Feb 16, 2010 02:50

"I wish somebody would tell me what in the fuck is going on here." The man in the ragged, bloodstained white suit stopped to lean against a wall, adjusting his open collar. Underneath, scratches and bruises abounded, and he looked the sort who'd been through the wringer, as a stray animal, with a curious sort of detachment ( Read more... )

series: left 4 dead

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its_kiddieland February 16 2010, 22:39:37 UTC
[ooc; Is there a height requirement too...]

"Nick?" Oh god, you have no idea how happy Ellis is right now. You know how dull this place is when you just hang out day after day, listening to sounds he'd rather not have to put up with all day long. Brothels weren't his scene.

Plus, he'd been worried about the others, so it was a relief to hear that voice. "Hot damn! I was wonderin' if you were gonna show up or not."

Hadn't noticed the boner yet, sorry.


shittyattitude February 16 2010, 23:26:46 UTC
[ooc; For Ellis, anything goes. ♥]

"Overalls!" It was impossible to disguise the warm tone, and he didn't even try. Being alone was suicide, and Nick had this almost unhealthy passion to stay alive, so any of his teammates was a relief, but particularly one who was inclined halfway to be reasonable. Or at least listen to him.

"You wouldn't believe--I woke up in bed with a lady I didn't know, but no hangover, I haven't seen a single walking sunnvabitch corpse here yet--I don't have any guns, either..." His patter wasn't as smooth as usual. Something was wrong.

Had Ellis always looked that ...attractive? Hoboy.

"You're not hurt, right?"


its_kiddieland February 16 2010, 23:54:38 UTC
[ooc; ♥]

Ellis hadn't grinned this much since... well, he didn't know when. He missed his familiar little group. If Nick was paying attention, it was probably hard to hide the way his expression had warmed up. Especially since, hey, he wasn't poking fun at him for something... yet. Just talking and Ellis listened, nodding along here and there, maybe... frowning a little.

Just in worry, Nick sounded... weird. But he did believe him. He'd seen weirder things happen all over this joint. Turning that frown to a more reassuring look, he reached out to give the man a quick pat to the shoulder ( ... )


shittyattitude February 17 2010, 00:02:54 UTC
And for once Nick really was giving Ellis his undivided attention, noticing little things he'd never bothered to account before, like the other man's guileless expression and reassurance--realized somewhere that he needed to calm down and get his head on straight, sooner rather than later. But the more he tried to ignore the tense, tight feeling in his pants and the rush of his heartbeat, the more intrusively they pushed their way to the fore of his mind.

"Okay, well, no zombies. That's a good thing." He licked his lips--because they were dry, he told himself--glanced around again, and moved nearer to one of the doors, risking a look inside. Empty. Not that he didn't believe the younger man, of course.

"A brothel, you don't say?" He asked, "What was your first clue?"

He was picturing Ellis on his knees, he was picturing him on a bed on his back, face to face, he was ...

"Look, get in here, huh?" He stepped into the room, giving himself another swift mental kick. "I don't like feeling so exposed." Oh god damnit.


its_kiddieland February 17 2010, 00:29:59 UTC
Ellis noticed and... he appreciated it, honestly. Nick was cool and it wasn't a huge secret that he wished they could be closer, maybe good buddies if the guy didn't act like he had something shoved where the sun don't shine so much.

But there was some of that familiar snark he was so used to, so he let himself relax again. "Well, the first clue was this godawful heart-shaped bed I woke up in an' the second would be some... uh... things I saw in somea' the drawers."

There might have been just a little bit of heat rising up to his face by now and he tucked his chin in briefly, hoping to hide that fact. Last thing he needed was Nick noticing that, but hell, he wasn't ignorant or anything but he did not hang out at brothels all that often. "Y'can hear other people a lot too... damn uncomfortable in here at night ( ... )


shittyattitude February 17 2010, 02:56:40 UTC
"Oh." Nick considered it - really let it sink in. "Well, the place is clean, and I don't hate that." After the hell he'd been through (to say nothing of the hell his poor suit had been through), it actually seemed ...nice. Decent sleep and provisions, a chance to breathe and--was Ellis blushing? Oh god. It made him look ten times more attractive, and the pang in Nick's gut became a need impossible to deny.

