Don't mind me: gotta vent my feels somewhere

Sep 08, 2013 12:29

 Just wondering what the fuck is wrong with my country and why Australia seems determined to shoot itself in the head.

Thank you fellow citizens for putting in power a homophobic, sexist, self-serving half-wit who doesn't believe in climate change and lacks basic empathy for anyone not Australian/can't seem to believe that people may seek asylum for legitimate reasons/would rather have good roads as a higher priority than foreign aid and seems to operate under the assumption that those people will function just fine without that money.

Australia. Seriously. Fuck you. Go live in a third world country then come back and bitch about how bad our government's been handling things. As someone who has grown up in a third world country, I'm appalled over the reasons that swung this election because the fear is IMAGINARY, appalled over the racism and the fear towards the 'boat people', appalled by the budget cuts, the idea that we must have a surplus and that our debt is about to sink the country.

And most of all, I'm appalled that a man like Tony Abbott could even be considered as a candidate, much less a leader.

stfu australia, seriously fuck you, rl ranting mc rantface

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