I totally didn't die in a tragic bus accident or anything

Jun 02, 2011 22:51

Wow, I completely forgot about my LJ account.

I actually only remembered it at all as I ended up figuring out Jesse Dangerously's new album came out a while ago-- something I would have probably learned of right away if I actually still went here regularly anymore.
(Btw, the new album is awesome and I love it-- you've got mad rap/tapdance skillz Audra! ;D )

I doubt I'll get back into posting here or checking out what's going on in my friends list for a while either since I'm in super busy mode on my latest project...
Which is going awesomely by the way!
It will be showing at E3, my first game to do so as far as I'm aware so I'm super-excited about that (and coincidentally also super obsessing over it so it's extra pretty for the show!)

Things are still generally going swimmingly for me-- I completed my NES Powerglove Instrument (ended up not using MIDI-- ended up going with mounting a KORG KAOSS pad mini onto the space the glove's controls normally used to be) and gave it to my special lady and she loved it. :)

So, yeah. That's what's up and why I've not been around... and will continue to be not around either.
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