5 days left!

Jul 16, 2007 12:00

so we're now in the last week of GSP.  we officially have only 5 days left.  by this time on saturday i will either be moving out or already moved out and on my way home.  (or, rather, eating lunch in louisville before driving home.)

a bunch of stuff has been going on.  i get to go pick up a package today!  they have a retarded way of doing mail.  if you get a package, they put a slip in your mailbox.  then you have to go pick up your package in anniversary hall.  but the mail office is only open from 12-1:30.  and the mail doesn't come until about 2:30-3.  so, basically, if you have a package, you get the slip and have to wait until the next day to get the package.  if you're really unlucky, the package will arrive on friday and you won't be able to pick it up until monday because the office isn't open on weekends!
and, yes, i was one of the unlucky ones.

i hope it has cookies.

i don't even know who sent it, but i suppose it was my family.  they're cool like that.  (actually, i think that if it's from them, they probably just got tired of me telling them they should send me a package... :P)

so malachi's at percussion camp right now.  i can't believe it's already that time again.  school's still a month away, but it seems so much shorter with everything i have to do.  bugger.
i got a free t-shirt today, though!
so that was exciting.  
i'm going to get my friends to sign it or something.

tonight we're having a sleepout thing here.  some of us watch the Invisible Children documentary and got really involved in it.  we've raised about $1,000 in the past week alone.  it's pretty exciting.  anyway, tonight we're having some discussion groups and late-night gathering type of thing.  we're not allowed to sleep out the whole night this year though, for some reason.  but we're going to pe staying out until about 1 am or something.  we have a lot of stuff planned, and i expect that it will go over really well.
i'm excited.
we were going to try and do a march down bardstown road, but that didn't really go over.  we had to get some sort of permit to collect money on the streets and our campus director thought it may be dangerous or whatever.  so we weren't allowed to do that.  i was bummed, but that's okay.  we have other stuff planned.

well, it's now officially after 12, and i'm going to go pick up my package.

*hugs* and *kisses* 
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