[Intro] No Event and heavily Aphro'd

Mar 21, 2010 23:10


A time of fertility, of renewal and growth. A time when a ritual as ancient as the first coupling between man and woman, God and Goddess; came to pass. In this age, very few knew of this ritual, let alone practiced it in the manner it was meant to pass. In the tamer versions, men and woman alike would dance around a giant bon fire. There would be much feasting and drinking, but afterwards, when the wine ran hot in their veins and all sense of propriety was thrown to the wind, a wild orgy would take place. Ofcourse, this was just man and woman celebrating the renewal of life within the earth by joining thier bodies. The real ritual was dependent upon the high priestess and her chosen mate.

Red painted lips twist into a seductive smile, knowing eyes are trained on your figure. This woman has a certain dangeorus air about her, like that of a black widow eyeing up her potential mate and meal. She's no meek maiden, that much is certain. The atmosphere is out in the open night air, the sound of drums beating in the far off distance. Training her eyes on her prey, Nimueh gives a graceful incline of her head before closing the distance between the two of them. A gust of wind blows the tattered ends of her blood red dress, revealing smooth legs and glimpses of pale thighs. The night air is ripe with the scent of magic, a certain static eletricity in the air as thunder sounds in the distance and lightning lights up the night sky.


series: merlin

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