
Feb 27, 2010 03:06

Irvine loved parties. The bigger, the better, as long as there were cute girls around to flirt with, and at Garden parties, there were certainly plenty of those. Tonight was no exception. Most of the party-goers were wearing SeeD uniforms, but he was wearing his usual long coat and black cowboy hat. He was used to sticking out among these people a bit, ever since falling in with Squall and his crowd again. He didn't mind being the odd one so much, because it usually meant he got more attention from the ladies.

Even though it was starting to get late, just past midnight now, things wouldn't start winding down for another three hours at least. There was plenty of time to relax and enjoy himself, and he really felt like he needed it. Something had been stressing him out, but after several glasses of wine, it was harder to remember what that had been, anyway.

It was funny that, if he thought about it, he couldn't quite remember what this party was even about. It was definitely hard to remember why that was important. He'd been spending the last hour drifting about from one level of the party to another, navigating candle-lit tables with ease, but at some point he'd picked up a persistent follower. And also by some very odd coincidence, they ended up in a more-or-less private alcove away from the dance floor, slightly short of breath. His mind was on a different kind of dancing now, and it seemed that his lady friend had a very similar idea as she leaned in closer to him.

[Soo, it's a party! Feel free to go along with the illusion as much as you like, either take the party as it is, or throw someone in there suddenly, either way is good. xD Castmates are loove but anyone is welcome. Irvine's looking for girls, but guys are fun, too. They'll probably have to take initiative if they want something to happen, though, 'cause Irvine thinks he's straight as an arrow. ;3 Just no non-con for this one.]

series: final fantasy viii

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