May 31, 2005 19:45
Well. Today has been the second day of the lady's lovely once-a-month visitor. So you know how that goes. But for the most part, my day has been pretty good. Except for the fact that this HUGE red scab-looking thing is on my chin because I totally ate it (fell) that morning. Ah well, it's not that bad. But it hurts. So anyways, morning classes were boring, as usual...project in Euro, math lesson that's real nice and bette rthan Algebra. (Trig/geometry) I also got my high school exit exam test scores back, and I passed on both the math and Language. I got high 90%'s on most of the language sections, with 2 100%'s...I think on Literary response and grammar...or something. I got a 3.5 outta 4 on my essay...I didn't do nearly as well in math (seeing as how that's my worst subject). I got mostly 80%'s and one whopping 67% for Algebra 1. I learnt Alg 1 in 8th grade and got an A both semesters...I forget easily. Psh. XD I hate math!!!
So that's good. Langauge Arts was good day, my friend Angel performed his presentation...he's such a cutie. Then I had lunch mostly playing Tetris and chatting with my lovleh Amanda, Brittain, Brainna, Lani, Judy, another Amanda, J'taime (yeah, that's her name, folks), and Caitlyn. Fourth period Chem came 'round and we did easy stuff, although I have a lot of make-up work, then French class, which was the usual...'cept we have another stupid project as a final. ARGH.
And then, 6th period water polo. I was in much pain before I got in, but luckily Bailey gave me some Midol (I forgot mine) and I was able to scrimmage. I made some quick steals an dturns and a few goals...not as much as I shoulda though. Ah well. Oh, and then my mom, me, and my sis went to get some flip flops. Fun. Now I just finished eating some turkey slices...and am writing this and doing my loads of homework. My lips are chapped. Bleh. Seeya laters, loves.