Dec 14, 2005 19:55
[x] Where were you when 2005 began?: The Lutzs' house
[x] Who were you with?: Robby, Nick, James, Matt, Seth, and Jackie Kelly
[x] What were you doing?: Apparently playing Scrabble. Chilling in Nick's room. Looking for Seth. Yes I stole this from JK
[x] What did you do in 2005 that you've never done before?: Rented a house, got a new car, went to a bible study, went to the BSU, played poker, lotsa stuff
[x] What countries did you visit?: Ireland, and technically Spain
[x] Did you suffer from illness or injury?: My knees
[x] Where did most of your money go?: RENT and BILLS
[x] How old were you this year and how was your birthday?: 19, it was good
[x] What did you want and get?: This teardrop necklace my mommy gave me
[x] What didn't you get that you wanted?: Good grades
[x] What kept you sane?: friends
[x] What political issue stirred you the most?: Nothing really
[x] Did you drink a lot of alcohol?: None
[x] Did you do a lot of drugs?: None at all.
[x] What was your favorite T.V. program?: Gilmore Girls
[x] What was the best book you read?: Memoirs of a Geisha
[x] What was your greatest musical discovery?: David Crowder
[x] What was the best thing you bought?: My mommy and daddy's christmas present
[x] What was your favorite movie from this year?: HP and the Goblet of Fire, but it might be Memoirs of a Geisha after I see it
[x] What was your favorite record from this year?: A Collision by David Crowder
[x] What was the most memorable moment?: Fall Retreat, there was just something so wonderful about spending the weekend with lots of people who really loved God
[x] What was the best moment?: Something like the most memorable
[x] The worst?: Oct. 18, when I remembered that Rene died a year ago
[x] What was your favorite moment?: Secret Santa
[x] What was your least favorite moment?: Something like the worst
[x] What song will always remind you of 2005?: I dunno
[x] What did you get really excited about?: Moving into our house
[x] What was your biggest achievement?: Maybe being a better student, or maybe getting my blue belt
[x] Biggest failure?: Not being a good stats student
[x] Proudest moment: Blue belt
[x] Did you fall in love in 2005?: Maybe
[x] Are you still in love with that person?: I guess
[x] Do you regret it?: no
[x] Did you break up with anyone?: no
[x] Did anyone close to you give birth?: no
[x] Did anyone close to you die?: no
[x] Whose behavior merited celebration?: I dunno
[x] Whose behavior appalled you?: Tami's
[x] Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate last year?: I don't hate people
[x] Who was the best new person you met?: Kellyn, or anyone from REAL group
[x] Who did you miss?: UofL peeps
.:Are You:.
[x] Richer or poorer?: Richer!
[x] Thinner or fatter?: Thinner, I think
[x] Happier or sadder?: Happier:)
[x] Smarter?: Maybe
[x] Describe changes you've made to yourself: More spiritual, I think that makes me an all around better person
[x] Was 2005 a good year for you?: Yup
[x] What was your New Year's resolution?: To balance my check book more often
[x] Did you keep it?: NOPE
[x] Do you regret anything from this year?: No
[x] What do you wish you'd done more of?: Study
[x] What do you wish you'd done less of?: Procrastinate
[x] What do you wish would have been better?: Me
[x] Do you enjoy where you are now?: Definitely
[x] Share a valuable lesson you learned in 2005: Sometimes being good just isn't enough for some people...
[x] Will you make a resolution for 2006?: I don't know
[x] Know what it's going to be yet?:....
[x] What would you like to have in 2006 that you lacked in 2005?: Organizational Skills
[x] How will you be spending New Year's Eve?: Dunno, but it's four days after my tonsils come out, so I might be at home:(
[x] How do you want to spend New Year's Eve?: With my friends