Mar 20, 2009 13:50
Nor do I want them to be until they are much older. Sometimes my kids really don't like me. That's ok. Is it hard? Of course. I like to be liked. I love my kids and I want them to like me. It's hard when I know they are really upset with me. But it's worth it. It's worth it because I know that God has given me the responsibility to raise them into men and women. One of my favourite sayings is "I'm not raising kids, I'm raising adults."
I don't want them to act like children forever. I want them to mature and make wise choices on their own. One day I want to want to be their friend.
For now though, that is not my goal. I see so many parents trying to be their kids best friends and then wondering why their children don't obey and respect them. I don't obey my friends. I might take their advice into consideration, I might even ask their opinion. But I'm free to follow it, or not. My kids don't have that freedom. I respect my friends, but it's a different kind of respect.
This all comes from a book I am reading. I'm not recommending the book. Frankly it's one of the worst parenting books I've read. It has one or two good points and then quickly goes down hill. I may rant more about this later.