Dec 01, 2009 23:28
so I had an ultrasound today to date this pregnancy.
I have honestly lost all track of time and for the life of me cannot remember really when my last period was so that doesn't help in the whole dating process. I was a little nervous going in, no real reason why, I just get nervous that something is going to be wrong. This pregnancy so far has just felt weird. I think because I am still so shocked at the whole thing.
Anyway whatever, we went! I filled my bladder, it hurt, I hate that part.
Luckily the lady was very fast in calling me in. That was nice. That was the last bit of nice that she was.
She says "so you really don't know your dates at all, you have no idea?" I tell her about still nursing and say no. She says in a disgusted voice "is this your first baby" (did I mention I'm nursing??) I say no. She writes some things.
So she puts the probe on my stomach and says "this is where the baby should be" umm... "should be?" I think to myself. But nope I can see the little bean shape so I'm pretty sure that's the baby. She then says "there's the heart, it's very little" and I think she points at something but I can't see it.
For the next probably five minutes she says nothing. Then she says "have you had any bleeding?" I say no she says ok. Um great.
So apparently the baby is tiny and she decides we have to do a vaginal ultrasound as well. So I think great, I can empty my bladder now. Nope, after announcing this, she then proceeds to keep pressing as hard as she can on my bladder for another full five minutes. Good times.
So finally I get to empty my bladder come back and get the really fun ultrasound up the hooha and we're done.
At this point I expect her to say SOMETHING. Nope. She says "ok your Dr will call you with the results". Wow. Thanks for that. So basically I'm pretty sure everything is ok because the baby apparently has a heart... but that's all I know.
I decided she needed a new profession. I mean I know she isn't really allowed to tell me anything specific but really, she could have just said something slightly reassuring after asking me if I'd had any bleeding.
Mark said maybe her dog died this morning. That was about the only way we could account for her. Stay tuned. I'm not really worried as I did see the bean in there and it apparently has a heart but I will be happy to hear from my Dr tomorrow.