual about it. In this challenge, your character (or both characters in a scene!) have been cursed: once they touch... from the first moment that skin hits skin in any way... breaking that contact will cause excruciating pain, enough to make even the strongest godmode character scream and sweat in agony!

Don't let go. Any kind of touching will keep the pain away, even if it's just holding hands. ...But as long as you're stuck touching each other... might as well see if some endorphins will break the curse? (Hint: they will.)

Featured Event Rooms
Tentacles! -- Room 5378 (thanks to slimy_lovin !)

No not just tentacle monsters (though welcome, tentacle monsters!) In this event, your character suddenly grows tentacles. Whether it's the result of a voluntary change ("hey, this tentacles-for-twelve-hours pill looks pretty cool!") or something that the Hotel imposes on them, they've got tentacles growing out of somewhere, somehow! Tentacle arms? Tentacle legs à la Ursula? Tentacle... wieners?

Something else?

Enjoy your new appendages and don't be shy about sharing them with friends.

TLS (Tender Loving Smut) -- Room 4476 (thanks to meitori !)

Closely related to its cousin Tender Loving Care, Tender Loving Smut works along the same principal: while the former cures sickness, the latter cures all of those little traumas caused by unwanted hotel events or the rougher tentacle monsters (calm down tentacle monsters, we love you and you know it.) How? By having cheesy, romantic, mind-blowing cliche sex until you can't remember anything else of course.

Sweet & cuddly (pink, fuzzy, slutty nurse costumes optional, natch)... a nice room to visit when you've just plain had enough of the Hotel's whims and abuses!

Mingling Meme!
Come on over to the TLH OOC community to participate in the Morning After Meme! Wake up in bed with someone... figure out how you got there later. :3c It just went up on Friday, so you've still got plenty of time to, er, make the bed with some new friends.


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