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brothercumface October 10 2010, 12:04:01 UTC
"Ahah!" she exclaimed loudly, bouncing merrily away on his member while throwing her head back in laughter. "You're not - ah, fuck - you're not that fast." Sure, he was fast - faster than she - but it wasn't as if he were a supernatural cheetah, and it would not only be awkward, but painful if he were to do that now; in this position. And for all his vibrato and nasty words and attraction of harsh fucks, Minatsuki highly doubted Lyon'd ever intentionally hurt her.

Fucking. Pussy.

They'd both already gotten off once, and that had somewhat sated her - at least enough for her not to lose herself in the sensation - and those marks that had pooled shallowly with blood (and were probably already healing over if she'd actually thought about his ability) attracted almost all her attention. Her fingers danced over the wounds and Minatsuki almost squealed delightedly at the sticky life fluid that coated her index finger. It was pretty, really, and refreshing to see someone bleeding that couldn't turn it into an immediate and dangerous weapon. It was...infantile. And cute. And babyish. And she giggled before bringing that finger to her lips and deftly licking off a majority of the blood in one swipe.

Mina didn't particularly care if this act either grossed Lyon out or aroused him. It was fair trade after all, right? He'd bitten her several times and when she scratched him hard enough to draw blood, it only seemed fair to get a taster. But at the same time, it sort of disgusted her - as it reminded her very much of Toto - or rather, Mockingbird.


anotherargeneau October 10 2010, 13:43:55 UTC
"Don't bet on it," Lyon said threateningly. "You'd be surprised at what I can do." To drive his point home he released Mina's breasts and grabbed her waist instead, pulling her downwards at the same time he lifted his hips to plow into her with punishing force. He did this several more times before releasing her and going back to his somewhat less forceful pace. His hands started to move again, but instead of going for Minatsuki's breasts a third time he grabbed the little brunette's nipples instead. Lyon began to pinch and roll them between his strong fingers, occasionally gave them a sharp tug just to see if he could make Mina squirm.

"You're a twisted little shit aren't you," Lyon observed wryly as he watched Mina lick his blood off her finger with a disturbingly cute giggle. It was the giggle that made the act disturbing. For someone like Lyon a little blood was no big deal, but he'd never yet met someone who did both at the same time. Especially when that someone was a girl that rarely did anything so mundane as giggle.


brothercumface October 10 2010, 13:57:03 UTC
"Oh please," she drawled easily. "You love it- ah, fuck, that hurt you prick!" Minatsuki's demeaning expression soured easily and she almost instantly swatted at his hands. It dint hurt quite as much as she made it out to, but there were certain other body parts to attend to, and hell would freeze over before she asked him to touch her lower.

No, the teen did not ask. She complained and physically forced and bullied people into doing what she wanted - or needed - and Lyon was no exception to this rule. Those few strong thrusts had brought the scrappy brunette all the closer to the brink of a secondary orgasm, and the aphrodisiacs that swirled in the air didn't hurt in the slightest. But the point was she wanted his fingers to return to paying attention to her clit, and like the bossy child she was, the Deadman snatched his wrist, pulling one hand away from her breast to shove downward, between their bodies again, hopefully giving the boy a pretty good sized hint of what she was getting at. 


anotherargeneau October 10 2010, 21:35:41 UTC
He didn't even bother to deny Mina's accusation. She was right; he did like it when she scratched and bit him. The fact that his cock had gotten even harder and thicker in response to her latest attack was proof enough of that. So Lyon just smiled evilly and gave her adorable little pink nipples another hard tug before allowing Mina move one of his hands away from her breasts. Even if he hadn't still had his mind intertwined with hers there would have been no doubt as to what she wanted him to do next.

"Oh sure. Now you want me to play with you. Make up your mind you stupid cow." Lyon positioned his hand much like before, with his palm splayed against Minatsuki's abdomen and his thumb working its way between her folds to mash itself against her clit. He immediately started to rub it in tiny circles, forcing the sensitive little nub hard against her pubic bone over and over again. His other hand released her remaining breast and grabbed her ass in a tight grip, using the added leverage to force her to impale herself on the thick length of his manhood with each thrust. If she wanted to come then Lyon was going to make sure it happened hard and fast.


brothercumface October 28 2010, 06:23:20 UTC
She bristled, and with drew a hand before making to slap him soundly across the face with her open palm. It was an aggressive return, for she hardly liked being called a cow when the teen was so very malnourished that one could count her ribs, and while it was more playful than anything - almost - she wasn't going to take lightly to him calling her anything of the sort.

"Screw you," Minatsuki drew back as her hand came down. "You're the one without proper timing - ah, shit!" The touching - pleasurable punishment, perhaps? No, that wasn't quite it, and while the touch was neither loving or filled with hatred, it certainly as helping her get off. In fact, the impending orgasm simply seemed to rush up on her all the faster, and while the brunette wasn't going to come just yet, her pace did quicken, and with a violent vigor, she rammed down on his length again, shoving his cock inside her all the harder.


anotherargeneau October 28 2010, 15:45:41 UTC
"You already are screwing me you idiot," Lyon snapped back, pushing up into Mina just as hard as she pushed down onto him. "Now shut the fuck up and come already." He pressed his thumb even harder against Mina's clit, applying a pressure that was almost painful as he jerked it in quick, sharp circles. The hand cupping Mina's ass gave it a hard pinch before going back to adding more force to her downward thrusts by pulling her down at the same time.


brothercumface October 29 2010, 03:37:35 UTC
"I fucking - aah! - goddammit, I told you not to tell me what to do!"

She was close now, however, and knew it. But just to piss him off and hopefully show him up, the teen bit down hard on the inside of her cheek, staving off the orgasm for a couple more seconds. She couldn't do it for long, however; Minatsuki may have been imprisoned for a less than human reason, but she was still a girl - and no girl could handle such a brutal, sexy pounding and not come.

Those with lesser will power would have done so already. But Minatsuki was, if nothing else, stubborn.

"You first!"


anotherargeneau October 29 2010, 16:19:17 UTC
"Oh for - fine." He'd never met a girl so willing to screw with her own pleasure before, and it would have been comical if he'd hadn't been the one fucking her at the time. As it was Mina's little stunts were just pissing him off. He quickly decided that if coming first would get her to stop bitching and do the same then he was more than happy to do so.

It took him a few moments to mentally switch gears from holding back to letting go, during which he kept up his relentless assault on Mina's body. Just because he'd agreed to her ridiculous demand didn't mean he was any less determined to get her off. It wasn't long before he was groaning and arching his back though, ramming himself up into Mina one last time as his cock began to pulse against her tight inner walls.

"Happy now?" he ground out between clenched teeth, glaring at the twisted little brunette as he rode out his orgasm.


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