"Is that uncomfortable because you're trying to sleep...or because you feel like you're missing out?" The last sentence edged towards a rough growl, and he was not going to take advantage of Ellis' naivete, no, no.


"Funny." He repeated, aching for the other, for the touch of flesh on flesh, for Ellis's stark, bucking body, above or beneath or to the side, it didn't really matter where. Almost before he knew what he was doing, he was reaching out to touch Ellis's cheek, running a gun-calloused thumb over the man's face gently. "You mean like this?"


its_kiddieland February 17 2010, 03:19:16 UTC
"Yeah, guess you're right. Hot showers n'everything. I swear when I found myself a room, I stayed in the bathroom for an hour trynna' get the zombie goo off me--"

Oh, but that wasn't fair, Nick. That comment got him to stop right in his tracks, giving the man a look. "What kinda question is that, Nick?"

The tone of that voice, the strange behavior earlier--Ellis was really starting to feel like coming in here might not have been the wisest idea after all. "I--"

Shit, there were a dozen things he wanted to say, but his mouth wasn't cooperating for once. That touch sent a shiver down his spine and he blamed it on that 'something funny' he just mentioned. "Nick, man, what're you doing?"

He knew he must have totally been wearing that deer caught in a headlight look right about now and that's kind of how he felt too. Nick was cool, but he never pictured this happening at all. "This ain't you talkin' or anything... It's those aphrodisiac things I was told about."


shittyattitude February 17 2010, 04:09:28 UTC
Picturing Ellis in the shower was the very last straw on a straining camel--he couldn't find a single reason to abort this line of thinking, anymore. Nick's gaze flicked up and down Ellis's face with an air of possession, tracing the line of his jaw down to his chin, tilting it up to admire his face better. "You're a bright kid, Ellis, you figure out what I'm doing."

He grinned, drew almost close enough to brush noses. "Had plenty of opportunities to leave you behind, didn't I? --And you've pulled my ass out of the fire plenty, can't say I don't appreciate it."

Nick found his hand wandering vaguely downwards, resting for a second at Ellis's hip before taking him firmly between the legs. "Drugs or no drugs, this is what I want. How about you?"


its_kiddieland February 17 2010, 04:28:18 UTC
"Reckon that's the first time you called me 'bright', suit," He murmured, letting Nick tilt his face up, trying to force himself to relax a little. He didn't want to be that lame.

It was hard not to feel a little at a loss for what to do when Nick kept drawing closer, saying words that sent his heart racing faster, that felt good to hear if they really weren't because of the aphrodisiacs in this place...

Things were heating up fast on his end, fast. A little tingle traveling along his nerves with that touh to his hip. He might have swayed towards the other, resisting the urge to press closer. This was pretty damn surreal. But that little voice saying, "No." and "This is Nick." and hell, even, "This is a dude." over and over again shut up pretty damn quick when he was grabbed like that, those words... shit, those words did things to him he hadn't been expecting.

Letting out a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding in, he gave a stiff nod, licking suddenly dry lips. "I..."

Okay, his head was kind of spinning, but he managed a ( ... )


shittyattitude February 17 2010, 06:04:12 UTC
"Maybe you're growing on me, Hayseed." The conman's hand cupped the side of Ellis's face, and he leaned forward in return, letting the mechanic pull him in, using the convenient wall nearby for a moment's balance as their lips met and they kissed--a thrill shot down his spine, and he pushed hungrily forward, a hand at the back of Ellis's neck and the other questing around trying to undo the young man's pants.

