No Event | Variable Aphro | Target Practice

Aug 24, 2010 05:17

It had been awhile since she'd let loose. And an even longer while it seemed, since the Hotel had given her a day when it didn't screw with her wardrobe. For the moment, she was grateful the she'd been afforded the comfort of her own clothes again. For however long that lasted. She was dressed in her low slung canvas pants, a sleeveless singlet the only other article she would allow herself, in an effort to combat the ever-present Hotel heat. The best part by far however, was the fact that she had been allowed her weapons. Well, to be more specific, she had been allowed weapons, period. It seemed the Hotel was as generous in the giving as it was meticulous in the taking. Upon awakening, she'd found a large chest by the foot of the bed, addressed to her, and opening it, she'd found enough blades in there to make any sociopathic murderer drool with envy.

Of course, she'd taken them all. It didn't take her long to find an empty room, and it took her just over an hour to set it up the way she required for her little workout session. Targets had been set up around the room at varying distances, in varying positions and heights. She'd strung sacks of sand to the ceiling, ready to be released if she tripped certain wires. There were platforms raised on tables, and narrow walkways. Hell, she even had a pitfall, an empty jacuzzi that had been in the middle of the room. With all this done, it was time to begin.

Stepping forward quickly, she drew a shiv from its holster, sending it humming angrily through the air before it thunked into the target. The second and third left her fingertips in almost the same motion, each finding their marks effortlessly. Feeling a pull against her ankle, she slid sideways, movements as fluid as a cat's, almost graceful. The sack swung down, missing her by inches, and as it passed, she raked a blade across its surface, sending sand cascading to the floor.

Later, she stood by a target board, her chest rising and falling quickly as she pulled her weapons from the object. The room was a shambles, broken boards and sand spread across the entire expanse of floor. The targets around the room had been either knocked over or broken, each had at least three blades buried into it. Kyra herself was breathing a mite hard, the front and back of her singlet soaked with perspiration. Sliding her weapons back into their holsters, she wiped the sweat from her brow, taking a moment to tie her hair back from her face. God, she was breathing to hard for a workout like this. She'd started going soft, had she? Whoever had said sex was good exercise had obviously been a fucking liar.

Well, looked like she'd have to go again. Pulling the last blade from its board, she began resetting the targets, more of them this time, from the shattered pieces of the previous batch. She was so engrossed in her task that she didn't notice the sound of the door opening.

((Feel free to have your character have been watching for awhile. Or anything else you may come up with! Males, females, monster things, and... not crazy over the top furry things(?) welcome! Most anything goes except toilet play, vore, maiming/killing, and other super extreme stuff. Bloodplay is a possibility depending on who walks in. Canonmates would actually be pretty awesome, specially Pitch Black ones! As are previous CR peeps. ^_^ Don't hesitate to PM if you've got any questions!))

series: chronicles of riddick

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