Event | Aphro

Nov 25, 2009 12:36

The goddess's mood had only continued to sour upon her return to the hotel. First she had left on a bad note (at least in her mind), and when she had been dropped back into the hotel while on her way to Nippon to finish some important business, she had been embarrassed in front of someone important to her. Now she was trapped in an outfit she hated ( Read more... )

series: okami

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bigwolflady November 27 2009, 04:46:38 UTC
Moro pressed her big nose to the Goddess' thigh gently, her eyes falling half shut at the hand that run through her fur. It was comforting, to not be alone in this place.

"Were you brought here against your will also, Mother?" Moro lowered herself to a resting position at the woman's feet, her tail switching back and forth gently as she did so. There was a familiar feeling about the Goddess, as if she had known her her whole life. It wasn't something the wolf was used to, but she welcomed the feeling at the same. It was almost like having a piece of home nearby.

Apparently not. Moro had woken in a cage. A cage she'd quickly broken out of, but a cage nonetheless. The scritching made her eyes fall shut for a moment. Had it been a mere human who tired that, they would have lost their arm. But here, with the Goddess, she didn't mind so much. The apple was ridiculously small compared to the wolf's snout, but she gratefully bit into it with a wolfen soft of smile, licking Ammy's hand gently. She had indeed been in the hotel too long, she felt like she was in heat. At times it hurt, but others times, like today, the need dulled to a throbbing ache and it was easier to withstand.


celestial_okami November 27 2009, 06:37:06 UTC
"I was. I had been summoned to Nippon, but was brought here instead." Which irked her. She wanted to be home fighting demons and be with her young son, cleansing the land and teaching her new cub the ways of the gods. He was barely old enough to run, though she had been pleased by his progress. Amaterasu was sure that in time he would become a powerful god on his own even if being apart from him still pained her.

Her tail wagged as Moro licked her hand, pleased that her small offering had been accepted. If only she had something better to give, but her astral pouches were not as full as they had once been. It was a good distraction from the discomfort of being in the hotel itself. In her time away she had forgotten how much this place bothered her, and found herself longing for a good breeze and the sounds of Ushiwaka's flute.

"If they were to trap us here, the least they could do is make it interesting." She snorted, her ears flicking back. Proper food, enough room to run, demons to fight, anything really. Something to do that would take her mind off of everything she'd been stolen from.


bigwolflady November 27 2009, 07:41:48 UTC
"This place has a maddening habit of doing that. However...I believe I am dead." She made a sort of wolf-laughing sound. She'd already given her life against the demons. Saved her daughter. Hopefully the child would grow up well without her.

Seeing her tail wag, Moro leaned closer to lick gently at the woman's face. She didn't mind so much that the woman had nothing to offer. She wasn't this woman's goddess after all. In fact it was closer to the other way around. She could feel Ammy's discomfort however, and the heat that was in her body was nagging again. Perhaps if she shifted to her human form? It was never quite so bad in that frail form. But then, if it had been, the humans probably wouldn't have been able to withstand it. Silly frail things.

"And the heat is nigh unbearable sometimes." She sighed. "I was on my way to attempt to cool off, Mother. If you wished to join me? It may take our minds off the frustrations this place affords?" He great, golden eyes seemed to glint in the light as she offered another wolf-smile.


pfff, pardon my fail. I was out of town without the internet. ;; 3 ;; celestial_okami November 30 2009, 05:04:24 UTC
"Dead?" Her ears flicked in interest, but the goddess did not sound upset at the news. Often she had met others who had said they had died but were brought to places like this. It was done, and she could feel Moro's resolve. Whatever had happened, Moro did not regret her actions, and the goddess wrapped her arms around the giant wolf's neck as far as she could reach in a gentle hug. Moro had nice fur, and Ammy rubbed her cheek against it before slipping off the couch.

The idea of water made Ammy's nose wrinkle. She hated baths, and was generally suspicious of any large body of water that wasn't one of Nuregami's springs. "I will join you, but I will not go in the water."

Amaterasu had had quite enough of pools and lakes and oceans for a while. There were far too many chances for her to drown, and she hated the way the water made her fur smell. It was far worse now that she was in this body, as wet clothes made her miserable, and she hadn't found a way to take these off. It was entirely too much trouble, but she would not mind staying nearby while Moro enjoyed herself. Just as long as she didn't get Ammy wet, the sun goddess was fine.


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