"Mmmf," He protested against that sweet mouth, almost forbidden to him until now, at the statement about freaking out, but honestly he was too far gone to care, and he was getting everything he wanted and more.


its_kiddieland February 17 2010, 06:30:07 UTC
Shit, he couldn't believe this was happening. The thrill that shot through him at the contact was enough to draw out a soft, pleased noise as he returned the kiss deeply, eagerly. His heart was beating fast, hard against his chest, excitement and anxiety both plaguing him. That worry was fading pretty fast though.

His fingers went to work feverishly at tugging away the other's jacket, working on opening his shirt, lips quirking slightly into the kiss at that little protested noise he successfully muffled.


shittyattitude February 17 2010, 08:12:33 UTC
Nick threaded his fingers in the short cropped hair poking out from the other man's cap, shrugging with his shoulders to aid Ellis in his quest to undress him. The thought of his very expensive, very ruined clothes flit briefly across his consciousness, found itself quickly submerged in the warmth and feel of Ellis's lips against his own.

"C'mon...hnnf, c'mere--" He managed between locking lips, yanking down on the pants, "Hold on... I wanna--mmm." Of the kiss, half astonished, half pleased, "--that's good."


its_kiddieland February 17 2010, 08:26:16 UTC
Pants down, okay. Maybe a little uneasy again--he'd been naked in front of other people before, but not Nick and never another guy in a situation like this. Good thing he was a little too distracted to care much right now.

That's good.

Those words earned a little smile. "Yeah... you think it'd be bad or somethin'?"

Breaking away from the kiss briefly, he put his cap on the nearest dresser and toss his shirt away. Saved the trouble later and now he could focus on getting Nick's pants down. He might have been a little hesitant now, movements unsure as he let his eyes meet the other's. "Nick, y'think we should move to the bed or somethin'?"


shittyattitude February 17 2010, 08:46:08 UTC
Nick pulled back, an expression of rumpled triumph crossing his face at the sight of Ellis there, still so fresh and obedient and enthused, and dammit if the conman's heart of ice wasn't sweating just a tad at the sight of that pretty little face so honestly eager to please. Jumping christ, he had it bad.

He thought about Ellis splayed out across the bed, tried to sound cavalier, only halfway succeeded.

"Sure, if you want." His eyes, focused as they were on the particulars of Ellis's winsome face, hadn't missed the uncertainty, and moved to reassure him the only way he knew how, while he unbuttoned his own shirt and kept his eyes on the other man's exposed chest.

"Y'know, I've seen you running towards a Tank, screaming like an idiot. You can't tell me you're scared of me, can you?"


its_kiddieland February 17 2010, 09:22:46 UTC
Ellis' heart might have skipped a beat or two under that scrutiny. You know, after failed attempt after failed attempt to get something a little more positive as a response out of Nick, it was nice to finally have this much attention on him.

So of course he was enthusiastic, eager to please and maybe show off a bit. He wasn't entirely clueless, though definitely not as experienced as he wanted to be. "Think I would..."

He didn't want to do it up against a wall, that was for sure. Though if Nick kept looking at him with that face, he might not care much. that little tease encouraged him to step it up a bit, finally pushing the other's pants down, gaze flitting downwards briefly. "I ain't scared a'you, Nick. I just--"

Ellis paused, letting his fingers trail over what was being exposed of the other's chest--though it was tentative, soft, his hands were rough and calloused. What you got working as a mechanic. "Not like I done this with a guy before. Excuse me for not knowin' exactly what I'm doin', Fancy Suit."


shittyattitude February 17 2010, 18:33:36 UTC
"I'm glad to hear it," Nick said generously, taking hold of that firm chin and directing the gaze to his face again, wanting--needing--craving to take control, to give the cheerful young man an experience he'd remember for the rest of his life. The sleazeball in Nick grinned at the thought, and his expression became predatory. "No time to learn like the present, kid." He gestured to the bed, running his hand down Ellis's chest in return, trying and failing to ignore the electric tingles that the rough touch woke in him wherever the mechanic touched him. Honest hands, strong hands--distracting hands.

"Sit your ass down over there and spread 'em."


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