(no subject)

Jun 27, 2007 16:11

I'm really conflicted on whether or not I should go to Yaoi-con or not. I'm pretty sure I'm not going to AX this year D: If I am, it's only becuase I want to buy artist alley stuffz, and rape all the OrgXIII cosplayers... ARGH.

Yaoi-con = 400$ (room and plane)
                   +200$ (food & extra buying stuffz)
                  = 600$

And if I go i'll be going alone (*emoemo*) cuz no one else I know that's 18 would want to go all the way to yaoi-con with me :\ IS IT WORTH IT?

and as for AX, It's been so hectic, I don't even know if I really want to go this year XD;; I mean, I haven't got my cosplay outfit ready, I'm still all fat and uncosplay worthy anyways, and I haven't bought the ticket D: cuz I can only go 2/4 days anyways! I just found out yesterday that AX was THIS FRIDAY. *freaks*

okay, I can share a hotel room with a person for 120
and I can carpool! How annoying would it be to drive 8 hours.... hmm. that'd be around 80$ worth of gas. And then I'd have people carpool with me if I can get to them and have them pay for mah gas :D Then it'd go from 400$ to 120$! W00T! Or have someone carpool me and I'll pay them gas sharage XD Sounds like a plan!   
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