Event: Help Needed + Agression + In the Gym | Moderate Aphro | Closed

Jul 26, 2010 06:58

Thump Thump Whap. Thump Thump Whap.

The familiar sounds of fist and feet slamming into the heavy training bag did little to calm Lyon down. He was well and truly pissed. Not at any one person - if he was he'd be taking his frustration out on them instead of the bag - but at the hotel itself. It was bad enough that he had woken up hornier than usual, but when he had been mysteriously unable to locate a hot girl to sate himself with his mood had soured even further. And as if that wasn't irritating enough, when he'd finally given up and decided to take care of the problem himself he'd discovered that he couldn't. He'd get himself right to the edge and then... nothing.

Thump Thump Whap. Thump Thump Whap.

It had made him so mad that he'd felt the urge to hit something. Hard. Repeatedly. Rather than take his anger out on some poor innocent chump Lyon had hauled his ass down to the gym. So here he was, wearing only a pair of baggy shorts and a set of hand and foot guards, pummeling a training bag within an inch of its artificial life. Except it wasn't helping. He was still furious, and worst of all, he was still horny. He didn't know why this stupid place had decided to mess with him today, but he didn't appreciate it.

Thump Thump Whap. Thump Thump crack.

Lyon's last kick had been a little too hard, snapping the bag off its chain and sending it hurtling across the room. His mind had wandered and he'd accidentally used the full force of his Immortal strength. Now he'd have to see if there was a spare one somewhere.

"Damn it," he cursed loudly, glaring at the bag as if everything was somehow its fault.

[OOC: Lyon's prefs are here. Anyone 16+ is welcome, but girls only for smut. Be advised that it will be rough/angry sex and possibly even Dub-Con given his abilities. Guys are welcome for CR and/or sparring. Any girls who want to spar with Lyon are welcome to do so as well, but be warned that fighting a hot girl is a serious turn on for him and may lead to Dub-Con. Finally, it's up to you as to whether or not your character is afflicted by either Help Needed or Aggression. Have fun! :)]

series: argeneau family, series: original character

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