Oct 28, 2008 20:37
Here's one for you Jean.
Elianna is VERY good at putting herself to sleep. I can put her down mostly awake and she falls asleep. She's swaddled and tiny so I know she will likely outgrow this but she's the first one of my kids who has ever done this.
I should be thrilled. I should think it's fantastic (even if she doesn't really stay asleep that long most of the time, she still does it) I should be shouting from the rooftops. Finally a baby who self soothes some of the time!
I'm not. I feel guilty. I feel guilty that she isn't getting the same attention that the other kids got.
The fact that she is such a content baby and even when she gets fussy, can calm herself down a lot of the time, makes me feel guilty.
I don't have to wear her. I don't have to carry her around 24/7. Don't get me wrong she still has fussy times where she needs attention and I do wear her quite a bit but not all.the.time, like the other kids.
I'm aware this isn't rational. She's well looked after. She's a content little monkey. She gets lots of loves. I still feel guilty. Like I'm ripping her off.
Who ever said guilt was rational?